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Hi, Here is the list of Books in HR.


Abuse in the Workplace: Management Remedies and Bottom Line Impact; Emily S. Bassman; Hardcover; $45.00

Acceptance of Human Resource Innovation: Lessons for Management; Ellen Ernst Kossek; Hardcover; $49.95

Accountability in Human Resource Management; Jack J. Phillips; Hardcover; $31.46

AIDS in the Workplace: Legal Questions and Practical Answers; William F. Banta; Hardcover; $35.00

As the Workforce Ages: Costs, Benefits, and Policy Challenges (Frank W. Pierce Memorial Lectureship and Conference, No 9) Vol 9 ; Olivia S. Mitchell (Editor); Paperback; $26.50

Affirmative Action: Opportunity for All? (Issues in Focus) ; Trudy J. Hanmer; Library Binding; $18.95

Affirmative Action and the Stalled Quest for Black Progress; W. Avon Drake, Robert D. Holsworth; Paperback; $15.26

Affirmative Action at Work: Law, Politics, and Ethics (Pitt Series in Policy and Institutional Studies) ; Bron Raymond Taylor; Paperback; $16.95

Americans With Disabilities Act Handbook (Employment Law Library); Henry H. Perritt; Hardcover; $135.00

Americans With Disabilities Act Handbook Forms and Procedures (Employment Law Library) Vol 2 ; Henry H. Perritt; Hardcover; $135.00

Antidiscrimination Law and Minority Employment: Recruitment Practices and Regulatory Constraints ; Farrell Bloch; Hardcover; $19.95

Applications in Human Resource Management; Paperback

Applications in Human Resource Management: Cases, Exercises, & Skill Builders; Stella M. Nkomo, et al; Paperback; $18.95

Applied Human Relations: An Organizational Approach; Douglas A. Benton; Paperback; $57.00

Applying Psychology in Business: The Handbook for Managers and Human Resource Professionals; John W. Jones, et al; Hardcover; $150.00

Assessment Centers in Human Resource Management; George C. Thornton; Paperback; $29.00

Assessing Management People: A Practical Guide; J.A. Dukes; Hardcover; $31.50

Assessment, Measurement and Prediction for Personnel Decisions; Robert M. Guion; Hardcover; $150.00 (Not Yet Published -- On Order)

The Aging Employee: Problems of Industrial Psychiatric Medicine Series Vol 8; Stanley F. Yolles; Hardcover; $35.95 (Special Order)

Alcohol Problems in Employment; Brian Hore; Hardcover; $35.00 (Special Order)

Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in the Workplace: Managing Care and Costs Through Employee Assistance Programs ; Walter F. Scanlon; Hardcover; $55.00

Applied Psychology in Personnel Management; Wayne F. Cascio; Hardcover; $74.48

Appraising and Exploring Organisations; Shaun Tyson, et al; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)

Balancing Job Satisfaction & Performance: A Guide for Human Resource Professionals ; Willa M. Bruce, J. Walton Blackburn; Hardcover; $55.00

Banker's Guide to Personnel Administration; Charles Eugene Looper; Hardcover; $49.00

Benchmark Tasks for Job Analysis: A Guide for Functional Job Analysis (Fja) Scales (Series in Applied Psychology) ; Sidney A. Fine, et al; Hardcover; $49.95

Blackwell Cases in Human Resource and Change Management; John Storey; Paperback; $39.95

Blue Collar Women: Trailblazing Women Take on Men-Only Jobs; Trudie C. Ferguson, et al; Paperback; $12.55

Bottom Line Results from Strategic Human Resource Planning; Richard J. Niehaus, Karl F. Price (Editor); Hardcover; $95.00 (Special Order)

Budgets & Staffing in Personnel/Industria l Relations Functions; Steven Langer (Editor); Paperback; $150.00

Building the Competitive Workforce: Investing in Human Capital for Corporate Success ; Philip H. Mirvis (Editor); Hardcover; $31.46

Business Decisions, Human Choices: Restoring the Partnership Between People and Their Organizations ; Lloyd C. Williams; Hardcover; $55.00

