Dear Friends,
The HR practices are started very recently in my company.I have to
switch over the new concepts and everything about HR. Should anybody explain me from where I should start? Please guide!
From India, Thana
The HR practices are started very recently in my company.I have to
switch over the new concepts and everything about HR. Should anybody explain me from where I should start? Please guide!
From India, Thana
Hi Sadhna,
Welcome to !!
HR practices :-
First determine the ground realities of the company as where it is now & where the organization visions itself after say two -three years from now. Study & analyse the gaps and make a plan for HR for a period of time.
HR needs to develop Philosophy/principles and some of which could be :-
• Help the company in increasing the enabling capabilities
• Help employees to recognize their potential & develop the same, contribute their best in their various roles they are expected to perform.
• Continuous review & renewal exercises to balance the changing Business scenario & the individual capabilities.
Typically HR practices encompasses the following processes viz:-
Recruitment& selection
Training & Development
Performance Appraisals
Career development
Compensation & Benefits
Exit interviews
HR practices are defined in the policy levels & also implemented in letter & spirit as HR professionals are expected to champion the same..
Some of the examples are given below from UPS’s HR Practices..
Hope this helps..
UPS HR Practices..
We Build Our Organization Around People
The strength of our company is its people, working together with a common purpose. Although methods, equipment, and procedures are important, and we constantly strive to improve them, our most valuable assets are loyal and capable people.
We seek, through the use of our impartial employment and promotion practices, to have a diverse workforce. Our organization is strengthened by capable individuals with diverse backgrounds.
We assign responsibilities and duties to secure the full benefit of an individual's talents and abilities and to provide each person with an opportunity to develop further.
All our people, and the jobs they perform, can make important contributions to our company. We maintain an environment that enables them to obtain personal satisfaction from their work.
We Place Great Value on Diversity
We value the diversity that exists within our workforce, our customers, those who provide goods and services to our company, and the communities in which we do business.
Managers are responsible for creating a workplace of fairness, dignity, and respect for all employees--an environment of inclusion, encouraging participation, and the best effort of everyone. The diversity of our workforce results from a sincere effort to hire and retain dedicated people from the communities in which we operate.
We strive to enhance our reputation as an organization that values diverse customers as well as suppliers and vendors. In addition, we support and work closely with organizations that believe fair employment practices are integral to a successful business.
We Treat Our People Fairly and Without Favoritism
We believe that impartiality is the foundation of a loyal, cooperative work group.
We want to treat our people as individuals, without causing the perception of special treatment.
We have the responsibility to avoid any relationship that may result in actual or perceived favoritism.
We Maintain an Environment Free of Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
All UPS employees have the right to work in an environment free of any type of harassment and discrimination. Sexual harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated.
Managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that they and their employees understand and comply with UPS guidelines and maintain a professional work environment. That responsibility includes reporting incidents to the appropriate management people.
We Insist Upon Integrity in Our People
We understand that integrity is fundamental to how we run our business and essential to maintain compliance with our policies and legal requirements. Operating with integrity means we provide an atmosphere in which our people can perform their jobs in an ethical manner. We present our company honestly to employees and, in turn, expect them to be honest with us.
We expect honesty from our people in all their duties, including their handling of money, merchandise, and property with which they are entrusted. We insist on integrity in the preparation and approval of all reports.
We also expect our people to be honest in their assessment of themselves, such as the time and commitment they give to their job performance, the fairness they seek in their dealings with others, or the objectivity they use in evaluating their own contributions.
The great majority of our people are of high moral character. However, when we do discover a dishonest person in our organization, we deal with that individual quickly and firmly. For our company to be known for its integrity, each one of us must meet high standards.
We Promote From Within
Generally, we fill management positions from within our organization. In doing so we take care to include for consideration and not overlook qualified people whose present jobs may make them less noticeable than other employees. We fill a vacancy from the outside when we cannot locate one of our own people who has the professional or technical skills required for a particular assignment.
Advancement is based on individual merit and performance. All who perform their tasks capably and have the capacity to assume greater responsibility are eligible. Observing equal opportunity guidelines, we select those who seem best fitted to the position.
All managers and supervisors are responsible for encouraging and developing capable people, not only for their own groups but also for openings elsewhere within our organization. We actively search for such capable people and give them opportunities to succeed.
We Maintain a Spirit of Teamwork
Throughout our organization, we capitalize on the advantages of working together in an informal manner. Although defined responsibilities are assigned to specific individuals in our company, we act as a cooperative team. Combined efforts, which help any part of our organization, serve to strengthen our entire organization.
We Compensate Our People Fairly
Our compensation programs keep pace with today's changing business needs and compare favorably with those programs in other companies. Our employees' compensation includes more than salary alone. When considering pay ranges and negotiating wage agreements, we weigh the value of the total compensation package. We also consider plans that give participants a stake in the financial success of the company and offer ways to enhance savings.
We Promote the Good Health of Our People
We provide a benefits package and other programs that help promote good health and well-being among employees and their families. Attention to employee health increases the safety of our operations and reduces the costs of injuries and illnesses.
We Transfer Management People to Meet Our Company's Needs as Well as to Broaden Their Experience
One of our long-standing strengths is the willingness of our people to take job assignments where needed. Moves intended to strengthen our organization may involve promotions, lateral assignments, transfers or relocations. Assignment changes should be considered with the view of enhancing career opportunities.
Because we realize that transfers have profound effects on individuals and their families as well as the company, we carefully consider all transfers and never undertake them lightly.
We Look for People Who Have Potential for Development
We know that most of our future management people will come from within our organization. For that reason, we look for applicants who can progress beyond the immediate job. We also need people who can qualify and become skilled at their work without necessarily aspiring to more responsible jobs.
We Help People to Develop Themselves
One of the most important responsibilities of managers and supervisors is the development of people. We are responsible for seeing that all people in our immediate organization are fully prepared to perform their jobs well.
Through our support, coaching, counseling and example, we expect people to develop the knowledge and skills that are necessary for success in their current jobs and which can help them assume positions of greater responsibility. We expect them to take advantage of the training available to them from the company and from outside sources. In turn, we provide people with assignments and opportunities that allow them to demonstrate their skills and develop their capabilities.
We seek to give people assignments for which they are well-suited.
We Expect Our Managers and Supervisors to Train Their People
We conduct training schools, workshops, and other programs in order to meet the needs of our people. However, it is the responsibility of our management team to ensure that their people receive all the necessary training and that it is effective. We review training regularly to see that it is relevant to our current needs.
We Hold Frequent Evaluations With Our Employees About Their Performance
Reviews of each person's performance enable us to arrive at a mutual understanding about progress toward meeting goals and objectives.
We hold formal evaluations periodically. However, there is no substitute for daily and weekly feedback on each person's performance.
We follow up on the results of all evaluations to ensure the continued development of our people.
We Have Meaningful Discussions With Our People
Cooperation and teamwork among all our people are necessary for the continued success of our business. To foster this spirit, we seek to develop meaningful businesslike relationships and better communications by having regular and frequent planned individual and group discussions.
We Recognize Accomplishments
Our people deserve recognition for accomplishments in their regular jobs and for contributions made to other departments and operations. They also deserve recognition for the extra effort they make to satisfy customers and for their participation in efforts that benefit their communities.
All managers and supervisors are responsible for recognizing the accomplishments of people in their own groups. Our established programs are intended to ensure that deserving employees are recognized appropriately for their accomplishments. These programs, however, do not replace the important role of the manager or supervisor in employee recognition.
We Promote an Open-door Approach to Managing People
Every person should feel free to discuss matters with management people in our company. Accessibility, however, does not relieve anyone of the obligation to respect delegated lines of authority. Employees are encouraged to discuss their ideas or try to resolve a disputed matter with their immediate supervisor before seeking the counsel of others. One of our company's strengths is the development of professional relationships among everyone, regardless of authority or responsibility level.
We Give Each Employee Complaint Prompt, Sincere Attention
If overlooked or neglected, even minor misunderstandings can escalate into major dissatisfactions.
We try to anticipate and eliminate causes of complaints. When a question exists, we give the employee the benefit of the doubt. The immediate supervisor has the initial responsibility for resolving a complaint. When necessary, we involve the next level of management and, if appropriate, the human resources manager.
We keep the employee informed about the status of his or her complaint. In the process of making a decision, we do our best to take action that is fair to both the employee and the company.
We Respect Each Employee's Point of View
We listen with an open mind to suggestions and are attentive to problems.
