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dear friend ,
well doen and wellcontributed by my dear fellow friends about their noble idea:
1 It is not just ASK ofindividual to excel,burt it is ASK of a TEAM
2 Team is coordination ,communication and consistency of ALL working for a common goal.
3 To instil in each other the inspiration of excling in his/her work,which is undoubtedly "LeAdErshIp SKILLs".
4 TO provide adequate power boosters in the form of rewards both punishment and appreciation.where punishment is not to humiliate but to indstill in group member the affect of non-performing on others and a "TEAM",and, thus "TO IMPROVE".Appreciation to futher increase and/or to maintain the performance.
5 To manage others with the "DECISION MAKIG ABILITY" and "EECUTION"
6 Last but no the least "BELIEF in TeaMWorK", and showing full "CONFIDENCE of AUTHORITY & RESPONSIBILITY "to imbibe in others the same.
thanks and regards

From India, Jalandhar
Hai All,
Its nice and we can see in this 20-20 match that timely & stable play will be required for winners the only reason for the loss of pakistan team is the last batsman over confidence. So, I belief that whatever the achievements or heights we reached we should be stable and careful at our end.
Thank you all,
Raghunath Deepala.

From India, Visakhapatnam
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