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Hey guys, I am Shaima and am currently pursuing my MMS from MET college. I have to make at least a 1-hour presentation on the skill of handling change.
I was looking for some games that could be played on this topic as well as some tests that could be carried out to identify one's perception about change ..
Any new ideas /suggestions are most welcome.

From China, Qinhuangdao
Hi Shaima,
The only thing that this constant is change!!..
"It's not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change".
In the presentation - lay emphasis on the importance of change..& its theory..
Am attaching the article herewith to provide some content for presentation..and following tools are suggested herewith but would recommend TA being the best & relatively easier to conduct to effect change.
Good luck!!
Rajat Joshi
Introduction to Change Management
As in the Renaissance, it will be an exciting time, a time of great opportunities for those who can see and seize them, but of a great threat and fear for many. It will be more difficult to hold organizations and societies together. The softer words of leadership and vision and common purpose will replace the tougher words of control and authority because the tough words won't bite anymore. Organizations will have to become communities rather than properties, with members, not employees, because few will be content to be owned by others. Societies will break down into smaller units but will also regroup into even larger ones than now for particular purposes.
Charles Handy:Beyond Certainty: The Changing Worlds of Organizations, 1995
Change Management
is the process, tools and techniques to manage the people-side of change processes, to achieve the required outcomes, and to realize the change effectively within the individual change agent, the inner team, and the wider system.
There are a multitude of concepts on Change Management and it is very difficult to distil a common denominator from all the sources that are applying the phrase to their mental maps of organizational development. But obviously there is a tight connection with the concept of learning organizations. Only if organizations and individuals within organizations learn, they will able to master a positive change. In other words, change is the result from an organizational learning process that centres around the questions: 'In order to sustain and grow as an organization and as individuals within; what are the procedures, what is the know-how we need to maintain and where do we need to change?', and, 'How can we manage a change, that is in harmony with the values we hold as individuals and as organizations?'
Change Management has also to be seen in the light of the discussion on Knowledge Management, which took several turns during the nineties. When the establishment of an intranet was suddenly feasible to any large organization, IT and management scientists declared the beginning of the "knowledge society". The immature anticipation of knowledge management was that every member of an organization would be highly motivated to share information through a common platform and a quality improvement process would be enabled more or less by itself. It took only a couple of years to realize that this assumption was false. Up to now, there are no examples of a company in which transformational learning is facilitated by an IT system only, because the early protagonists forgot that information does not equal knowledge and that human knowledge is in the muscles of the persons who make the parts of a larger system.
There are many schools and tools that are related to Change Management and most of them are meeting if it comes to two principles: The constructivist paradigm ("The map is not the territory") and the systems approach ("The whole has a different dynamic than its parts.").
• Learning Organizations (Peter Senge)
• Theme Centred Interaction (Ruth Cohn)
• Transactional Analysis
• Gestalt Therapy (Fritz Pearls)
• Systems Thinking / Family Therapy (Virginia Satir and all the new thinkers, including Bert Hellinger, Fritz Simon, etc.)
• Neurolinguistic Programming / NLP (Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Robert Dilts)
• Chaos Theory (Santa Fé Institute)
• Communication Theory (Paul Watzlawik)
• Whole Systems Change (Harrison Owen, Marvin Weisbord, David Cooperrider)
• Neuro-Biology
• Quantum Physics (Heissenberg)
• Human Resource Development
• Total Quality Management
What are the skills that people need who want to facilitate change?
Table 1 gives an overview of the different skills related to the three levels of change (self, team and system). It is by no means exhaustive.

Related to
Skills the Change Agents need to acquire Self Team System
Technical Skills of the Specific Sector X
Quality Management X X
Listening and Inquiry Skills X X
Defining Objectives / Visioning X X X
Understanding Mental Maps / Shifting PerspectivesX X X
Resource Orientation X X X
Dealing with Complexity (X) (X) X
Learning from Mistakes / Feedback X X X
Coaching X X
Leadership X X
Training Skills X
Facilitation Skills X X
Large System Change Tools (X) X
Understanding and Catalysing Self-Organization (X) X
Table 1: Skills of Change Agents (X = strongly needed, (X) = partly needed)
Roots and Schools of Change Management
Skills ]Appropriate Methodologies[/b]
Listening and Inquiry Skills NLP, Family Therapy, Communication Theory, Learning Organizations
Defining Objectives / Visioning NLP, Systems Thinking, Learning Organizations
Understanding Mental Maps / Shifting Perspectives Gestalt, NLP, Learning Organizations, Communication Theory
Resource Orientation / Solution Focus Appreciative Inquiry, Family Therapy, NLP
Dealing with Complexity Systems Thinking, Family Therapy, Chaos Theory
Learning from Mistakes / Feed Back NLP, Family Therapy, TCI
Coaching Family Therapy, NLP, Gestalt, TA
Leadership NLP, Family Therapy, Gestalt, TA, Human Resource Development
Large System Change Tools Understanding and Catalysing Self-Organization Open Space Technology, Appreciative Inquiry, Future Search Conferences

From India, Pune
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