Monday morning is what I dislike, also my colleagues dislike, infact most of us! Dont you think so? Performance level and the zeal to do the work is high during wednesday to friday!
Going to the work on monday morning is like a hell!! And What I have observed is the level of performance in the organisation and the zeal among employees is Low on monday!
I would like to know if any of you have experienced or noticed the same among your employees and what action have you taken to make mondays no different from other days!!. If not what can be adopted to make the employees feel monday is no different from any other days!!

From India, Bangalore
Hi Pramod,

Yes ,I've met many people with the monday morning blues. here's something that wil help. Here's a must- read for Monday Morning.


The Shrill ringing of the alarm clock pierced through his dreams & Ram woke up with a start. His groggy eyes searched for the fading photo of his house deity & he mumbled a prayer. As he shuffled past the living room into the bathroom his eyes fell on the calendar on the wall & he moaned, ’Oh God its Monday!’

His mind whirled as he thought of the day ahead, the weekly meeting … the unfinished project from last week ( last year actually ) & his omnipresent boss. He dragged himself through the motions of getting ready, gulped down his breakfast & raced out the door & into his car.

Then the traffic hit him. Seemed like every vehicle in the city was on this road. He tried to drown out the noise of the honking & the cursing of impatient drivers by turning on the FM radio.

God, Why do Monday’s exist?’ thought Ram.


Sounds familiar ?

Welcome to The Monday Morning Blues, a disease that has many a working person in its grip .

What are The Monday Morning Blues?

It’s that sick feeling you get when you wake up on Monday morning after the weekend. You wake up with a sense of dread, you think of all you have to do, the mundane things you have to go through & your heart sinks to your feet. You feel overwhelmed sometimes.

Not the best of starts to a week, you will agree. But, it is a well documented fact that the MMB virus exists & has in it’s grip executives from New York to New Delhi & Bangalore to Birmingham.

Is there no escape from the MMB Virus? Are we stuck with it?

Not at all. With a little planning & a lot of change in attitude, Monday Mornings can be the best time of the week.

It all depends on how you program your mind on Sunday evening. You could watch TV & forget about Monday morning until it hits you or you could do The Yellow Program, a set of simple steps that transform your Monday mornings into energy filled mornings.

At SCOPE, we have developed The Yellow Program, an attitudinal realignment program that will help you & your employees to have ‘feel good ‘ Mondays & improve productivity.

To give you a peek into one of the things you learn in The Yellow Program, read the following.

Quantum Physics teaches that our perception determines our reality. NLP teaches that our ‘Maps’ create our reality. Maps are the internal representations we have of the world around us.

Consider two people on a roller coaster. One is terrified while the other is laughing and having the time of her life. They get off the ride and one feels sick while the other feels exuberant. Two different people with two different perceptions produce two very different experiences and realities.

Clearly, the world we see and experience is defined by the lenses through which we observe it.

So when you approach Mondays with a negative mindset, you will most certainly have Blue Mondays.

Imagine this: You slouch into your office on Monday morning, thinking what a bad day it is .The boss notices you looking dull & shouts at you. And then you think ,’ See, it’s true, Monday mornings are really sick.’

Now, honestly – what caused what? Your looking slothful caused the boss to shout or vice versa?

If you would like to supercharge yourself & your employees, put them through The Yellow Program.

At 'SCOPE', we specialize in Attitudinal training. We've been helping organizations to develop their employees into positive, motivated people. Not to mention that we also conduct programs on a whole range of human excellence areas... like behavioral issues, communication, leadership,NLP.....check out our website to find out more.

If you need something specific, call us & we would be happy to develop a customized program for you.

Our numbers are: 98860-36125 , 23537694 & email:

& say goodbye to Monday Morning Blues!



Director-Research Training


From India, Mumbai
Dear Pramod,

Its true that this kind of behavior exist. I personally working after 9 years in the IT Industry at times really feel sick and have a morbid feeling. But i follow a simple schedule on the nite before.

On the sunday nite, there is no party, disc, dinner invitations. I enjoy a normal dinner cooked at home, prepare myself for monday (dress, office, check out the emails/ To-DO list and definetely sleep around 11:30 PM.

In the morning, i just wake up around 7:30 AM, take a shower, breakfast and am gone on 8:30 AM (much before the usual 9:15 AM slot).. this helps in 2 things - avoid the traffic, as well as inform my team that i am ready for the new week (since they usually turn in around 9:30~10:00 AM). It really gives me the kick to see the faces of my team members when they see their boss already in the office before them.

I usually break early on Monday. Leave office around 6:30 PM and then work a little bit at home so as to catch up on work etc.

Well this is how my usual mondays are!!!...

PLANNING and execution makes sure that you have nothing to fear of mondays.


From India, Mumbai
There need to be a really good, respectable and blessed motivator in an organization, to motivate with the rite move, action, quote, etc., according to the employees frequency.
I used to do this.
Organizations used to think and act on things that had worked since many years: to ignite the deep feel to get back to work soon! The attraction methods!

From India, Bangalore
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