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need help!!! is it true that a person gets three times his basic of his salary in a bpo if he gets terminated?? so is it better to get terminated or self resign from a bpo from a monetary prospective and not a career prosepective...cuz then that person need not serve the notice period or pay the company for relieving letter...
From India, Mumbai
It varies from BPO to BPO, its not the same with all the BPOs.
For those people who had got this type of policy...Beware of Background verification in the next company.... and this time... during recession???!!!
But normally they dont pay them for termination unless it is lay off (but now a days lay-off policies as well is bent in their own way)

From India, Madras
i think as per BPO norms, what priya says is correct. when it comes for background verification, it may not prove worth it. kb
From India, Madras
thks guys... i am working for bpo in goregaon ..and i dont wish to continue in bpo field anymore... even if i did i will not show my next employer my experience from this bpo because i dont have a good raport with my superiors.. also im working for only 4 background checks dont bother me...i wish i cud get a concrete answer.. PLZ HELP REQUIRED:?:
From India, Mumbai
priya i dont wish to continue with them any do i find out the policies of my company..?
From India, Mumbai
As per employee contract, what they have mentioed , i think in that two clauses is there if any misbehaviour is happend they have to tright to termenate with out notice.
another thing if they dont wnat to countinue with the employee they have to give one month notive to show the proper reason to employee.

From India, Hyderabad
If you are getting 3 times basic on your termination and not going to get anything on resignation, then it is better to get terminated in this recessionary environment. Any ways your intentions are clear not to be in bpo.
Just do it.
cheers & do save for one month & ensure the policy is in its place first.

From India, New Delhi
Dear Floating Penguin!

What does your question title mean? Do sleep forever or die - means the same right?

Neither do you wish to continue with the company anymore, nor do you wish to reveal to you next (fortunate) employer about this work experience, then why do you think that the current company must pay you?

Do you think that HR professionals are here to help you with crooked solutions, so that you can cheat your employer what so ever?

Even if you say your employer was not good, or cheated you, this need not be a reason why you are trying to be equally bad.

Stop sleeping, wake up. If such an attitude is conitinued, I am not sure how many companies you will be quitting in future.
And the answer to your actual question is here - check with your company policies, ask your HR where lies the maximum chance of getting more money - is it in getting terminated or resigning by self. Your company HR will definitely orient you once again.

Dont ever think that your future employer will never find about your past experience. Such things dont remain uner the cover for long. If you inform them that you moved out, since you felt that BPO was not your cup of tea - they will definitely understand.

Else, if they find it by themselves - thinsg will turn bitter for you.

Dont try to find which is the easiest route - always try to find, which is the right route. Take care, no offense meant.

From India, Madras
first u see ur appintment latter, what is written in the clouse of termination, u work only 4 month, i think whether u resigned or get terminate u did no get the 3 time basic as i aware the bpo job first six month is on probation, and on probation both party can terminate each other by giving 24 hrs notice
plz let us know what is written in ur appointment letter:?::?::?::?:

From India, Delhi
Money is Honey.........
Lets' invent some good tricks that may bring good to all the parties..
it is not necessary that if you intend to get fired for the sake of three monthes salary in lieu of notice will definately yeild same fashion. because if you are fired for wrong reasons employer is not bound to pay three months salary.....

From Saudi Arabia
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