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JP Infotech IEEE 2011 JAVA Project Titles
Sl.No.-Project Code – Title
1. JPJ1-Online Intrusion Alert Aggregation with Generative Data Stream Modeling. (Domain: Secure Computing)
2. JPJ2-Embedded Extended Visual Cryptography Schemes. (Domain: Secure Computing + Image Processing)
3. JPJ3-Architecting a Secure Enterprise Data Sharing. (Domain : Secure Computing)
4. JPJ3B- A Hierarchical Hybrid Structure for Botnet Control and Command. (Domain: Secure Computing)
5. JPJ3C- Towards Situational Awareness of Large-Scale Botnet Probing Events
7. JPJ5- Competitive Study of Cryptography Techniques over Block Cipher. (Domain: Secure Computing)
8. JPJ6-Analysis on Credit Card Fraud Detection Methods. (Domain: Secure Computing)
9. JPJ8-QoS-Aware Web Service Recommendation by Collaborative Filtering. (Domain: Web Service)
10. JPJ9-Interval ckMeans

From India, Pondicherry
IEEE 2011 JAVA Project Titles

Sl.No.-Project Code – Title

1. JPJ1-Online Intrusion Alert Aggregation with Generative Data Stream Modeling. (Domain: Secure Computing)

2. JPJ2-Embedded Extended Visual Cryptography Schemes. (Domain: Secure Computing + Image Processing)

3. JPJ3-Architecting a Secure Enterprise Data Sharing. (Domain : Secure Computing)

4. JPJ3B- A Hierarchical Hybrid Structure for Botnet Control and Command. (Domain: Secure Computing)

5. JPJ3C- Towards Situational Awareness of Large-Scale Botnet Probing Events


7. JPJ5- Competitive Study of Cryptography Techniques over Block Cipher. (Domain: Secure Computing)

8. JPJ6-Analysis on Credit Card Fraud Detection Methods. (Domain: Secure Computing)

9. JPJ8-QoS-Aware Web Service Recommendation by Collaborative Filtering. (Domain: Web Service)

10. JPJ9-Interval ckMeans An Algorithm for Clustering Symbolic Data. (Domain: Knowledge and Data Engineering)

11. JPJ10- Clustering with Multi-Viewpoint based Similarity Measure. (Domain: Knowledge and Data Engineering)

12. JPJ11-On Demand Check Pointing for Grid Application Reliability using Communicating Process Model. (Domain: Networking)

13. JPJ12-Sketch4Match – Content-based Image Retrieval System Using Sketches. (Domain: Image processing & Knowledge and Data Engineering)

14. JPJ12A- Computational Perceptual Features for Texture Representation and Retrieval. (Domain: Image processing & Knowledge and Data Engineering)

15. JPJ13-Subspace-Based Striping Noise Reduction in Hyperspectral Images. (Domain: Image processing).

16. JPJ14-Ontology Based Business Process Customization for Composite Web Services. (Domain: Web Service)

17. JPJ15A- Model-Based Identification of Dominant Congested Links. (Domain: Networking)

18. JPJ16- Dynamics of Malware Spread in Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks. (Domain: Secure Computing).

19. JPJ17- Intrusion detection An Energy efficient approach. (Domain: Secure Computing).

20. JPJ17A- On the Effectiveness of Monitoring for Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

21. JPJ18- Dynamic Channel Allocation for wireless zone-based

22. JPJ19- A foundation for stochastic bandwidth estimation of networks with random service. (Domain: Networking)

23. JPJ20- Analysis of quality of object oriented systems using object oriented metrics. (Domain: Software Engineering)

24. JPJ21- A new approach for FEC decoding based on the BP algorithm in LTE and Wi-MAX systems. (Domain: Networking)

25. JPJ22- Simplified algorithm on network shortest path problem. (Domain: Networking)

26. JPJ23- Voronoi-based continuous query processing for mobile users. (Domain: Networking).

27. JPJ24A - Interference-Aware Routing in Wireless Multi-hop Networks. (Domain: Networking).

28. JPJ25- Resource management using dynamical load prediction and multiprocessor cooperation. (Domain: Networking).

29. JPJ26- Minimizing Additive Distortion in Steganography Using Syndrome-Trellis Codes (Domain: Secure Computing & Image Processing).

30. JPJ27- Multiple exposure fusion for high dynamic range image acquisition. (Domain: Image Processing).

31. JPJ28A - On the Information Flow Required for Tracking Control in Networks of Mobile Sensing Agents.

32. JPJ29A - Mobile Sampling of Sensor Field Data Using Controlled Broadcast

33. JPJ30- Denial of Service Attacks in Wireless Networks: The Case of Jammers

34. JPJ31- Design and Performance Analysis of Mobility Management Schemes Based on Pointer Forwarding for Wireless Mesh Networks

35. JPJ32- Secure Communications Over Wireless Broadcast Networks: Stability and Utility Maximization

36. JPJ33- A Unified Approach to Optimizing Performance in Networks Serving Heterogeneous Flows

37. JPJ34 - Load Shedding in Mobile Systems with MobiQual

38. JPJ36- Optimal Bandwidth Assignment for Multiple-Description-Coded Video

39. JPJCS1- Caching Strategies Based on Information Density. (Domain: Networking).

40. JPJCS2- Enabling Public Auditability and Data Dynamics for Storage Security in Cloud Computing (Domain: Cloud Computing)

41. JPJCS3- Effective Navigation of Query Results Based on Concept Hierarchies. (Domain: Knowledge & Data Engineering).

42. JPJCS4- Nymble- Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonymizing Networks. (Domain: Secure Computing).

43. JPJCS5- Modeling and Detection of Camouflaging Worm. (Domain: Secure Computing).

44. JPJCS 6- Buffer Sizing for 802.11 Based Networks

45. JPJCS 7- SAT: A Security Architecture Achieving Anonymity and Traceability in Wireless Mesh Networks

46. JPJCS 8- Discovering Conditional Functional Dependencies

47. JPJCS 9- Ranking Spatial Data by Quality Preferences

48. JPJCS 10- Extended XML Tree Pattern Matching: Theories and Algorithms.

49. JPJCS11 - Cloud Computing for Agent-Based Urban Transportation Systems

50. JPJCS12 - Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing

51. JPJCS13- Delay Analysis and Optimality of Scheduling Policies for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

52. JPJCS14- ProgME: Towards Programmable Network Measurement

53. JPJCS15- Supporting Efficient and Scalable Multicasting over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


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Pondicherry -605009.

www dot jpinfotech dot blogspot dot com

From India, Pondicherry
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