By talking with and listening to employees, we can often help them in doing their jobs and, at the same time, learn things that benefit the company.
We train our managers in the skills necessary for talking with and listening to their employees and in translating what they learn into action.
We Encourage Participation and Suggestions
Managers and supervisors should invite help and encourage suggestions for improvement. In working together this way, we create an environment of teamwork that benefits our company and our employees.
We consider carefully any suggestion that might be of value. If we adopt a suggestion, we give full credit; if we reject it, we explain the reasons. We also encourage feedback on plans that have been implemented, knowing that the people involved can contribute to further improvements.
We Keep Employees Informed About Company Activities and Plans That May Affect Them or Their Work
Keeping our people informed helps them to understand the company's objectives and to perform their jobs more efficiently.
To accomplish this, we hold prework and other periodic meetings. We supplement our face-to-face communications through a variety of media. Besides disseminating information to our people and their families, these communications give public recognition to employee achievements and encourage teamwork and cooperation.
We Address Each Other on a First-name Basis
Using first names helps to generate a friendly and informal atmosphere. We use corporate titles only when necessary. Within our company, use of a title is usually not necessary to define a person's job and responsibilities. Knowledge, performance, and capabilities should be adequate evidence of a person's position and leadership.
If it becomes necessary to use a title, we should select one that accurately describes our job and reflects our level of responsibility in commonly understood business terms.
We Are Considerate and Professional With All Applicants
We want applicants to think well of us, whether or not we hire them. We are careful not to misrepresent or make any unwarranted promises.
We welcome referrals from employees, customers and others who know us well, and we consider them along with everyone else. But the ultimate decision to hire is made impartially based on the applicant's qualifications.
We look for people whose personal objectives are compatible with our company's objectives and whose attitudes toward performing a job are consistent with our company's ideals.
We select new employees on the basis of qualifications that will help them work capably and successfully within our organization. We are an equal opportunity employer and comply with all laws governing fair employment practices.
We Limit the Employment of Relatives
In order to help maintain equal opportunity of employment for the general public and equal opportunity of promotion for our employees, we limit the hiring of relatives. Relatives of current employees up to and including the level of center manager are eligible only for part-time employment in operations. Relatives of current employees at the level of division manager or above are ineligible for employment. Also, we do not hire relatives of former district managers or managers with equivalent or higher levels of responsibility.
This policy helps us avoid misunderstandings, acts of favoritism, or the perception of favoritism that could arise were an employee in a position to influence the hiring, work, or advancement of a relative.
For similar reasons, we discourage continuation of the full-time or part-time employment of any employee who marries another employee while either person holds a management position.
We Do Not Rehire Former Employees, Except Under Special Circumstances
We should not rehire former employees, especially those who left because they had become discontented or with whom we had become dissatisfied. Employees who left to further their education or for other valid reasons should be given the same consideration as new applicants. The decision to rehire a former employee should only be made with appropriate approvals.
We Try to Retain the Good Will of Former Employees
We are considerate of employees who are leaving us for whatever reason. We know that the good will and respect of former employees can be beneficial in future relationships.
At the time of an employee's separation from the company, we seek an opportunity to conduct a friendly discussion regarding both the individual's and the company's views. Such discussions may point out ways in which we could improve our working environment or the company in general.
We Develop and Maintain Professional Relations With Labor Union Representatives
Many of our employees are represented by labor unions. We know that our people can be effective and loyal employees and, at the same time, be good union members. We consider the point of view of unions along with the interests of our customers, our people, and our company as a whole.
We negotiate fairly with labor unions for reasonable wage rates and working conditions. These negotiations should give due consideration to our unique operations and enable us to maintain the operating flexibility and efficiency needed to remain competitive.
We respect and fulfill the terms of our labor agreements. We also expect union leaders and members to cooperate in fulfilling the terms of such agreements.
We Stress Safety Throughout Our Company
The safety of our people and of the general public is of utmost importance to us. We train our people to avoid injury to themselves and others in all phases of their work. We do not tolerate unsafe work practices.
We encourage the involvement of all our people in safety awareness activities and give recognition to employees for safety accomplishments. We are all committed to fostering the most effective safe practices in all our work.
By meeting our own high safety standards, we will be contributing to the well-being of our people, our company, and the communities we serve.
We Plan Our Buildings and Facilities for Safe and Efficient Operations
We develop detailed plans for the design of our buildings and the installation of equipment in our facilities. We plan our buildings and facilities to be in compliance with governmental and regulatory requirements. Our plans take into consideration reasonable, anticipated requirements for growth. We arrange for specialized equipment and facilities as well as efficient and economical methods for handling and delivery. We provide safe, clean, and pleasant places to work.
We plan and select buildings that are functional and attractive and create a favorable impression of our organization.
We Keep Our Buildings and Equipment Clean and Neat
We believe this has an important effect on attitude, safety, and efficiency. Facilities and vehicles that are clean and neat indicate to employees and customers alike that we are proud of our company and that we give the same meticulous attention to our business that we give to our work environment.
We provide sufficient maintenance so every operating facility, office building, and vehicle will be maintained at a high standard of appearance and cleanliness every day. The exteriors of our buildings, parking lots, lawns, and shrubbery are kept neat and well maintained.
We Expect Our People to Be Neat in Appearance
A neat appearance greatly impacts the way our customers view us and how our employees interact on the job. Our drivers and flight crews and certain other employees wear standard uniforms as a distinct reflection of our company and our service.
Just as we require our people who come in contact with the public to maintain a neat appearance, we expect our office people to be well groomed. We ask them to select clothes and accessories that are appropriate to our business environment.
Managers and supervisors take note of the appearance of their people daily and set the example through their own proper grooming and attire.
We Reimburse Our People for Appropriate Expenditures Incurred on Behalf of the Company
No one should gain or lose because of money spent for company purposes. We require our people to submit an itemized accounting of these expenditures.
Sound judgment is necessary in the management of such expenses. Questions concerning these expenses should be resolved in advance with one's manager.
Approval of the expenses of those who report to us requires equally careful consideration, as well as attention to guiding them in future expenditures. We periodically review and adjust our reimbursement practices.
We Prohibit the Use or Possession of Alcoholic Beverages or Controlled Substances While Working
Employees are not permitted to start work or remain at work if they possess or are using any of the following:
a.. an alcoholic beverage, regardless of its alcoholic content
b.. any controlled substance or illegal drug or any derivative thereof
c.. any other substance that could impair their ability to perform a job safely and competently
This rule governs employees from the time they report to work until they leave our premises at the end of the workday.
The rule reflects current laws and government regulations that strictly prohibit the use or possession of any illicit substances by those who operate our air and ground vehicles, as well as those in other specified jobs. These regulations also contain prohibitions against the use of alcoholic beverages by employees before they start work.
We Prohibit Gambling, Holding Raffles and Similar Activities on Company Time or Property
At best, these are unbusiness-like activities and inappropriate on the job. They also place our people under improper pressure to spend or contribute money.
We Prohibit Use of Company Time, Facilities or Materials for Personal Benefit
The use of company time, labor, supplies, equipment, tools, buildings or other assets for personal benefit is prohibited. Employees are required to pay for personal use of our delivery services. We also do not repair or wash private cars for employees or other individuals. Similarly, we do not sell gasoline, parts or other supplies from our inventories.
An exception to this policy may be made only in the case of an unavoidable emergency, when there is no reasonable alternative.
We Separate Business and Social Functions
Combining social and business functions can create conflicts, misunderstandings and jealousies that may adversely affect both the company and our people.
Families and friends normally do not attend our business meetings or travel to the meeting sites. They are, however, welcome at company open houses and at other social functions held primarily for their benefit
From India, Pune
Welcome to !!
HR practices :-
First determine the ground realities of the company as where it is now & where the organization visions itself after say two -three years from now. Study & analyse the gaps and make a plan for HR for a period of time.
HR needs to develop Philosophy/principles and some of which could be :-
• Help the company in increasing the enabling capabilities
• Help employees to recognize their potential & develop the same, contribute their best in their various roles they are expected to perform.
• Continuous review & renewal exercises to balance the changing Business scenario & the individual capabilities.
Typically HR practices encompasses the following processes viz:-
Recruitment& selection
Training & Development
Performance Appraisals
Career development
Compensation & Benefits
Exit interviews
HR practices are defined in the policy levels & also implemented in letter & spirit as HR professionals are expected to champion the same..
