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Dear All Please find the enclosed file regarding Leave with Wages Register. Please try it, I know that It will be very useful for you.
From India
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: xls Leave With Wages Register.xls (1.01 MB, 14943 views)

Dear All,
I am Sushil And I am working in A Forging Ind. Where the 15 EL of a Year is Adjusted in lieu of absent .
So My Question is What is Rules For Earned Leave , We Can Adjust Absent of An Employees in place of EL in Year or Not ?
If We adjusting the absent of an Employees in the current Months then their One Day Absent Will be At rate of 30,or 31,
And If We giving him EL At the end of Year Then it Will be Calculated at rate of by Dividing 26 to his wages .
Please Reply Me

From India, Kohima
Dear all,
Please follow the below link address to open protected file.

From India, Bhilai
Dear All, please send me your mail id on what’s app. I send you unprotect sheet on your mail id. my no. is +91-8950-11-33-55. Regard Abhishek Singh
From India
Is a person entitled for EL who is working on retainer ship? He is attending office regularly for the last two & half years. if entitled can he ask for leave encashment? Suanivaku
From India, Faridabad
Dear All
Good Morning
First I would like to Thanks to all member, who's like this excel file. Now I enclosed updated Excel File for your use.
Now you can download and free to manual work. if you have any doubt you call me freely on my my cell no.
Abhishek Singh
Mob.No. +91-8950-113355

From India
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: xls Leave Register-2015-16.xls (391.5 KB, 8912 views)

Hi Sir,
Please share me unprotected file to my to my mail.
Mail :
Inspection is going on please help me out to create form 14.
Thanks & Regards,
Nagarjun R
HR Admin
Papas Trading Private limited

From India, Bengaluru
Dear Sir, Please send password for unprotect to this sheet. Email ID : Regards, Makarand Sutar
From India, undefined
Sir, Please share me unprotected leave register to my to my mail. Mail -
From India, Pali
Hi Abhishek Please share me unprotected file to my to my mail. Mail : Thanks & Regards, Sunil BK Asst-Manager-HR Bangalore
From India, Bengaluru
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