Business Driven Human Resource Management; D. E. Hussey; Hardcover; $55.00

Canadian Readings in Personnel and Human Resource Management; Shimon L. Dolan, Randall S. Schuler; Paperback; $34.25

Care Packages for the Workplace: Little Things You Can Do to Regenerate Spirit at Work ; Barbara A. Glanz; Paperback; $13.45

Career Issues in Human Resource Management; Ralph Katz; Hardcover; $24.95

Career Management and Survival in the Workplace: Helping Employees Make Tough Career Decisions, Stay Motivated, and Reduce Career Stress ; Manuel London, Edward M. Mone; Hardcover; $32.95 (Special Order)

Career Management in Organizations: A Practical Human Resource Planning Approach; Elmer H Burack; Paperback; $29.95

The Career Management Challenge: Balancing Individual and Organizational Needs; Peter Herriott; Hardcover; $55.00 (Special Order)

Career Mobility in a Corporate Hierarchy; James E. Rosenbaum; Hardcover; $50.00

Career Opportunities in Health Care; Shelly Field; Hardcover; $26.96 (Not Yet Published -- On Order)

Career Planning and Management: A Managerial Summary; Elmer H. Burack; Paperback; $10.80

Cases and Experiential Exercises in Human Resource Management; Raymond L. Hilgert, Cyril C. Ling; Paperback; $37.60

Case Problems in Personnel and Human Resource Management; Randall Schuler, Stuart Youngblood; Paperback; $26.00

Case Studies in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management; Dan Gowler, et al; Paperback; $28.00

Cases and Exercises in Human Resource Management; George E. Stevens; Paperback; $32.95

Cases in Human Resource Management; Ann McGoldrick; Paperback; $52.50

Cases in Human Resource Management; Shaun Tyson; Hardcover; $15.00

Change Agents: New Roles and Innovation Strategies for Human Resource Professionals (Management Series); Manuel London; Hardcover; $34.95

Change at Work; Peter Cappelli (Editor), et al; Hardcover; $29.95

Changes and Challenges for the Human Resource Professional; Ronald R. Sims, Serbrenia J. Sims; Hardcover; $59.95

Childcare Options: A Workplace Initiative for the 21st Century; Margery Leveen Sher, Madeline Fried; Paperback; $32.50; Descriptive information available.

Codependency in the Workplace: A Guide for Employee Assistance and Human Resource Professionals ; Seth Allcorn; Hardcover; $45.00 (Special Order)

A Company Policy & Personnel Workbook (Psi Successful Business Library); Ardella Ramey, Carl R. J. Sniffen; Paperback; $26.96

Compensation Theory and Practice (Kent Human Resource Management Series); Marc J., Jr. Wallace, Charles H. Fay; Paperback; $27.95

The Complete Employee Handbook: A Guide for Small and Medium Businesses/Book and and Disk ; Michael Holzschu; Paperback; $26.96

Complying With the ADA: A Small Business Guide to Hiring and Employing the Disabled (Wiley Small Business Editions) ; Jeffrey G. Allen; Hardcover; $55.00

Controlling Work Stress: Effective Human Resource and Management Strategies (Jossey-Bass Management Series/Health Series and Social and Behavioral S); Michael T. Matteson, John M. Ivancevich; Hardcover; $35.95

Corporate Mobility and Paths to the Top: Studies for Human Resource and Management Development Specialists; J. Benjamin Forbes, James E. Piercy; Hardcover; $55.00

Corporate Relocation Register: Detailed Profiles of More Than 1,750 Corporations, Including Thousands of Human Resource and Relocation Decision-maker; Paperback; $295.00

Costing Human Resources: The Financial Impact of Behavior in Organizations (Kent Series in Human Resource Management); Wayne F. Cascio; Paperback; $26.55

Creating the Competitive Edge Through Human Resource Applications; Richard J. Niehaus, Karl Price; Hardcover; $75.00

Customized Human Resource Planning: Different Practices for Different Organizations; Michael J. Duane; Hardcover; $49.95

Debating Affirmative Action: Race, Gender, Ethnicity, and the Politics of Inclusion ; Nicolaus Mills (Editor); Paperback; $11.65; Descriptive information available.