Some of the examples are given below from UPS’s HR Practices..
Hope this helps..
UPS HR Practices..
We Build Our Organization Around People
The strength of our company is its people, working together with a common purpose. Although methods, equipment, and procedures are important, and we constantly strive to improve them, our most valuable assets are loyal and capable people.
We seek, through the use of our impartial employment and promotion practices, to have a diverse workforce. Our organization is strengthened by capable individuals with diverse backgrounds.
We assign responsibilities and duties to secure the full benefit of an individual's talents and abilities and to provide each person with an opportunity to develop further.
All our people, and the jobs they perform, can make important contributions to our company. We maintain an environment that enables them to obtain personal satisfaction from their work.
We Place Great Value on Diversity
We value the diversity that exists within our workforce, our customers, those who provide goods and services to our company, and the communities in which we do business.
Managers are responsible for creating a workplace of fairness, dignity, and respect for all employees--an environment of inclusion, encouraging participation, and the best effort of everyone. The diversity of our workforce results from a sincere effort to hire and retain dedicated people from the communities in which we operate.
We strive to enhance our reputation as an organization that values diverse customers as well as suppliers and vendors. In addition, we support and work closely with organizations that believe fair employment practices are integral to a successful business.
We Treat Our People Fairly and Without Favoritism
We believe that impartiality is the foundation of a loyal, cooperative work group.
We want to treat our people as individuals, without causing the perception of special treatment.
We have the responsibility to avoid any relationship that may result in actual or perceived favoritism.
We Maintain an Environment Free of Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
All UPS employees have the right to work in an environment free of any type of harassment and discrimination. Sexual harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated.
Managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that they and their employees understand and comply with UPS guidelines and maintain a professional work environment. That responsibility includes reporting incidents to the appropriate management people.
We Insist Upon Integrity in Our People
We understand that integrity is fundamental to how we run our business and essential to maintain compliance with our policies and legal requirements. Operating with integrity means we provide an atmosphere in which our people can perform their jobs in an ethical manner. We present our company honestly to employees and, in turn, expect them to be honest with us.
We expect honesty from our people in all their duties, including their handling of money, merchandise, and property with which they are entrusted. We insist on integrity in the preparation and approval of all reports.
We also expect our people to be honest in their assessment of themselves, such as the time and commitment they give to their job performance, the fairness they seek in their dealings with others, or the objectivity they use in evaluating their own contributions.
The great majority of our people are of high moral character. However, when we do discover a dishonest person in our organization, we deal with that individual quickly and firmly. For our company to be known for its integrity, each one of us must meet high standards.
We Promote From Within
Generally, we fill management positions from within our organization. In doing so we take care to include for consideration and not overlook qualified people whose present jobs may make them less noticeable than other employees. We fill a vacancy from the outside when we cannot locate one of our own people who has the professional or technical skills required for a particular assignment.
Advancement is based on individual merit and performance. All who perform their tasks capably and have the capacity to assume greater responsibility are eligible. Observing equal opportunity guidelines, we select those who seem best fitted to the position.
All managers and supervisors are responsible for encouraging and developing capable people, not only for their own groups but also for openings elsewhere within our organization. We actively search for such capable people and give them opportunities to succeed.
We Maintain a Spirit of Teamwork
Throughout our organization, we capitalize on the advantages of working together in an informal manner. Although defined responsibilities are assigned to specific individuals in our company, we act as a cooperative team. Combined efforts, which help any part of our organization, serve to strengthen our entire organization.
We Compensate Our People Fairly
Our compensation programs keep pace with today's changing business needs and compare favorably with those programs in other companies. Our employees' compensation includes more than salary alone. When considering pay ranges and negotiating wage agreements, we weigh the value of the total compensation package. We also consider plans that give participants a stake in the financial success of the company and offer ways to enhance savings.
We Promote the Good Health of Our People
We provide a benefits package and other programs that help promote good health and well-being among employees and their families. Attention to employee health increases the safety of our operations and reduces the costs of injuries and illnesses.
We Transfer Management People to Meet Our Company's Needs as Well as to Broaden Their Experience
One of our long-standing strengths is the willingness of our people to take job assignments where needed. Moves intended to strengthen our organization may involve promotions, lateral assignments, transfers or relocations. Assignment changes should be considered with the view of enhancing career opportunities.
Because we realize that transfers have profound effects on individuals and their families as well as the company, we carefully consider all transfers and never undertake them lightly.
We Look for People Who Have Potential for Development
We know that most of our future management people will come from within our organization. For that reason, we look for applicants who can progress beyond the immediate job. We also need people who can qualify and become skilled at their work without necessarily aspiring to more responsible jobs.
We Help People to Develop Themselves
One of the most important responsibilities of managers and supervisors is the development of people. We are responsible for seeing that all people in our immediate organization are fully prepared to perform their jobs well.
Through our support, coaching, counseling and example, we expect people to develop the knowledge and skills that are necessary for success in their current jobs and which can help them assume positions of greater responsibility. We expect them to take advantage of the training available to them from the company and from outside sources. In turn, we provide people with assignments and opportunities that allow them to demonstrate their skills and develop their capabilities.
We seek to give people assignments for which they are well-suited.
We Expect Our Managers and Supervisors to Train Their People
We conduct training schools, workshops, and other programs in order to meet the needs of our people. However, it is the responsibility of our management team to ensure that their people receive all the necessary training and that it is effective. We review training regularly to see that it is relevant to our current needs.
We Hold Frequent Evaluations With Our Employees About Their Performance
Reviews of each person's performance enable us to arrive at a mutual understanding about progress toward meeting goals and objectives.
We hold formal evaluations periodically. However, there is no substitute for daily and weekly feedback on each person's performance.
We follow up on the results of all evaluations to ensure the continued development of our people.
We Have Meaningful Discussions With Our People
Cooperation and teamwork among all our people are necessary for the continued success of our business. To foster this spirit, we seek to develop meaningful businesslike relationships and better communications by having regular and frequent planned individual and group discussions.
We Recognize Accomplishments
Our people deserve recognition for accomplishments in their regular jobs and for contributions made to other departments and operations. They also deserve recognition for the extra effort they make to satisfy customers and for their participation in efforts that benefit their communities.
All managers and supervisors are responsible for recognizing the accomplishments of people in their own groups. Our established programs are intended to ensure that deserving employees are recognized appropriately for their accomplishments. These programs, however, do not replace the important role of the manager or supervisor in employee recognition.
We Promote an Open-door Approach to Managing People
Every person should feel free to discuss matters with management people in our company. Accessibility, however, does not relieve anyone of the obligation to respect delegated lines of authority. Employees are encouraged to discuss their ideas or try to resolve a disputed matter with their immediate supervisor before seeking the counsel of others. One of our company's strengths is the development of professional relationships among everyone, regardless of authority or responsibility level.
We Give Each Employee Complaint Prompt, Sincere Attention
If overlooked or neglected, even minor misunderstandings can escalate into major dissatisfactions.
We try to anticipate and eliminate causes of complaints. When a question exists, we give the employee the benefit of the doubt. The immediate supervisor has the initial responsibility for resolving a complaint. When necessary, we involve the next level of management and, if appropriate, the human resources manager.
We keep the employee informed about the status of his or her complaint. In the process of making a decision, we do our best to take action that is fair to both the employee and the company.
We Respect Each Employee's Point of View
We listen with an open mind to suggestions and are attentive to problems.
By talking with and listening to employees, we can often help them in doing their jobs and, at the same time, learn things that benefit the company.
We train our managers in the skills necessary for talking with and listening to their employees and in translating what they learn into action.
We Encourage Participation and Suggestions
Managers and supervisors should invite help and encourage suggestions for improvement. In working together this way, we create an environment of teamwork that benefits our company and our employees.
We consider carefully any suggestion that might be of value. If we adopt a suggestion, we give full credit; if we reject it, we explain the reasons. We also encourage feedback on plans that have been implemented, knowing that the people involved can contribute to further improvements.
We Keep Employees Informed About Company Activities and Plans That May Affect Them or Their Work
Keeping our people informed helps them to understand the company's objectives and to perform their jobs more efficiently.
To accomplish this, we hold prework and other periodic meetings. We supplement our face-to-face communications through a variety of media. Besides disseminating information to our people and their families, these communications give public recognition to employee achievements and encourage teamwork and cooperation.
