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Hey Richa.......Check d Previous Page ie Pg No. 3 For My Post where i Have Posted some 6-7 Projects & PPts.....U might find smthin Useful there........ Regards, Pratyush
From India, Bangalore
Hi Trupti
Choose any one of the current topics....
1) Recession and Retrenchment - How will you play a good Samaritan role both to the management & the employee?
2) Conflict management - If you were the HR head how will you handle the following situation.
a) Recruitment Vs Requirement (When project team is blaming HR team for not meeting their requirement?)
b) Good performer Vs bad boss
c) Poor Performer Vs Soft boss
3) As a HR head , how do you propose to restructure the Organization culture ?
1) Narrate Current issues
2) Suggest revised plan

From India, Madras
Hello Everyone!
I would thank all of u.. who is trying to help me with topic.. to b very clear.. i am nt asking for any ready made project the project which u'll made if u ll give me i cn try to understand as to how to present the project and wat all information cn b useful .. hence i asked if u ll have kindly let me knw.. but i would request that things should not b taken in a wrong way.. as i wud myself not like to give the person who worked on it and present in my name.. if i need to do this.. y did i asked for current topic the reason i need ur suggestion and guideliness as that wud help me more in a better way.but if its taken in a wrong way.. wud now un join the link... thanx again for ur help guys.

From India, Mumbai
Hi Naseer!
Well u rite but i have made a project.. i m sum how nt satisfied with it.. so if i cn alter i wud do that.. mostly date is gonna get extend for project got to knw rite nw.. well so dnt make it a wrong notion as to i m nt doing anytihng and just waiting for sum one to give me the project well that's nt me .. i wud tk the project to understand wat all i can add in my project and wat all i need to work.. just to knw the loop holes.. i m nt gonna give the project which i am nt satisfied hence wud work more on it .tk cr bye

From India, Mumbai
hey trupti..i read abt ur project thing...did u find any suitable project???wel...currently m pursuing project on ROLE OF HR MANAGER AS A CHANGE AGENT IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS....see if the title interests u then let me know.wd mail u the deatails....c ya...
From India, Mumbai
Hell Trupti, Being economical with words is one thing and not writing in 'proper English' is another. The English used for texting messages is terrible to decipher. Have a nice day Simhan
From United Kingdom
Hi Naseer, Read Your Post......I would not agree completely with your Opinion about Project Guidelines and Title Not Being Provided because Most of the People Pursuing MBA now a Days are just Freshers Out Of Sm Graduation College and they definitely require some assistance with the Title and Scope of Projects either from their College or the Company where they are executing their Projects because in a drive to make them independent,by not providing them with Proper Guidlines, They would be on their Own wasting Mostof their time in Searching topics, Making Incomplete Projects and Then again Switching to some other Topic when they Get stuck with the topic......This would lead to time wastage and Inferior Projects,thus in My Opinion MBA students should be Provided Proper Guidances, Guidelines and Topics for Projects.

About the LATE work, Id better not say anything because I also Made my Project in 10 days at the End of the Training-In my Opinion Ideal thing to Do.....after you are through with the Training, and Analysis of the Company or else if you start making your project in the start you may not entirely spend your time on acquiring the Intricacies of Business which is the Core Purpose of an Industrial Training.

Your 3rd Point about the Genuineness of Projects- Well I did my Summer Training at LG Electronics, Mumbai and Now am a Key Assessor of Projects, Specially Marketing at My Company and have a much brighter Picture to Present Wherein all the Summer Trainees I took this year are genuinely contributing towards the Project and I dont think any of Them would be Impersonating Someone Else's Project.......Its all upto us Seniors to guide these Young MBA ppl towards their Success.....


From India, Bangalore
Hi Pratyush,
thanx a lot for understanding and trying to make people aware of what their perception is its completely wrong.. and we are not really asking for readymade project. but a proper guidances and yes to ask a project which u guys made and mailing us is because what we are going to present our project we can tally it out whether its rite or nt hence my way of asking for a project was to tally at the end as to what i have made project is correct if nt to alter those places by finding the loop holes.. thanx again for making understand..
hope to get more gud guidelines from a senior person like you who can guide we juniors in proper direction.. thanks a lot

From India, Mumbai
Thanx Trupti N Komala..........Cheers ciao.....Hope u cud Get some useful info out of these projects.......Tkcr.....
From India, Bangalore
hi friends, i want some meanings of hyudai i10 to i20 plz if u fomd any where forward to me.
From India, Hubli
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