Respected sir/madam,
I am studing international business from gotland university,sweden.
I am doing thesis on"competency level of soft and hard skills of human resouce in private firms in india".
Many numbers of foreign firms are outsourcing there functions in india,but mainly because of cheap labour,not for quality of manpower.for eg, in soft ware industry, though we good in hard skills,we are not so good in soft skills, so developing both the skills are important in any industry, so developing these skills level will improve the pay package of poorly paid manpower of india,but how can we improve it?,well give me your view about this topic so that you can be part of my thesis.
I want to find out problems,scope,need of training and
development in india, I also want to compare
differences in training methods and styles in india and
As training and development is vast subject i am tring
to focus on in house training,also few aspect of
outhouse training.
Please see my questionnaire in the attached file and
please try to respond me back as soon as possible at![](/emage.php?text=4a54434b2b474d3550666649544061334251512e356463)
If you have some fact and information about this
subject please do send it to me.
Also please forward this questionnaire to your working friends
Hopes you will be part of my research
waitimg for your feedback,response and views.
Please do send all your informationand views at![](/emage.php?text=4a54434b2b474d3550666649544061334251512e356463)
Thanks a lot
Kind Regards
prateek capoor
From India, Hyderabad
I am studing international business from gotland university,sweden.
I am doing thesis on"competency level of soft and hard skills of human resouce in private firms in india".
Many numbers of foreign firms are outsourcing there functions in india,but mainly because of cheap labour,not for quality of manpower.for eg, in soft ware industry, though we good in hard skills,we are not so good in soft skills, so developing both the skills are important in any industry, so developing these skills level will improve the pay package of poorly paid manpower of india,but how can we improve it?,well give me your view about this topic so that you can be part of my thesis.
I want to find out problems,scope,need of training and
development in india, I also want to compare
differences in training methods and styles in india and
As training and development is vast subject i am tring
to focus on in house training,also few aspect of
outhouse training.
Please see my questionnaire in the attached file and
please try to respond me back as soon as possible at
If you have some fact and information about this
subject please do send it to me.
Also please forward this questionnaire to your working friends
Hopes you will be part of my research
waitimg for your feedback,response and views.
Please do send all your informationand views at
Thanks a lot
Kind Regards
prateek capoor
From India, Hyderabad
Topic name : Human resource management in training and development in your organization .
Please read the questions and reply most suitable answers .Most of questions are of yes /no types or multiple types. If you have any extra comment about any subject in this questionnaire please mark your answer and then write your views about that subject in the space given in between the questions .Please also give your personal view about this subject after finishing the questionnaire.
1) Your Company name, location ,segment and your personal details ----
TFCU, Minneapolis MN
This is a financial institution
2) Your organization consider training as part of organizational strategy, do you agree with this statement—A
a) Strongly agree
3) How much training you get in a year-D
a) more then 40 hours
4) Percentage of budget allocated for training and development- D
a) More than 5 percentage
5) Budget for training and development in your company over last few years is--
a) increasing
6) More training in your organization is given to
a) Every body is given equal amount of training
7) How much use your organization make use of information and technology ,while giving training to employees( Rate in scale of 1 to 10,where 10 is for agreement and 1 is for disagreement)
a) we use for technology, while giving training
8) Which area of training and development need for priority in future.( Rate in scale of 1 to 10, where 10 indicates ,more attention needed from management in this area and 1 indicates management need not give attention in this area)
a) Risk management
9) What sort of training you get normally?
(Rate each listed item in scale of 1 to10 where 10 means you get great amount of attention on that subject and 1 means you don’t get any attention and training on that subject)
a) Technical skills
b) Managing people and communication skills
10) What are important barrier to training and development?
(Rate them from scale of 1 to 10, where 10 mean it is very strong barrier and 1 means it’s not at all a barrier)
a) Time
11) What mode of training method is normally used in your organization?
(Rate each from scale of 1 to 10, where 10 mean you extensively use that mode and 1 means you don’t use that mode of training)
a) online training
12) How often you go abroad for conference to update your skills?
a) once in a year
13) What is the Impact of joint ventures with foreign partner on organization work force? (Rate each item in scale of 1 to 10 , where 10 show towards agreement and 1 towards disagreement)
a) Helps in adapting new skills
14) What differences you find with regards to skills and training style of foreigners
15) Trainer should possess many skills to be effective (Rate the following items in
scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is towards agreement and 1 towards disagreement)
a) Generalist makes better personal mangers then specialist
16) Many consultant are giving training prior to placement ,if you have to invest to improve your skills which of the following items you will invest(mark yes or no against each item)
a) Technical skill
17) Average duration of work before employee shift to other organization in your company
a) more than 5 years
18) Your organization give importance to forecasting of training trends to improve efficiency ( Rate in scale of 1 to 10,where 10 is for agreement and 1 is for disagreement)
a) we do competitor analysis
19) How do your think professional courses given my many private institutes really helps(Rate each from scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is more towards agreement and 1 more toward disagreement)
e) Academic qualification are more important then them
20) Do you think vocational training given by the government is important and should be encouraged?
a) Very important
21) Do you think woman are more suited for human resource job( rate in scale of 1 to 10,if you agree with statement and 1 if you disagree with this statement)
22) Do you think in house training can be Outsourced ?
(Rate in a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 stand for strong agreement and 1 stand for strong disagreement )
a) Yes as company can then concentrate more on production and
management activities
23) Do you think its better to invest in current workforce then recruiting skilled force externally(Rate the following item in scale of 1 to 10,where 10 is towards agreement and 1 is towards disagreement)
a) yes as current workforce can then update there skills
24) your views regarding expatriates recruitments (Rate in scale of 1 to 10,where 10
is for agreement and 1 for disagreement)
d) Government policies do not encourage there recruitment
25) How adaptable is your organization when it comes to upgrading new skill levels ?