We Address Each Other on a First-name Basis
Using first names helps to generate a friendly and informal atmosphere. We use corporate titles only when necessary. Within our company, use of a title is usually not necessary to define a person's job and responsibilities. Knowledge, performance, and capabilities should be adequate evidence of a person's position and leadership.
If it becomes necessary to use a title, we should select one that accurately describes our job and reflects our level of responsibility in commonly understood business terms.
We Are Considerate and Professional With All Applicants
We want applicants to think well of us, whether or not we hire them. We are careful not to misrepresent or make any unwarranted promises.
We welcome referrals from employees, customers and others who know us well, and we consider them along with everyone else. But the ultimate decision to hire is made impartially based on the applicant's qualifications.
We look for people whose personal objectives are compatible with our company's objectives and whose attitudes toward performing a job are consistent with our company's ideals.
We select new employees on the basis of qualifications that will help them work capably and successfully within our organization. We are an equal opportunity employer and comply with all laws governing fair employment practices.
We Limit the Employment of Relatives
In order to help maintain equal opportunity of employment for the general public and equal opportunity of promotion for our employees, we limit the hiring of relatives. Relatives of current employees up to and including the level of center manager are eligible only for part-time employment in operations. Relatives of current employees at the level of division manager or above are ineligible for employment. Also, we do not hire relatives of former district managers or managers with equivalent or higher levels of responsibility.
This policy helps us avoid misunderstandings, acts of favoritism, or the perception of favoritism that could arise were an employee in a position to influence the hiring, work, or advancement of a relative.
For similar reasons, we discourage continuation of the full-time or part-time employment of any employee who marries another employee while either person holds a management position.
We Do Not Rehire Former Employees, Except Under Special Circumstances
We should not rehire former employees, especially those who left because they had become discontented or with whom we had become dissatisfied. Employees who left to further their education or for other valid reasons should be given the same consideration as new applicants. The decision to rehire a former employee should only be made with appropriate approvals.
We Try to Retain the Good Will of Former Employees
We are considerate of employees who are leaving us for whatever reason. We know that the good will and respect of former employees can be beneficial in future relationships.
At the time of an employee's separation from the company, we seek an opportunity to conduct a friendly discussion regarding both the individual's and the company's views. Such discussions may point out ways in which we could improve our working environment or the company in general.
We Develop and Maintain Professional Relations With Labor Union Representatives
Many of our employees are represented by labor unions. We know that our people can be effective and loyal employees and, at the same time, be good union members. We consider the point of view of unions along with the interests of our customers, our people, and our company as a whole.
We negotiate fairly with labor unions for reasonable wage rates and working conditions. These negotiations should give due consideration to our unique operations and enable us to maintain the operating flexibility and efficiency needed to remain competitive.
We respect and fulfill the terms of our labor agreements. We also expect union leaders and members to cooperate in fulfilling the terms of such agreements.
We Stress Safety Throughout Our Company
The safety of our people and of the general public is of utmost importance to us. We train our people to avoid injury to themselves and others in all phases of their work. We do not tolerate unsafe work practices.
We encourage the involvement of all our people in safety awareness activities and give recognition to employees for safety accomplishments. We are all committed to fostering the most effective safe practices in all our work.
By meeting our own high safety standards, we will be contributing to the well-being of our people, our company, and the communities we serve.
We Plan Our Buildings and Facilities for Safe and Efficient Operations
We develop detailed plans for the design of our buildings and the installation of equipment in our facilities. We plan our buildings and facilities to be in compliance with governmental and regulatory requirements. Our plans take into consideration reasonable, anticipated requirements for growth. We arrange for specialized equipment and facilities as well as efficient and economical methods for handling and delivery. We provide safe, clean, and pleasant places to work.
We plan and select buildings that are functional and attractive and create a favorable impression of our organization.
We Keep Our Buildings and Equipment Clean and Neat
We believe this has an important effect on attitude, safety, and efficiency. Facilities and vehicles that are clean and neat indicate to employees and customers alike that we are proud of our company and that we give the same meticulous attention to our business that we give to our work environment.
We provide sufficient maintenance so every operating facility, office building, and vehicle will be maintained at a high standard of appearance and cleanliness every day. The exteriors of our buildings, parking lots, lawns, and shrubbery are kept neat and well maintained.
We Expect Our People to Be Neat in Appearance
A neat appearance greatly impacts the way our customers view us and how our employees interact on the job. Our drivers and flight crews and certain other employees wear standard uniforms as a distinct reflection of our company and our service.
Just as we require our people who come in contact with the public to maintain a neat appearance, we expect our office people to be well groomed. We ask them to select clothes and accessories that are appropriate to our business environment.
Managers and supervisors take note of the appearance of their people daily and set the example through their own proper grooming and attire.
We Reimburse Our People for Appropriate Expenditures Incurred on Behalf of the Company
No one should gain or lose because of money spent for company purposes. We require our people to submit an itemized accounting of these expenditures.
Sound judgment is necessary in the management of such expenses. Questions concerning these expenses should be resolved in advance with one's manager.
Approval of the expenses of those who report to us requires equally careful consideration, as well as attention to guiding them in future expenditures. We periodically review and adjust our reimbursement practices.
We Prohibit the Use or Possession of Alcoholic Beverages or Controlled Substances While Working
Employees are not permitted to start work or remain at work if they possess or are using any of the following:
a.. an alcoholic beverage, regardless of its alcoholic content
b.. any controlled substance or illegal drug or any derivative thereof
c.. any other substance that could impair their ability to perform a job safely and competently
This rule governs employees from the time they report to work until they leave our premises at the end of the workday.
The rule reflects current laws and government regulations that strictly prohibit the use or possession of any illicit substances by those who operate our air and ground vehicles, as well as those in other specified jobs. These regulations also contain prohibitions against the use of alcoholic beverages by employees before they start work.
We Prohibit Gambling, Holding Raffles and Similar Activities on Company Time or Property
At best, these are unbusiness-like activities and inappropriate on the job. They also place our people under improper pressure to spend or contribute money.
We Prohibit Use of Company Time, Facilities or Materials for Personal Benefit
The use of company time, labor, supplies, equipment, tools, buildings or other assets for personal benefit is prohibited. Employees are required to pay for personal use of our delivery services. We also do not repair or wash private cars for employees or other individuals. Similarly, we do not sell gasoline, parts or other supplies from our inventories.
An exception to this policy may be made only in the case of an unavoidable emergency, when there is no reasonable alternative.
We Separate Business and Social Functions
Combining social and business functions can create conflicts, misunderstandings and jealousies that may adversely affect both the company and our people.
Families and friends normally do not attend our business meetings or travel to the meeting sites. They are, however, welcome at company open houses and at other social functions held primarily for their benefit
From India, Pune
-understand the organization
-understand the organization structure
-understand the organization systms
-understand the organization politics/influential people
-understand the organization / individual roles
-understand the organization / positions
-understand the individual job descriptions
-understand the job/ job specifications
To win confidence / trust,
you need to show credibility/ functional knowledge level.
Initially, please do not rush with too many things.
Take one thing at a time and do a thorough job.
Everything must be done right at the first time.
