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Dear, Can anybody tell me which type of questions ask by a candidate in HR Generalist profile, having 2.6 years exp. Regards
From India, Delhi
just ask from the job profile and try to find out whether that person can perform the job profile required
From India, Delhi
Dear Shefali,
One cannot exactly depict what sort of questions will be asked in any particular interview, it all depends on which kind of traits are required for that particular profile for which the person will get interviewed, in addition of this it also depends on interviewer to interviewer that how he will interview you. Well in general interviewer focus broadly in two main areas, first what sort of work you have done in your prior assignments and how you managed your assignments there second how capable you are in managing the future assignment if you get short-listed,
As HR generalist profile holds a broader concept, here you need to have hold on almost all domains of HR starting from recruitment till statutory compliances. So I will suggest you try to have an hold on what you have done in your 2.6 yrs of experience along with what all major areas you need to be proficient for the profile which you are getting offered in the interview.

From India, Kollam
Dear Shefali,

I make out that you are seeking the answer for your query as to what would be the type of questions that would be asked of a HR Generalist and that with not much experience.

Apart from the basic expectancy that one would be an MBA in HR, and the syllabus covered by most well known institutes span several of them underlined here, so the expectations of the employers who are serious about professionalism look for the following, if not all at lest combinations of some of them apart from what is basically expected.

You will be well advised to read this completely and take an inventory of self to see what all you have and you don't. See what gaps reveal and try to address them or at least prepare as the more experienced you get, the more and more will be expected.

A smart employer could ask you one question by posing a typical problem or give you a case study and ask you to interpret the findings, which will provide them a good in-put on the knowledge you have on the subject and of the various skills you possess.

Recruitment, Induction, Training/Learning and Development, Organization Development, Organizational Behavior, Performance Management, Conducting Annual Performance Appraisal, Compensation and Benefit, Balance Score Card.

On the other side - Leadership and Teamwork, Problem Solving and Analytical Skills, Initiative, Adaptability to Change and Change Management , Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Strategic Thinking and Planning Abilities, Global Orientation, Ability to Leverage Technology, Time Management and Project Management Skills, Creative Thinking, Practical and Innovative Idea making, Smart thinking, in fact, better to be street-smarty, The communication skill and the business management skill are the most important basic skills required for the job, The people management skills and the oral communication skills are the most required attractive skills for the job, The Skills to make decisions and Written communication skill are the most required attractive skill for the job

Core Skills which will be of the interest of an employer: Adaptability, Analytical Skills, Leadership, Problem Solving Ability, Teamwork, Time Management

Function-specific Skills Based on Concentrations & Key Functions

Corporate Finance - Quantitative Skills, Basic Understanding of Accounting and Financial Management Principles, Ability to Interpret Numbers and Draw conclusions from results of various financial strategy changes, Ability to handle a wide variety of tasks

Consulting/Strategy - Evidence of solid Intellectual capacity, Ability to elicit information from others and to synthesize that information into a cohesive story, Strong Listening skills, Ability to communicate with all levels of management, from line managers to the CEO, Ability to see the big picture, Solid business judgment and desire to tackle complex business problems,

Creative/conceptual ways of thinking, Ability to determine KEY issues from confused and incomplete information Project management skills, Professional presence, Assess situations and devise solutions , Handle multiple tasks/multiple bosses, Ability to analyze diverse information and formulate recommendations quickly, Ability to synthesize large amounts of data into small manageable chunks and then communicate these chunks both written and verbally, Willingness to take risks, deal with uncertainty and accept occasional failure, Ability to perform well under pressure, Ability to take criticism lightly, Aggressiveness, strong internal motivation and ambition, Ability to motivate others not under your control, Strategic thinking, Multi-functional team experience, Tolerance of ambiguity; flexibility, Creativity, Quantitative/research skills,

Coordination/project management skills, Presentation skills, Ability to recognize key factors in extensive data, Knowledge of basic marketing principles

Human and Organizational Performance - Passion, Strong presentation, communication, and interpersonal skills, Mentoring/coaching experience,

Management skills - Analytical skills, General business understanding, Basic understanding of change management and organizational processes, Analytical and quantitative skills, Ability to understand how business results ultimately tie to human performance, Basic understanding of the Human and Organizational Performance generalist role.

Operations - Ability to work with a wide variety of people, Basic understanding of the production/work environment, Preference for a variety of tasks, Quantitative skills, Ability to coordinate with departments and individuals not under your control, Ability to initiate and implement major projects

Trust this will be of good value to you and to many other young professionals who would want to grow to great heights in their career as a HR Partner.

Best wishes.

From India, Hyderabad
Mr. Raman has given you quite a detailed syllabus to be prepared for interview. I am sure if you prepare it honestly, no-body is going to have an edge over your competence. BUT........ if you want to go for a precise one, just prepare on the following lines, hope this will suffice, though sky is the limit for candidates who are seeking job :-
HR professional is expected to have knowledge of following :- Pay Roll system, IR machinery, grievance/dispute redressal, HR practices, HR policies, Recruitment, Training, Performance appraisal, Balance Score Card (It is a very recent concept, so prepare it), promotional policy, Leadership, Team building skills, event management skills, communication skills - Reading, Writing, speaking, Some important Labour Welfare Acts - ID Act, PG Act, Factories Act, Shops & Estb. Act, PF provisions, Employees' Compensation, terminal benefits etc.
Good luck.
AK Jain

From India, New+Delhi
Dear Senior
please advice:-
1. if any person [ Asstt. Manager to Senior Manager] wokred on weekly off ,like sunday or another day.
a. They are entitle to take compensatory off or not.
b. If management refuges to give the compensantary off than what is legal way to convence in good way.
2. Can we take the authorisation certificate to the contractors under the contract Labour regarding the not change the skilled labour frieqently, if chage than we can take the necessary action regarding the penlaty or some thing.
3. If Principal Employer not send the few report to the labour department than waht type of line of action implemented to the Organisation.
a. Annual return under the contract labpour act.
b. Maternitiy returns
c. wages information etc.
sanjeev lal -

From India, Pune
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