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From India, Madras
Would you like for this day to be a beautiful day? There is so much you can do to make it so.
Instead of being obsessed with getting your way, focus on giving your best. That is what will bring real value to both you and your world.
When you feel the need to prove that you are right, stop and redirect the energy of that feeling. Put it into expressing your authentic purpose in a sincere and positive way.
Realize that there are many things that annoy and frustrate you only because you allow them to do so. You can just as easily choose to not let them get to you, and put your time to more productive use.
What would you do today if you did not have to be concerned about getting your way? What would you do today if you didn't need to worry about what others were thinking of you?
Now is the only time you'll have the opportunity to experience this day. With your attitude and your actions, choose to make it a beautiful and valuable experience.

From India, Madras
Highway to Success
Whatever you want in life, you must give up something to get it.
The greater the value, the greater the sacrifice required of you.
Everything has a price.
There's a price to pay if you want to make things better,
And a price to pay for just leaving things as they are.
Nothing worthwhile ever comes easily.
Work, continuous work and hard work,
Is the only way to accomplish results that last.
Use your imagination more than your memory to achieve success.
The highway to success is a toll road.
There is no success at bargain basement prices.

From India, Madras
Key to Your Success is Desire

Obstacles don't matter very much.
Pain or other circumstances can be there.
But, if you want something badly enough,
You'll find a way to get it done.
If you're willing to pay the price any of your circumstances will change.
If you want something badly enough, you're sure to get it.
Reality forms around your commitment to succeed.
Your desires will, in time, externalize themselves into concrete fact.
You only have to love a thing greatly to get it.
Desire is the fire of life.

From India, Madras
Open Heart
The heart is like a flower-----
unless it is open it cannot release its fragrance into the world.
The fragrance of the heart is made up of the qualities and virtues of our spirit.
Most of us have learned how to keep our heart closed in a world that
would trample all over us if we let it.
Being open hearted today seems to require tremendous courage.
It is a courage which comes only when we realize that no one can hurt us,
no matter what they say or do.
They may hurt our body, but if we have realized we are spirit,
nothing outside can touch us, if we so decide. Little by little,
practice opening your heart to those you think have hurt you.
Realize it wasn't them that hurt you, it was yourself.
And it taught you not to trust and you closed your heart.
A closed heart is in need of opening. And when you do,
you will have begun to heal yourself.

From India, Madras
Life is a New Biginning

Everything you've ever accomplished has been done

using just a small fraction of your capabilities.

What if you could make use of just a little bit more?

All that you've experienced has come from just a tiny corner in the universe

of your possibilities.

Imagine growing your awareness, your thinking and your actions beyond that corner.

If something seems impossible, that's because you're looking at it from a limited perspective.

Consider that there is so very much more to life than what you have thus far encountered.

What you have and what you know are extremely valuable.

Yet there also is infinitely more value to be found by exploring

the possibilities that exist beyond where you already are.

No matter how many sunrises you've experienced so far,

the next one brings with it a whole new world.

No matter how far you've already come, this moment now is a new beginning.

Life is constantly reinventing itself while at the same time holding true to

timeless values.

Allow the very best possibilities to take you ever higher.


From India, Madras
When life brings pain your way, it's important to know it might actually be just the thing you need to move forward. Here's how to bounce back from any heart-wrenching situation.

1. Whenever you find yourself seeking an addiction in an attempt to run from pain, remember — pain is part of life. By accepting it, its intensity is reduced. Do not resist it. Resistance to pain brings tension and anxiety, anxiety leads to fear. Fear of pain is worse than pain itself. Pain will pass. It has to. Hmmm, intense. Okay, translation: It's always your choice. You can either (a) sit with the pain now, or (b) avoid the pain now and potentially feel even greater pain later, thereby delaying the healing and its incumbent path to self-growth.

2. Once you allow the pain to come, become aware of where in your body this pain is landing: throat, heart, stomach, back, head. Feel it in this body part; then breathe it out of this body part. If possible, give yourself specific times to grieve and breathe. Sounds weird, but it is known to work.

3. Keep a journal. Tracking your healing process will show you progress is being made. Classify your entries into the oft-quoted five stages. Quickly, stage one — denial and isolation (“This is not happening to me”), stage two — anger (“How dare this happen to me?”), stage three — bargaining (“Just let me get X, and I won't care about Y”, or “If this doesn't happen, I promise to...”), stage four — depression (“I can't bear going through this”), stage five — acceptance (“I'm ready. I don't want to struggle anymore”). And, remember, after you pass through stage four, that final stage of acceptance is right around the corner. Whew!

4. Recognise that you are an unfinished self in progress. Like so many of life's challenges, experiencing and overcoming pain can reveal emotional depths and perspectives you didn't know you were capable of.

Re-focus on the excitement of all the new changes in your personal being and your life journey ahead.

Motivate yourself to stretch your mind — and always seek to find the most healthful interpretations and positive lessons in all your life challenges!

During dark times, we all need to face and feel the harsh light of glaring truth. Feeling means you're dealing… and truly healing

From India, Madras
RNS Tower Climbers!
Its not possible to watch this without sweaty palms!

Just wait for the cartoon intro to finish, then hold on to your seat.
Click on link:

From India, Madras
When it comes to being positive, to living

the best life possible, we all need

reminders once in awhile.

Here are a few tips to getting the most

out of life:

1. Practice gratitude:

Be thankful for what you have and less

envious of what you don't.

One of the best ways to do this is to have

a gratitude journal.

Every night I write down 5 things that I

was grateful for. It doesn't have to be

anything big, something as simple as "I am

grateful that my husband made dinner

tonight" is perfect.

You'll be amazed at how after a short time

of doing this one activity consistently,

your perspective changes.

You start seeing abundance instead of


You start to experience and see all the

beautiful things that life offers you


2. Practice generosity: Give of yourself.

Give your time and if possible your money.

Doing this is the surest way to receive.

We tithe a portion of our income every

single month to various charities and it

has helped us to understand how

interconnected we all are.

It has made us feel more alive and more

connected to every other human being and

this is a great way to live.

3. Practice random acts of kindness.

It's amazing how good this feels for both

you and the person you've just helped.

4. Take charge and accept responsibility

for your actions.

Once you start doing this, letting go of

the victim attitude and stop playing the

blame game, you truly are in control of

your own life.

This is one of the universal laws "The Law

of Control" which states that the degree

to which you feel positive about your life

is in direct proportion to how in control

you feel.

(You can learn about the other Universal

Laws in our course inside the membership


Decide to accept responsibility for

everything that happens to you and you'll

be amazed at how your life changes for the


5. Don't sweat the small stuff and

remember it's all small stuff.

Remember that bad things are temporary and


One thought that always helps me is to

think that everything good or bad that

happens to me, even if I don't understand

it, is a blessing.

The reason I believe this is because

everything works together for the greater


This idea has helped me through the most

difficult times in my life. For more on

this, read "Think and Grow Rich" by

Napoleon Hill, esp. the chapter on

"Everything in it contains a seed for an

equal or greater opportunity."

Keep those 5 things in mind, and you'll

start seeing BIG changes quickly.



From India, Madras
here is an PPT on the above subject,which will be inspiring to all. Regards Lakshminarayanan
From India, Madras
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