Human Resources Policies, Procedures and Forms
Table of Contents
ADM.101 Personnel Records
1.0 Employee Information
2.0 HR Personnel Records
3.0 Contents of Personnel Files
4.0 Employee's Personnel Records Review
5.0 Management Review of Personnel Files
6.0 Company Release Of Employee Information
7.0 Record Retention and Long-Term Storage
8.0 Record Destruction
Ex1 Personnel Records Access Log
Ex2 HR Records Retention Periods
ADM.102 Form Development
1.0 Form Development and Format
2.0 Authorization and Printing
3.0 Form Numbering and Placement
4.0 Forms Index and Manual
Ex1 Form Printing Request
ADM.103 Document Control
1.0 Document Distribution
2.0 Document Revision
3.0 Document
4.0 Temporary Changes
103 Ex1 Request For Document Change (RDC)
ADM. 104 Mail & Express Services
1.0 General Mail Usage
2.0 Addressing Mail
3.0 Express Mail
4.0 Overnight Packages
5.0 Additional Information Resources
104 Ex1 Outgoing Mail Register
ADM. 105 Telephone Answering
1.0 Answering Techniques and Etiquette
2.0 Answering and Directing Calls
3.0 Taking Messages
4.0 Telephone User's Guide
105 Ex1 Important Message
ADM.106 Property & Access Control
1.0 Background Checks
2.0 Physical Access Controls
3.0 Key Controls
4.0 Proprietary Information Controls
5.0 Collection Of Access Controls
6.0 Visitors & Guests
ADM106 Ex1 Key Issue Policy
ADM106 Ex2 Visitor Log
ADM.107 Separation
1.0 Resignations
2.0 Involuntary Terminations And Layoffs
3.0 Terminations For Cause
4.0 Termination Meeting
5.0 Additional Information Resources
107 Ex1 Exit Interview Checklist
107 Ex2 Exit References Authorization
ADM.108 Workplace Rules & Guidelines
1.0 Alcohol And Drugs
2.0 Breaks And Lunch Time
3.0 Company Property
4.0 Grievances And Complaints
5.0 Inclement Weather
6.0 Parking
7.0 Personal Telephone Calls
8.0 Smoking
9.0 Solicitations
10.0 Suggestions
11.0 Visitors
108 Ex1 Suggestion Form
ADM.109 Human Resources Reports
1.0 Preparation Guidelines
2.0 Occupational Health & Safety Reports
3.0 Equal Opportunity Reports
4.0 Training Plan
5.0 Hiring Status Report
6.0 Compensation Summary
109 EX1 Human Resource Reporting Summary
109 EX2 HR Hiring Status Report
ADM.110 Dress Code
1.0 Dress Code
1.1 Business Attire
1.2 Business Casual Attire
1.3 Casual Attire
1.4 Uniformed Attire
1.5 Safety Attire
1.6 Formal Attire
1.7 Inappropriate Attire
1.8 Business Situations
1.9 Recreation & Parties
2.0 Dinners & Receptions
3.0 Personal Hygiene
4.0 Disciplinary Action
HRG.101 Employee Hiring
1.0 Needs Analysis
2.0 Personnel Requisition
3.0 Job Posting & Screening
4.0 Interviewing
5.0 Pre-Employment Screening & Testing
6.0 Background Investigation
7.0 Hiring And Employee Offers
8.0 Motor Vehicle And Equipment Operation
9.0 Applicant Files
10.0 Additional Information Resources
HRG101 Ex1 Personnel Requisition
HRG101 Ex2 Offer Letter
HRG101 Ex3 Personnel Change Notice
HRG101 Ex4 New Employee Hiring Checklist
HRG101 Employment Eligibility Verification .
HRG101 Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate.