Design of Work and Development of Personnel in Advanced Manufacturing; Gavriel Salvendy, Waldemar Karwowski; Hardcover; $89.95

Developing Human Resources (Bna Handbook Series on on Human Resource Management Vol 5); Kenneth N. Wexley; Paperback; $15.00

Directory of Human Resource Development Instrumentation; Douglas Peters; Hardcover; $129.00

Draw the Line: A Sexual Harassment-Free Workplace (Psi Successful Business Library) ; Frances Lynch, Kathleen Doyle (Editor); Paperback; $16.16

Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace: A Guide for Managers; Drusilla Campbell, Marilyn Graham; Paperback; $11.65

Dual Career Couples in the Public Sector: A Management Guide for Human Resource Professionals; Willa M. Bruce, Christine M. Reed; Hardcover; $55.00

Effective Performance Appraisals/a Practical Guide for More Productive and Positive Performance Appraisals (A Fifty-Minute Series Book) ; Robert B. Maddux; Paperback; $8.95

Effective Human Resource Management in the Sales Force; Rene Y. Darmon; Hardcover; $62.50

Employee Benefits for Small Business; Jane White, Bruce Pyenson; Paperback; $10.80

Employee and Labor Relations Law Review (Aspa Human Resource Management Series); Paperback; $8.35

Employee Benefit Programs: A Total Compensation Perspective (Kent Human Resource Management Series); Robert M. McCaffery; Paperback; $26.75

Employee Complaint Handling: Tested Techniques for Human Resource Managers; D. Keith Denton, Charles Boyd; Hardcover; $55.00

Employees, Careers, and Job Creation: Developing Growth-Oriented Human Resource Strategies and Programs (Jossey-Bass Management); Manuel London; Hardcover; $29.95

Employer's Guide to the Americans With Disabilities Act; James G. Frierson; Paperback; $65.00

The Employer's Legal Handbook; Fred S. Steingold, Barbara Kate Repa (Editor); Paperback; $26.96

Employment of the Elderly: An Annotated Bibliography (Bibliographies and Indexes in Gerontology, No 23) ; John C. Rife (Compiler); Hardcover; $59.95

Empowering Women in the Workplace: Perspectives, Innovations, and Techniques for Helping Professionals ; Marta Lundy (Editor), Beverly Younger (Editor); Paperback; $14.95

The Essence of Human Resource Management: Eugene McKenna and Nic Beech (The Essence of Management) ; Eugene McKenna, Nic Beech; Paperback; $17.96

The Essence of Personnel Management and Industrial Relations (Essence of Management) ; Alan Cowling, Philip James; Paperback; $17.96

Federal Regulation of Personnel and Human Resource Management; Paperback

Federal Regulation of Personnel and Human Resource Management (Kent Human Resource Management Series); James Ledvinka, Vida Gulbinas Scarpello; Paperback; $26.75

From Hiring to Firing: The Legal Survival Guide for Employers in the 90's; Steven Mitchell Sack; Hardcover; $31.46/p>

Future Directions of Human Resource Management (Monograph and Research Series, No 46); Eric G. Flamholtz; Paperback; $20.00

Handbook of Human Resource Management; Gerald R. Ferris; Hardcover; $49.95

Handbook of Personnel Selection and Performance Evaluation in Healthcare: Guidelines for Hourly, Professional, and Managerial Employees (Health Seri) ; Donald N. Lombardi; Hardcover; $70.00

The Handbook of Human Resource Management (Human Resource Management in Action); Brian Towers (Editor); Paperback; $54.95

The Handbook of Human Resource Planning; Gordon McBeath; Paperback; $38.95

Healing the Downsized Organizaton; Delorese Ambrose; Hardcover; $20.70

Hidden Dynamics: How Emotions Affect Business Perfomance & How You Can Harness Their Power for Positive Results ; Faith, Ph.D. Ralston; Hardcover; $17.96

How to Measure Human Resources Management; Jac Fitz-Enz; Hardcover; $49.95

HR Words You Gotta Know!: Essential Human Resources Terms, Laws, Acronyms, and Abbreviations for Everyone in Business ; William R. Tracey; Paperback; $16.16

Human Relations: Interpersonal, Job-Oriented Skills; Andrew J. Dubrin; Hardcover; $41.00

