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Hello All,
I am a new member to CiteHR. :)
I am an Operations & Service Delivery Management professional with nearly 7 years of experience in Marketing, BPO, Insurance & ITES, with a proven track record in client services & relationship management, project operations & support, managing medium & large sized teams for EXL, RAC, I-Energizer & Vertex.
I am seeking your help for a suitable job in any of the ITES/BPO/KPO.
My resume is attached herewith for your perusal.
Would appreciate your help.
Thanks in anticipation.
Best Regards,
Ajay Behl :)

From India, New Delhi
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Hi Ajay
I have seen your profile. Its quite impressive.
Where are you based/located now ?
> Are you working at present ?
> What is yr CTC at present ?
> What is your preferred location of work ?


From India, Bangalore
Hello Mohan,
Appreciate your reply on the post.
Anwers are mentioned below in the order questions were asked.
1. I am based at Gurgaon.
2. My current CTC is 5,16,000 fixed and 7,00,000 including my re-imbursements, L.T.A. & Medical Benefits, Yearly Bonus.
3. I am open to relocate to anywhere in India or Outside if required be.
Would appreciate your help on the same.
Ajay Behl

From India, New Delhi
Hi I am looking out for a change as i wanted a good esposure in job & also wanted to know about what is SIX SIGMA. Looking forward for your reply Thanks Nitendra
From India, Mumbai
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File Type: doc nitendra_r_parab_155.doc (98.5 KB, 31 views)

Hello Mohan, Any updates on my profile? Would appreciate an early and a fruitful response from your side. Regards, Ajay Behl
From India, New Delhi
My name is Anand Shukla
I m working in healthcare company as a post of Quality Assurance executive
currently i seeking good job in Ahmedabad
currently i m also doing Part time MBA in Operation Management
So pls if u have any job related operations
pls contact me on 9979359192
Thanks & Regards to all
Anand shukla

From India, Ahmadabad
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File Type: doc anand_latest_100.doc (62.5 KB, 41 views)

Hello Nitendra,
6 Sigma is a methodology to reduce defects and improve the grand mean through various statistical tools & techniques and can be implemented in any area of business.
This methodology works on 3.4 defects per million opportunities. (3.4 DPMO)
Let me know if you need specific details.
Ajay Behl

From India, New Delhi
Hello Ajay Thanks for the reply, I would like to know the specific details i.e. fees structure, course content, duration,admission process, etc. Looking forward for your reply. Rgds Nitendra.
From India, Mumbai

Hope this mail of mine findd you in good health and cheers.

I am Arun Sr. Recruitment Specialist at Esika Infotech. I came across your profile and would like to discuss the job oppurtunity we currently have with our Client.

Company: NextEdge Software (NextEdge Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.) Client - MashreqBank
Location: Bangalore
Skill Set: Software Quality Assurance, CMM and SIX Sigma.
Should have excellent Oral and written communication skills
Test management skills – planning, control
Should have self learning motivation and ability
Must have knowledge on SDLC and defect management

Year of Experience:- 3 Years - 5 Years
Education - B.E/

If you are currently looking for a change and you feel you would make a good match for the above mentioned position.

Kindly forward your updated Profile to
Details of:
Present CTC: Expected CTC: Notice Period: Date of Birth:

I will be grateful, if you refer friends or colleagues those who having same skills and looking for better opportunity.

Reply as early as possible.

Thanks & Best Regards...
Arun Kumar G.K

From India, Bangalore
HI, are you interested to join in USA? What is your current CTC.? — — — — — — — — — find me a job
From India, Jaipur
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