HRG102 Job Descriptions
1.0 Job Description Preparation
2.0 Format And Content
2.1 Job Title
2.2 Effective Date
2.3 Department
2.4 Summary Of Functions
2.5 Essential Duties And Responsibilities
2.6 Organizational Relationships
2.7 Qualifications
2.8 Physical Demands
2.9 Work Environment
3.0 Job Description Approval & Distribution
HRG102 Ex1 Job Description Format
HRG103 Employment Applications
1.0 Application For Employment
2.0 Application Information
2.1 Personal Information
2.2 Employment Interest
2.3 Education & Training
2.4 Employment History
2.5 Military Service Record
2.6 References
3.0 Compliance Information
HRG103 Ex1 Employment Application
HRG103 Ex2 Employment Application Supplement
HRG104 Interviewing Applicants
1.0 Interviewing Objectives
2.0 Resume Examination
3.0 Telephone Interviews
4.0 E-Mail Interviews
5.0 In-Person Interviews
HRG104 Ex1 Employment Interview Questions
HRG104 Ex2 Interview Form
HRG105 Background Investigations
1.0 Background And Hiring
2.0 Investigative Consumer Reporting
3.0 Employee Reference Checks
4.0 Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Inquiry
HRG105 Ex1 Employee Investigation Checklist
HRG105 Ex2 Employee Background Authorization
HRG105 Ex3 New References Authorization
HRG105 Ex4 Reference Check Survey
Compensation Procedures
COM101 Payroll
1.0 Payroll Records
2.0 Timesheets
3.0 Payroll Deductions
3.1 Worker's Compensation Insurance
3.2 Social Security & Medicare
3.3 State Income Tax
3.4 Earnings Tax
3.5 Tax Withholding Payments
4.0 Payroll Adjustments
4.1 Advances
4.2 Garnishments
5.0 Paychecks
5.1 Direct Deposit
5.2 Lost Paychecks
5.3 Final Paychecks
6.0 Vacation Pay
7.0 Additional Information Resources
COM101 Ex1 Monthly Time Sheet
COM101 Ex2 Central Govt. Tax Calendar
COM101 Ex3 Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization
COM102 Paid & Unpaid Leave
1.0 Paid Time Off
2.0 Unpaid Time Off
3.0 Absence Request And Notification
4.0 Holidays
5.0 Vacation Eligibility
5.1 Vacation Schedules
5.2 Vacation Over Holidays
6.0 Additional Information Resources
COM102 Ex1 Absence Request Form
COM103 Insurance Benefits
1.0 Life Insurance
2.0 Long Term Disability Insurance
3.0 Social Security
4.0 Workers' Compensation
5.0 Wage Continuation
6.0 Unemployment Compensation
7.0 Health Insurance
8.0 Additional Information Resources
COM104 Healthcare Benefits
1.0 Cost And Premiums
2.0 Eligibility
3.0 Enrollment
4.0 Coverage
5.0 Filing A Claim
6.0 Termination And Conversion Of Coverage
7.0 Additional Information Resources
COM104 Ex1 Benefits Enrollment/Change Form
COM105 Employee Retirement Income Security
1.0 Plan Administration
1.1 Investment Policy Statement
1.2 Fidelity Bond
1.3 Fiduciary Liability Insurance
1.4 Employer Matching
1.5 In-Service Loans And Withdrawals
2.0 Employee Participation
3.0 Notice Procedures
3.1 Initial Notice
3.2 Annual Notices
4.0 Additional Information Resources
COM106 Consolidated Budget Reconciliation
1.0 Plan Administration
2.0 Qualifying Events
3.0 Notice Procedure
4.0 Benefits Protection
6.0 Enforcement
7.0 Additional Information Resources
Development Procedures
DEV101 Development Management
1.0 Development Planning
2.0 Training Effectiveness
3.0 Training Records
4.0 Training Courses
5.0 Performance Evaluations
6.0 Additional Information Resources
DEV101 Ex1 Training Plan
DEV102 Training Reimbursement
1.0 Eligibility
2.0 Approved Programs
3.0 Reimbursement
DEV102 Ex 1 Request For Training
DEV103 Computer User & Staff Training
1.0 MIS Training And Certification
2.0 MIS/LAN User Training
3.0 E-Mail Training
4.0 Software Applications
DEV104 Internet & E-Mail Acceptable Use
1.0 Acceptable Use
2.0 Inappropriate Use
3.0 Internet And E-Mail Etiquette
4.0 Security
5.0 User Compliance
6.0 Additional Information Resources
DEV104 Ex1 Computer And Internet Usage Policy
DEV105 Performance Appraisals
1.0 Performance Appraisal Guidelines
2.0 Appraisal Preparation
3.0 Appraisal Discussion
4.0 Salary Adjustments
5.0 Appraisal Conclusion
6.0 Additional Information Resources
DEV105 Ex1 Self Appraisal Form
DEV105 Ex2 Performance Appraisal Form
DEV106 Employee Discipline
1.0 Introduction To Misconduct
2.0 Responses To Misconduct
2.1 Verbal Warning
2.2 Written Warning
2.3 Suspension
2.4 Termination
3.0 Serious Misconduct
4.0 Very Serious Misconduct
5.0 Inexcusable Misconduct
6.0 Misconduct Investigations
DEV106 Ex1 Disciplinary Notice
Compliance Procedures
CMP101 Workplace Safety
1.0 Worksite Analysis
2.0 Hazard Prevention And Control
2.1 Safe Work Procedures
2.2 Protective Equipment
2.3 Fire Prevention
3.0 Hazard Communication Program
4.0 Medical Emergencies
5.0 Workplace Safety Training
6.0 Reporting And Record Keeping
7.0 Additional Information Resources
CMP101 Ex1 Safety Suggestion Sheet
CMP101 Ex2 Workplace Safety Self-Inspection Checklist
CMP101 Ex3 Workplace Safety Action Plan
CMP101 Ex4 Workplace Safety Rules
CMP101 Ex5 Index of Hazardous Chemicals
CMP101 PDF Material Safety Data Sheet
CMP101 PDF Injuries and Illness Log
CMP101 PDF Summary of Injuries and Illness
CMP101 PDF Injuries and Illness Incident Report
CMP101 PDF Instructions for for OSHA Forms
CMP102 People With Disabilities
1.0 Background
2.0 Who Is Covered?
3.0 Employment Issues
4.0 Public Accommodations
5.0 Enforcement Of The Act
6.0 Additional Information Resources
CMP103 Annual And Medical Leave
1.0 Reasons For Taking Leave
2.0 Advance Notice And Medical Certification
3.0 Job Benefits And Protection
4.0 Unlawful Acts
5.0 Enforcement
6.0 Employer Notices
7.0 Additional Information Resources
CMP103 Ex 1 Certification Of Healthcare Provider
CMP103 Ex 2 Employer Response To Employee Request
CMP104 Drug Free Workplace
1.0 General
2.0 Prohibitions
3.0 Authorized Use Of Prescription Medicine
4.0 Drug Awareness Program
5.0 Disciplinary Actions
6.0 Additional Information Resources
CMP105 Health Insurance Portability And Accountability
1.0 Management
1.1 Privacy Standards
2.0 Medical Records Maintenance
3.0 Medical Records Access
4.0 Additional Information Resources
CMP105 HIPAA Authorization Form
CMP106 Harassment & Discrimination
1.0 Unacceptable Behavior
2.0 Complaint
3.0 Corrective Measures
4.0 Enforcement
5.0 Additional Information Resources
Job Descriptions Tab
Non-discriminatory language
Active voice
Action verbs Plain English
Effective Date
Summary Of Functions
Essential Duties And Responsibilities
Grouping Several Tasks Into A Single Responsibility
Responsibility Statements
Delegated Responsibilities
Organizational Relationships
Reporting Relationships
The Organization’s Environment
Mandatory Requirements
Key Selection Criteria
Physical Demands
Work Environment
Job Performance
Job Descriptions
Reasonable Accommodation
Accounting Manager
Credit Manager
Customer Service Manager
Employee Handbook
1.0 The Company Philosophy
1.1 The Company Mission
1.2 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Affirmative Action Plan
1.3 Employment-At-Will
1.4 Sexual Harassment
1.5 Safety
1.5.1 Safety Rules
1.5.2 Hazardous Wastes
1.5.3 Reporting Injuries and Accidents
1.6 Drug Free Workplace
1.6.1 Prohibitions
1.6.2 Drug Awareness Program
1.6.3 Disciplinary Actions
2.0 Personnel Administration
2.1 HR Personnel Records
2.1.1 Contents of Personnel Files
2.1.2 Employee Information
2.1.3 Employee's Request for Review of Personnel Records
2.1.4 Management Review of Personnel Files
2.2 Service
2.2.1 Employee Categories
2.2.2 Job Posting Procedures
2.2.3 Employment of Relatives
2.2.4 Employment of Minors
2.2.5 Promotions
2.2.6 Transfer of Employees
2.2.7 Separation of Employment
2.2.8 Work force Reductions
2.2.9 Probationary Period
2.2.10 Extra Income
2.3 Process Improvement
2.3.1 Employee-Management Forums
2.3.2 Employee Suggestion Program
3.0 Benefit Eligibility
3.1 Payroll Information
3.1.1 Time Records
3.1.2 Pay Periods
3.1.3 Salary Compensation for Partial Pay Period
3.1.4 Pay Rate Schedule – Hourly Paid Employees
3.1.5 Payroll Deductions
3.1.6 Overtime
3.1.7 Payroll Errors
3.1.8 Garnishment of Employee Wages
3.1.9 Authorized Check Pickup
3.1.10 Pay at Time of Separation
3.2 Attendance & Leave
3.2.1 Medical Leave Policy
3.2.2 Sick Leave Credit Limit
3.2.3 Sick Leave Policy – Usage
3.2.4 Medical, Dental and Optical Appointments
3.2.5 Exhaustion of Accumulated Sick Leave
3.2.6 Pallbearer, Funeral, Emergency Leave
3.2.7 Civic Leave or Jury Duty
3.2.8 Voting
3.2.9 Military Leave
3.2.10 Maternity Leave
3.2.11 Parental Leave
3.2.12 Leave of Absence
3.3 Insurance
3.3.1 Hospitalization and Medical Insurance
3.3.2 Continuation of Group Health Insurance
3.3.3 Life Insurance
3.3.4 Long Term Disability Insurance
3.3.5 Social Security
3.3.6 Workers' Compensation
3.3.7 Unemployment Compensation
3.4 Savings Plan
3.5 Break Room
3.6 Employee Discounts
3.7 Educational Assistance
4.1 Work Schedules
4.1.1 Working Hours
4.1.2 Salary Employees
4.1.3 Hourly Employees
4.1.4 Clean Work-Place
4.2 Legal & Ethical Conduct
4.2.1 Ethical Standards
4.2.2 Conflicts of Interest
4.2.3 Personal Conduct
4.2.4 Confidentiality
4.2.5 Bribes, Kickbacks and Illegal Payments
4.2.6 Patents and Copyrights
4.3 Misconduct
4.3.1 Serious Misconduct
4.3.2 Very Serious Misconduct
4.3.3 Inexcusable Misconduct
4.3.3 Misconduct Investigations
4.4 Transportation & Travel
4.4.1 Company Owned Vehicles
4.4.2 Personal Vehicles
4.4.3 Living Expense Allowance
4.4.4 Other Travel Expenses
4.4.5 Expense Records
4.4.6 Travel Advances
4.4.7 Expense Reimbursement – Third Party
4.4.8 Expense Policies – Violations
4.4.9 Company Credit Cards
4.5 Appearance & Belongings
4.5.1 Personal Appearance
4.5.2 Business Attire
4.5.3 Casual Attire
4.5.4 Inappropriate Attire
4.5.5 Personal Belongings
4.5.6 Alcohol and Drugs
4.5.7 Medication
4.5.8 Smoking Policy
4.6 Equipment & Facilities
4.6.1 Parking
4.6.2 Telephone Use
4.6.3 Motor Vehicle and Workplace Equipment Operation
4.6.4 Safety Equipment
4.6.5 Company Tools
4.6.6 Waste Prevention
4.6.7 Solicitation and/or Distribution
4.6.8 Security
4.6.9 Bulletin Board
Acknowledgement Of Receipt And Understanding
Statement Of Legal And Ethical Business Conduct
Drug-Free Workplace Policy Employee Acknowledgement
Job Related Accident
HR MANUAL is the total guidelines for the managers in the
organization on the subject of HUMAN RESOURCE.
The real work of managing people [ human resource] is the
responsibility of the line managers. The HR department
acts as a coordinator / advisory body to the line managers,
in addition to, its own administrative work.
Employee handbook is a major element of the HR manual.
It is part of the HR MANUAL.
The copy of HR MANUAL [ including the employee handbook]
is given to the managers only.
The copy of the EMPLOYEE handbook is given to the
The TOTAL HR MANUAL development is a never ending
assignment. It needs updating every six months.
At the initial stage, it could take upto six months at least
to complete the manual/ handbook for a full time person,
even if you employ an outside expert.
Once you have downloaded HR manual list, you should
sit with your boss
-analyse the list
-set the priority [ 1st. lot, 2nd. lot, 3rd. lot etc ]
-discuss the need for HO material, to uniform the approach
-discuss the need for local expert
Your priorities could be [ my best guess]
-personnel records
-various forms required
-access control
-workplace rules
-employee hiring
-job descriptions
-employment applications
-interviewing applicants
-payroll administration
-training [ induction / orientation/development]
-employee handbook
You/ Your boss should agree to the priority list.
From India, Mumbai
-understand the organization
-understand the organization structure
-understand the organization systms
-understand the organization politics/influential people
-understand the organization / individual roles
-understand the organization / positions
-understand the individual job descriptions
-understand the job/ job specifications
To win confidence / trust,
you need to show credibility/ functional knowledge level.
Initially, please do not rush with too many things.
Take one thing at a time and do a thorough job.
Everything must be done right at the first time.