Human Relations: Productive Approaches for the Workplace; Mark Garrison, et al; Hardcover; $56.00

Human Relations Today: Concepts and Skills; Samuel C. Certo; Paperback; $55.50

Human Resource Development (The Fast-Track Mba); David Megginson, et al; Paperback; $25.95

Human Resource Director's Corporate Communications Manual: With Models and Forms; Linda L. Trainor; Hardcover; $79.95

Human Resource Director's Portfolio of Personnel Forms, Records, and Reports; Axel R. Granholm; Hardcover; $79.95

Human Resource Management; Gary Dessler; Hardcover; $87.00

Human Resource Management; George T. Milkovich, et al; Hardcover; $64.95

Human Resource Management; George T. Milkovich, John W. Boudreau; Hardcover; $53.95

Human Resource Management; R. Wayne Mondy, et al; Hardcover; $57.86

Human Resource Management (Wiley Series in Management); David A. De Cenzo, Stephen P. Robbins; Hardcover; $59.58

Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Perspective; Ian Beardwell, Len Holden; Paperback; $62.50

Human Resource Management: A General Manager's Perspective: Text and Cases; Michael Beer; Hardcover; $35.00

Human Resource Management: A Practical Approach; Judith R. Gordon; Hardcover; $50.00

Human Resource Management: A Strategic Planning Approach; John C. Anderson; Hardcover; $20.00

Human Resource Management: An Economic Approach; David Lewin, Daniel J. B. Mitchell; Hardcover; $68.25

Human Resource Management: An Economic Approach (Kent Series in Management); Daniel J.B. Mitchell; Hardcover; $60.95

Human Resource Management: An Experiential Approach (McGraw-Hill Series in Management); H. John Bernardin, Joyce E.A. Russell; Paperback; $47.00

Human Resource Management: Concepts and Practices (Wiley Series in Management); David A. Decenzo, Stephen P. Robbins; Hardcover; $70.59

Human Resource Management: Environments and Functions; Vida Gulbinas Scarpello, et al; Hardcover; $67.50

Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage; Raymond A. Noe, et al; Hardcover; $64.95

Human Resource Management; Fisher; Hardcover; $63.56

Human Resource Management; Harrison; Paperback; $37.75

Human Resource Management; Lloyd L., Ph.D. Byars, Leslie W., Ph.D. Rue; Hardcover; $63.95

Human Resource Management; R. Wayne Mondy, et al; Hardcover; $68.00

Human Resource Management: A Strategic Approach to Employment (Contemporary Business) ; Chris Hendry; Paperback; $42.95

Human Resource Management: An Experiential Approach (McGraw-Hill Series in Management) ; H. John Bernardin, Joyce E.A. Russell; Paperback; $47.00

Human Resource Management: An Experimental Approach; Donald F. Harvey, et al; Paperback; $42.00

Human Resource Management: An Introduction; Trevor Bolton; Paperback; $35.95

Human Resource Management: Positioning for the 21st Century; Randall S. Schuler, Susan E. Jackson; Hardcover; $67.00

Human Resource Management: Resource Guide; Mathis; Paperback; $21.00

Human Resource Management: The Strategic Perspective; John B. Miner, Donald P. Crane; Hardcover; $53.66

Human Resource Management in a Business Context; A. Price; Paperback; $23.95

Human Resource Management in Action: Skill Building Experiences; Nelson Lane, Kelley; Paperback; $36.50

Human Resource Management and the Americans With Disabilities Act; John G. Veres, Ronald R. Sims; Hardcover; $59.95

Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry; Frank M. Go, et al; Hardcover; $44.95

Human Resource Planning: A Business Planning Approach; Donald W. Jarrell; Paperback; $39.80

Human Resource Policy Analysis: Organizational Applications; Richard J. Niehaus; Hardcover; $49.95

Human Resources and Personnel Management (McGraw-Hill Series in Management); William B., Jr Werther, Keith Davis; Hardcover; $57.80

Human Resources Management & Development Handbook; William R. Tracey (Editor); Hardcover; $99.00

Human Resources Management: Perspectives, Context, Functions, and Outcomes; Gerald R. Ferris (Editor), M. Ronald Buckley; Paperback; $36.25