Human Resources Policies, Procedures and Forms
Table of Contents
ADM.101 Personnel Records
1.0 Employee Information
2.0 HR Personnel Records
3.0 Contents of Personnel Files
4.0 Employee's Personnel Records Review
5.0 Management Review of Personnel Files
6.0 Company Release Of Employee Information
7.0 Record Retention and Long-Term Storage
8.0 Record Destruction
Ex1 Personnel Records Access Log
Ex2 HR Records Retention Periods
ADM.102 Form Development
1.0 Form Development and Format
2.0 Authorization and Printing
3.0 Form Numbering and Placement
4.0 Forms Index and Manual
Ex1 Form Printing Request
ADM.103 Document Control
1.0 Document Distribution
2.0 Document Revision
3.0 Document
4.0 Temporary Changes
103 Ex1 Request For Document Change (RDC)
ADM. 104 Mail & Express Services
1.0 General Mail Usage
2.0 Addressing Mail
3.0 Express Mail
4.0 Overnight Packages
5.0 Additional Information Resources
104 Ex1 Outgoing Mail Register
ADM. 105 Telephone Answering
1.0 Answering Techniques and Etiquette
2.0 Answering and Directing Calls
3.0 Taking Messages
4.0 Telephone User's Guide
105 Ex1 Important Message
ADM.106 Property & Access Control
1.0 Background Checks
2.0 Physical Access Controls
3.0 Key Controls
4.0 Proprietary Information Controls
5.0 Collection Of Access Controls
6.0 Visitors & Guests
ADM106 Ex1 Key Issue Policy
ADM106 Ex2 Visitor Log
ADM.107 Separation
1.0 Resignations
2.0 Involuntary Terminations And Layoffs
3.0 Terminations For Cause
4.0 Termination Meeting
5.0 Additional Information Resources
107 Ex1 Exit Interview Checklist
107 Ex2 Exit References Authorization
ADM.108 Workplace Rules & Guidelines
1.0 Alcohol And Drugs
2.0 Breaks And Lunch Time
3.0 Company Property
4.0 Grievances And Complaints
5.0 Inclement Weather
6.0 Parking
7.0 Personal Telephone Calls
8.0 Smoking
9.0 Solicitations
10.0 Suggestions
11.0 Visitors
108 Ex1 Suggestion Form
ADM.109 Human Resources Reports
1.0 Preparation Guidelines
2.0 Occupational Health & Safety Reports
3.0 Equal Opportunity Reports
4.0 Training Plan
5.0 Hiring Status Report
6.0 Compensation Summary
109 EX1 Human Resource Reporting Summary
109 EX2 HR Hiring Status Report
ADM.110 Dress Code
1.0 Dress Code
1.1 Business Attire
1.2 Business Casual Attire
1.3 Casual Attire
1.4 Uniformed Attire
1.5 Safety Attire
1.6 Formal Attire
1.7 Inappropriate Attire
1.8 Business Situations
1.9 Recreation & Parties
2.0 Dinners & Receptions
3.0 Personal Hygiene
4.0 Disciplinary Action
HRG.101 Employee Hiring
1.0 Needs Analysis
2.0 Personnel Requisition
3.0 Job Posting & Screening
4.0 Interviewing
5.0 Pre-Employment Screening & Testing
6.0 Background Investigation
7.0 Hiring And Employee Offers
8.0 Motor Vehicle And Equipment Operation
9.0 Applicant Files
10.0 Additional Information Resources
HRG101 Ex1 Personnel Requisition
HRG101 Ex2 Offer Letter
HRG101 Ex3 Personnel Change Notice
HRG101 Ex4 New Employee Hiring Checklist
HRG101 Employment Eligibility Verification .
HRG101 Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate.
HRG102 Job Descriptions
1.0 Job Description Preparation
2.0 Format And Content
2.1 Job Title
2.2 Effective Date
2.3 Department
2.4 Summary Of Functions
2.5 Essential Duties And Responsibilities
2.6 Organizational Relationships
2.7 Qualifications
2.8 Physical Demands
2.9 Work Environment
3.0 Job Description Approval & Distribution
HRG102 Ex1 Job Description Format
HRG103 Employment Applications
1.0 Application For Employment
2.0 Application Information
2.1 Personal Information
2.2 Employment Interest
2.3 Education & Training
2.4 Employment History
2.5 Military Service Record
2.6 References
3.0 Compliance Information
HRG103 Ex1 Employment Application
HRG103 Ex2 Employment Application Supplement
HRG104 Interviewing Applicants
1.0 Interviewing Objectives
2.0 Resume Examination
3.0 Telephone Interviews
4.0 E-Mail Interviews
5.0 In-Person Interviews
HRG104 Ex1 Employment Interview Questions
HRG104 Ex2 Interview Form
HRG105 Background Investigations
1.0 Background And Hiring
2.0 Investigative Consumer Reporting
3.0 Employee Reference Checks
4.0 Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Inquiry
HRG105 Ex1 Employee Investigation Checklist
HRG105 Ex2 Employee Background Authorization
HRG105 Ex3 New References Authorization
HRG105 Ex4 Reference Check Survey
Compensation Procedures
COM101 Payroll
1.0 Payroll Records
2.0 Timesheets
3.0 Payroll Deductions
3.1 Worker's Compensation Insurance
3.2 Social Security & Medicare
3.3 State Income Tax
3.4 Earnings Tax
3.5 Tax Withholding Payments
4.0 Payroll Adjustments
4.1 Advances
4.2 Garnishments
5.0 Paychecks
5.1 Direct Deposit
5.2 Lost Paychecks
5.3 Final Paychecks
6.0 Vacation Pay
7.0 Additional Information Resources
COM101 Ex1 Monthly Time Sheet
COM101 Ex2 Central Govt. Tax Calendar
COM101 Ex3 Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization
COM102 Paid & Unpaid Leave
1.0 Paid Time Off
2.0 Unpaid Time Off
3.0 Absence Request And Notification
4.0 Holidays
5.0 Vacation Eligibility
5.1 Vacation Schedules
5.2 Vacation Over Holidays
6.0 Additional Information Resources
COM102 Ex1 Absence Request Form
COM103 Insurance Benefits
1.0 Life Insurance
2.0 Long Term Disability Insurance
3.0 Social Security
4.0 Workers' Compensation
5.0 Wage Continuation
6.0 Unemployment Compensation
7.0 Health Insurance
8.0 Additional Information Resources
COM104 Healthcare Benefits
1.0 Cost And Premiums
2.0 Eligibility
3.0 Enrollment
4.0 Coverage
5.0 Filing A Claim
6.0 Termination And Conversion Of Coverage
7.0 Additional Information Resources
COM104 Ex1 Benefits Enrollment/Change Form
COM105 Employee Retirement Income Security
1.0 Plan Administration
1.1 Investment Policy Statement
1.2 Fidelity Bond
1.3 Fiduciary Liability Insurance
1.4 Employer Matching
1.5 In-Service Loans And Withdrawals
2.0 Employee Participation
3.0 Notice Procedures
3.1 Initial Notice
3.2 Annual Notices
4.0 Additional Information Resources
COM106 Consolidated Budget Reconciliation
1.0 Plan Administration
2.0 Qualifying Events
3.0 Notice Procedure
4.0 Benefits Protection
6.0 Enforcement
7.0 Additional Information Resources
Development Procedures
DEV101 Development Management
1.0 Development Planning
2.0 Training Effectiveness
3.0 Training Records
4.0 Training Courses
5.0 Performance Evaluations
6.0 Additional Information Resources
DEV101 Ex1 Training Plan
DEV102 Training Reimbursement
1.0 Eligibility
2.0 Approved Programs
3.0 Reimbursement
DEV102 Ex 1 Request For Training
DEV103 Computer User & Staff Training
1.0 MIS Training And Certification
2.0 MIS/LAN User Training
3.0 E-Mail Training
4.0 Software Applications
DEV104 Internet & E-Mail Acceptable Use
1.0 Acceptable Use
2.0 Inappropriate Use
3.0 Internet And E-Mail Etiquette
4.0 Security
5.0 User Compliance
6.0 Additional Information Resources
DEV104 Ex1 Computer And Internet Usage Policy
DEV105 Performance Appraisals
1.0 Performance Appraisal Guidelines
2.0 Appraisal Preparation
3.0 Appraisal Discussion
4.0 Salary Adjustments
5.0 Appraisal Conclusion
6.0 Additional Information Resources
DEV105 Ex1 Self Appraisal Form
DEV105 Ex2 Performance Appraisal Form
DEV106 Employee Discipline
1.0 Introduction To Misconduct
2.0 Responses To Misconduct
2.1 Verbal Warning
2.2 Written Warning
2.3 Suspension
2.4 Termination
3.0 Serious Misconduct
4.0 Very Serious Misconduct
5.0 Inexcusable Misconduct
6.0 Misconduct Investigations
DEV106 Ex1 Disciplinary Notice
Compliance Procedures
CMP101 Workplace Safety
1.0 Worksite Analysis
2.0 Hazard Prevention And Control
2.1 Safe Work Procedures
2.2 Protective Equipment
2.3 Fire Prevention
3.0 Hazard Communication Program
4.0 Medical Emergencies
5.0 Workplace Safety Training
6.0 Reporting And Record Keeping
7.0 Additional Information Resources
CMP101 Ex1 Safety Suggestion Sheet
CMP101 Ex2 Workplace Safety Self-Inspection Checklist
CMP101 Ex3 Workplace Safety Action Plan
CMP101 Ex4 Workplace Safety Rules
CMP101 Ex5 Index of Hazardous Chemicals
CMP101 PDF Material Safety Data Sheet
CMP101 PDF Injuries and Illness Log
CMP101 PDF Summary of Injuries and Illness
CMP101 PDF Injuries and Illness Incident Report
CMP101 PDF Instructions for for OSHA Forms
CMP102 People With Disabilities
1.0 Background
2.0 Who Is Covered?
3.0 Employment Issues
4.0 Public Accommodations
5.0 Enforcement Of The Act
6.0 Additional Information Resources
CMP103 Annual And Medical Leave
1.0 Reasons For Taking Leave
2.0 Advance Notice And Medical Certification
3.0 Job Benefits And Protection
4.0 Unlawful Acts
5.0 Enforcement
6.0 Employer Notices
7.0 Additional Information Resources
CMP103 Ex 1 Certification Of Healthcare Provider
CMP103 Ex 2 Employer Response To Employee Request
CMP104 Drug Free Workplace
1.0 General
2.0 Prohibitions
3.0 Authorized Use Of Prescription Medicine
4.0 Drug Awareness Program
5.0 Disciplinary Actions
6.0 Additional Information Resources
CMP105 Health Insurance Portability And Accountability
1.0 Management
1.1 Privacy Standards
2.0 Medical Records Maintenance
3.0 Medical Records Access
4.0 Additional Information Resources
CMP105 HIPAA Authorization Form
CMP106 Harassment & Discrimination
1.0 Unacceptable Behavior
2.0 Complaint
3.0 Corrective Measures
4.0 Enforcement
5.0 Additional Information Resources
Job Descriptions Tab
Non-discriminatory language
Active voice
Action verbs Plain English
Effective Date
Summary Of Functions
Essential Duties And Responsibilities
Grouping Several Tasks Into A Single Responsibility
Responsibility Statements
Delegated Responsibilities
Organizational Relationships
Reporting Relationships
The Organization’s Environment
Mandatory Requirements
Key Selection Criteria
Physical Demands
Work Environment
Job Performance
Job Descriptions
Reasonable Accommodation
Accounting Manager
Credit Manager
Customer Service Manager
Employee Handbook
1.0 The Company Philosophy
1.1 The Company Mission
1.2 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Affirmative Action Plan
1.3 Employment-At-Will
1.4 Sexual Harassment
1.5 Safety
1.5.1 Safety Rules
1.5.2 Hazardous Wastes
1.5.3 Reporting Injuries and Accidents
1.6 Drug Free Workplace
1.6.1 Prohibitions
1.6.2 Drug Awareness Program
1.6.3 Disciplinary Actions
2.0 Personnel Administration
2.1 HR Personnel Records
2.1.1 Contents of Personnel Files
2.1.2 Employee Information
2.1.3 Employee's Request for Review of Personnel Records
2.1.4 Management Review of Personnel Files
2.2 Service
2.2.1 Employee Categories
2.2.2 Job Posting Procedures
2.2.3 Employment of Relatives
2.2.4 Employment of Minors
2.2.5 Promotions
2.2.6 Transfer of Employees
2.2.7 Separation of Employment
2.2.8 Work force Reductions
2.2.9 Probationary Period
2.2.10 Extra Income
2.3 Process Improvement
2.3.1 Employee-Management Forums
2.3.2 Employee Suggestion Program
3.0 Benefit Eligibility
3.1 Payroll Information
3.1.1 Time Records
3.1.2 Pay Periods
3.1.3 Salary Compensation for Partial Pay Period
3.1.4 Pay Rate Schedule – Hourly Paid Employees
3.1.5 Payroll Deductions
3.1.6 Overtime
3.1.7 Payroll Errors
3.1.8 Garnishment of Employee Wages
3.1.9 Authorized Check Pickup
3.1.10 Pay at Time of Separation
3.2 Attendance & Leave
3.2.1 Medical Leave Policy
3.2.2 Sick Leave Credit Limit
3.2.3 Sick Leave Policy – Usage
3.2.4 Medical, Dental and Optical Appointments
3.2.5 Exhaustion of Accumulated Sick Leave
3.2.6 Pallbearer, Funeral, Emergency Leave
3.2.7 Civic Leave or Jury Duty
3.2.8 Voting
3.2.9 Military Leave
3.2.10 Maternity Leave
3.2.11 Parental Leave
3.2.12 Leave of Absence
3.3 Insurance
3.3.1 Hospitalization and Medical Insurance
3.3.2 Continuation of Group Health Insurance
3.3.3 Life Insurance
3.3.4 Long Term Disability Insurance
3.3.5 Social Security
3.3.6 Workers' Compensation
3.3.7 Unemployment Compensation
3.4 Savings Plan
3.5 Break Room
3.6 Employee Discounts
3.7 Educational Assistance
4.1 Work Schedules
4.1.1 Working Hours
4.1.2 Salary Employees
4.1.3 Hourly Employees
4.1.4 Clean Work-Place
4.2 Legal & Ethical Conduct
4.2.1 Ethical Standards
4.2.2 Conflicts of Interest
4.2.3 Personal Conduct
4.2.4 Confidentiality
4.2.5 Bribes, Kickbacks and Illegal Payments
4.2.6 Patents and Copyrights
4.3 Misconduct
4.3.1 Serious Misconduct
4.3.2 Very Serious Misconduct
4.3.3 Inexcusable Misconduct
4.3.3 Misconduct Investigations
4.4 Transportation & Travel
4.4.1 Company Owned Vehicles
4.4.2 Personal Vehicles
4.4.3 Living Expense Allowance
4.4.4 Other Travel Expenses
4.4.5 Expense Records
4.4.6 Travel Advances
4.4.7 Expense Reimbursement – Third Party
4.4.8 Expense Policies – Violations
4.4.9 Company Credit Cards
4.5 Appearance & Belongings
4.5.1 Personal Appearance
4.5.2 Business Attire
4.5.3 Casual Attire
4.5.4 Inappropriate Attire
4.5.5 Personal Belongings
4.5.6 Alcohol and Drugs
4.5.7 Medication
4.5.8 Smoking Policy
4.6 Equipment & Facilities
4.6.1 Parking
4.6.2 Telephone Use
4.6.3 Motor Vehicle and Workplace Equipment Operation
4.6.4 Safety Equipment
4.6.5 Company Tools
4.6.6 Waste Prevention
4.6.7 Solicitation and/or Distribution
4.6.8 Security
4.6.9 Bulletin Board
Acknowledgement Of Receipt And Understanding
Statement Of Legal And Ethical Business Conduct
Drug-Free Workplace Policy Employee Acknowledgement
Job Related Accident
HR MANUAL is the total guidelines for the managers in the
organization on the subject of HUMAN RESOURCE.
The real work of managing people [ human resource] is the
responsibility of the line managers. The HR department
acts as a coordinator / advisory body to the line managers,
in addition to, its own administrative work.
Employee handbook is a major element of the HR manual.
It is part of the HR MANUAL.
The copy of HR MANUAL [ including the employee handbook]
is given to the managers only.
The copy of the EMPLOYEE handbook is given to the
The TOTAL HR MANUAL development is a never ending
assignment. It needs updating every six months.
At the initial stage, it could take upto six months at least
to complete the manual/ handbook for a full time person,
even if you employ an outside expert.
Once you have downloaded HR manual list, you should
sit with your boss
-analyse the list
-set the priority [ 1st. lot, 2nd. lot, 3rd. lot etc ]
-discuss the need for HO material, to uniform the approach
-discuss the need for local expert
Your priorities could be [ my best guess]
-personnel records
-various forms required
-access control
-workplace rules
-employee hiring
-job descriptions
-employment applications
-interviewing applicants
-payroll administration
-training [ induction / orientation/development]
-employee handbook
You/ Your boss should agree to the priority list.
From India, Mumbai
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