Human Resources Management: The Complete Guidebook for Design Firms; Mark C. Zweig; Paperback; $74.95

Human Resource Strategies for Organizations in Transition; Richard J. Niehaus, Karl F. Price; Hardcover; $85.00

Human Resource Strategy (McGraw-Hill Series in Management); James W. Walker; Hardcover; $52.20

Human Resource Valuation: A Guide to Strategies and Techniques; Janice Monti-Belkaoui, Ahmed Riahi-Belkaoui; Hardcover; $55.00

The Human Resource: Managing People and Work in the 1990's; Roland Pearson; Hardcover; $14.95

The Human Resource Function in Educational Administration; William Benjamin Castetter; Hardcover; $63.00

The Human Resources Yearbook 1996/1997 (Annual); Mary F. Cook; Hardcover; $71.95

Human Resource Management and Development: Current Issues and Themes; John Kempton; Hardcover; $45.00

Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry; Frank M. Go, et al; Hardcover; $44.95

Human Resource Management and the Americans With Disabilities Act; John G. Veres, Ronald R. Sims (Editor); Hardcover; $59.95

Human Side of Enterprise: 25th Anniversary Printing; Douglas McGregor; Hardcover; $36.68

Human Dilemmas in Work Organizations: Strategies for Resolution (The Professional Practice) ; Abraham K. Korman; Hardcover; $36.95;

The Human Element: Productivity, Self-Esteem, and the Bottom Line (The Jossey-Bass Management) ; Will Schutz; Hardcover; $24.75;

Human Relations in Small Business: Developing Interpersonal Skills the Successful Approach to Business Relationships (Crisp Small Business and Entre) ; Elwood N. Chapman; Paperback; $14.35

Human Relations Issues in Management; George Henderson; Hardcover; $59.95

Human Resource Champions: The Next Agenda for Adding Value and Delivering Results; David Ulrich, Dave Ulrich; Hardcover; $26.96

Human Resource Valuation: A Guide to Strategies and Techniques; Janice Monti-Belkaoui, Ahmed Riahi-Belkaoui; Hardcover; $55.00

Human Resources: Mastering Your Small Business; Jill A. Rossiter; Paperback; $20.66

Human Resources Management and the Total Quality Imperative; Carla C. Carter; Hardcover; $59.95

Human Resources Management for Design Professionals; Cynthia A. Woodward; Paperback; $22.46

Human Value Management: The Value-Adding Human Resource Management Strategy for the 1990's (Jossey-Bass Management Series) ; Jac Fitz-Enz; Hardcover; $34.45

Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice; Paul E. Spector; Hardcover; $69.14

The Learning Alliance: Systems Thinking in Human Resource Development (The Jossey-Bass Management); Robert O. Brinkerhoff, Stephen J. Gill; Hardcover; $27.95

The Legal Compliance Guide to Personnel Management; Roger B. Jacobs, Cora S. Koch; Hardcover; $71.95

Managing AIDS in the Workplace; Sam B. Puckett, Alan R. Emery; Hardcover; $17.96

The Management of Human Resources; David J. Cherrington; Hardcover; $72.82

Managing Human Resource in Small and Mid-Sized Companies; Diane Arthur; Hardcover; $59.95

Managing Human Resources; Wayne Cascio; Hardcover; $73.00

Managing Human Resources; Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, et al; Hardcover; $71.33

Managing Human Resources: Integrating People and Business Strategy (Business One Irwin/Apics Library of Integrated Resource Management) ; Lloyd S. Baird; Hardcover; $42.75

Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits (McGraw-Hill Series in Management) ; Wayne F. Cascio; Hardcover; $63.75

Opportunities in Human Resource Management Careers; William Traynor; Paperback; $9.85

Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at Work (The McGraw-Hill Series in Management) ; John W. Newstrom, Keith Davis; Hardcover; $59.25

Organizations in America: Analyzing Their Structures and Human Resource Practices; Arne L. Kalleberg (Editor), et al; Paperback; $27.95

Personnel Economics (Wicksell Lectures); Edward P. Lazear; Hardcover; $27.50

Power, Influence, and Your Effectiveness in Human Resources; Thomas L. Quick; Hardcover; $20.50

Powerful Performance Appraisals (Build Your Business); Charles M. Cadwell; Paperback; $11.69

Preventing Violence in the Workplace; Charles E. Labig; Hardcover; $22.46

Preventing Workplace Violence: Positive Management Strategies (Fifty-Minute Series) ; Marianne Minor; Paperback; $8.95

Principles of Human Resource Management (Routledge Series in the Principles of Management) ; David Goss; Paperback; $19.95

Reasonable Accommodation: Profitable Compliance With the Americans With Disabilities Act ; Jay W. Spechler; Hardcover; $39.95

Reasonable Accommodations: Job Descriptions in the Age of ADA, OSHA, and Workers' Comp ; Deborah Kearney; Hardcover; $42.95

Rebuilding America's Workforce: Business Strategies to Close the Competitive Gap ; William H. Kolberg, Foster C. Smith; Hardcover; $24.30

Reengineering Human Resources: Achieving Radical Increases in Service Quality-With 50% to 90% Cost and Head Count Reductions ; Lyle M., Jr. Spencer; Hardcover; $69.95

Restoring Prosperity: How Workers and Managers Are Forging a New Culture of Cooperation ; Wellford W. Wilms; Hardcover; $22.50

Rightful Termination: Avoiding Litigation (A Fifty-Minute Series Book); Richard Stiller, Ron M. Visconti; Paperback; $8.95

Rightsizing the New Enterprise: The Proof, Not the Hype; Harris Kern, et al; Paperback; $40.00

The Sales Compensation Handbook; John K. Moynahan (Editor); Hardcover; $69.95

Sexual Harassment No More; Jim Conway, Sally Conway; Paperback; $8.99

Sexual Orientation in the Workplace: Gay Men, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Heterosexuals Working Together ; Amy J. Zuckerman, George F. Simons; Paperback; $17.95

The Smoke-Free Workplace; William L. Weis, Bruce W. Miller; Paperback; $17.96

Strategic Human Resource Management ; Charles J. Fombrun, et al; Hardcover; $72.50

Strategic Human Resource Management; Kenneth A. Kovach; Paperback; $34.50

Strategic Human Resource Management (Human Resource Management); Christopher Mabey, Graeme Salaman; Paperback; $35.95

Strategy and Human Resources: A General Managerial Perspective; Charles R. Greer; Paperback; $34.40

Ticking Bombs: Defusing Violence in the Workplace; Michael Mantell, Steve Albrecht; Hardcover; $24.30

Total Quality in Managing Human Resources (Total Quality); Joseph A. Petrick, Diana S. Furr; Hardcover; $44.95

Turning Your Human Resources Department into a Profit Center; Michael W. Mercer; Hardcover; $59.95

Understanding AIDS: A Personal Handbook for Employees and Managers ; Mark A. Katz; Paperback; $6.50

Violence at Work: How to Make Your Company Safer for Employees & Customers; Joseph A. Kinney; Paperback; $22.46

Violence in the Workplace: A Prevention and Management Guide for Businesses; S. Anthony Baron; Hardcover; $22.46

We Are All Living With AIDS: How You Can Set Policies and Guidelines for the Workplace ; Earl C. Pike; Paperback; $13.45

Work and Family: Policies for a Changing Work Force; Marianne A. Ferber, et al; Hardcover; $26.96

The Work and Family Revolution: How Companies Can Keep Employees Happy and Business Profitable ; Barbara Schwarz Vanderkolk, Ardis Armstrong Young; Hardcover; $20.66

Work Concepts for the Future: Managing Alternative Work Arrangements; Patricia Schiff Estess; Paperback; $11.65

Workplace Testing: An Employer's Guide to Policies and Practices; Diane Arthur; Hardcover; $49.95

Writing a Human Resources Manual (The Fifty-Minute Series); Susan L. Brock, Sallr R. Cabbell; Paperback; $8.95

From India, Bahadurgarh
Aree Bhai why waste the virtual space in this way by copying some information this way and paste it here. Least you could do was to find some indian books or at least some indian prices for these books

From India, Mumbai
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