(Rate in scale of 1 to10,where 10 is towards agreement and 1 toward
a) we calculate return on investment for every emplyee
26) Reason for shortage of skill manpower in workplace are-(Rate in scale of 1 to 10,where 10 stands for agreement and 1 towards disagreement)
a) Lack of quality education at primary and secondary level
27) Your views of cross cultural joint training session( Rate in scale of 1 to 10,where 10 is towards agreement and 1 towards disagreement)
a) It adds value, as different people share different ideas and ways of doing things
28) What are general feedback polices of your company after the training sessions(mark yes and no against each item)
a) No feedback taken
29) If training department is to be outsourced, what will be your expectation from the outsourced consultant-(rate in scale of 1to 10,where 10 is for agreement and 1 for disagreement)
a) We will expect them to focus more on technical side, then on non technical side
30) How many foreign staff on average in a year attend joint seminar on training and development in your company
a) None
31) What problem foreigners face up in training policies when they visit your country?
(Rate from a scale of 1 to 10.where 10 is strongly agree and 1 strongly disagree)
a) Training style and methods
32) General soft skills (people skills) of employees in your country are---
a) Good
33) your view of informal form to training –( mark in scale of 1 to 10,where 10 is for agreement and 1 for disagreement)
a) Are more productive, as trainees learn more then they are relaxed
34) Which type of training in your organization manager for new recruitments?
a) Technical training
b) Management training
34) There is more scope for foreign direct investment in training and development
(Rate in scale of 1 to10 where 10 stand for strong agreement and 1 strong disagreement)
a) Yes lack of professional training providers in my country
b) Negligence of training and development in my country
35) Problems you or your friends face up when u go abroad for training?
(Rate it in scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is strong agreement and 1 is strong disagreement)
a) Technology and training methods very advanced
b) Problems due to methods and new style used by trainers.
37) Reasons for selection error in recruitments are due to--
(Rate in scale of 1 to10,where 10 is more toward agreement and 1 towards disagreement)
a) Corruption
b) Political pressure
38) What are the general complains about the training session
(Marks yes/no against following items)
c) takes away precious time of employees
39) Your views and experiences with regard to training and development in
your company
Extremely important, 2000 per year for every employee
How it is different from other countries?
I do not know
What are your views to improve training skills in your organization
Increase automation
Advantages of training and development?
Think outside the box
What should be done to make training ,more interesting?
It already is interesting
Problems in training and development in your organization?
Please give number of foreign staff in your company, your experience and opinion about them.
6 they are great!
Share any information you want to share related to this topic
Hopes you will contribute to make this project successful
If you have interesting facts and data about this topic, please do send it to me at![](/emage.php?text=4a54434b2b474d3550666649544061334251512e356463)
Kind Regards
Prateek capoor
Please read the questions and reply most suitable answers .Most of questions are of yes /no types or multiple types. If you have any extra comment about any subject in this questionnaire please mark your answer and then write your views about that subject in the space given in between the questions .Please also give your personal view about this subject after finishing the questionnaire.
1) Your Company name, location ,segment and your personal details ----
TFCU, Minneapolis MN
This is a financial institution
2) Your organization consider training as part of organizational strategy, do you agree with this statement—A
a) Strongly agree
3) How much training you get in a year-D
a) more then 40 hours
4) Percentage of budget allocated for training and development- D
a) More than 5 percentage
5) Budget for training and development in your company over last few years is--
a) increasing
6) More training in your organization is given to
a) Every body is given equal amount of training
7) How much use your organization make use of information and technology ,while giving training to employees( Rate in scale of 1 to 10,where 10 is for agreement and 1 is for disagreement)
a) we use for technology, while giving training
8) Which area of training and development need for priority in future.( Rate in scale of 1 to 10, where 10 indicates ,more attention needed from management in this area and 1 indicates management need not give attention in this area)
a) Risk management
9) What sort of training you get normally?
(Rate each listed item in scale of 1 to10 where 10 means you get great amount of attention on that subject and 1 means you don’t get any attention and training on that subject)
a) Technical skills
b) Managing people and communication skills
10) What are important barrier to training and development?
(Rate them from scale of 1 to 10, where 10 mean it is very strong barrier and 1 means it’s not at all a barrier)
a) Time
11) What mode of training method is normally used in your organization?
(Rate each from scale of 1 to 10, where 10 mean you extensively use that mode and 1 means you don’t use that mode of training)
a) online training
12) How often you go abroad for conference to update your skills?
a) once in a year
13) What is the Impact of joint ventures with foreign partner on organization work force? (Rate each item in scale of 1 to 10 , where 10 show towards agreement and 1 towards disagreement)
a) Helps in adapting new skills
14) What differences you find with regards to skills and training style of foreigners
15) Trainer should possess many skills to be effective (Rate the following items in
scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is towards agreement and 1 towards disagreement)
a) Generalist makes better personal mangers then specialist
16) Many consultant are giving training prior to placement ,if you have to invest to improve your skills which of the following items you will invest(mark yes or no against each item)
a) Technical skill
17) Average duration of work before employee shift to other organization in your company
a) more than 5 years
18) Your organization give importance to forecasting of training trends to improve efficiency ( Rate in scale of 1 to 10,where 10 is for agreement and 1 is for disagreement)
a) we do competitor analysis
19) How do your think professional courses given my many private institutes really helps(Rate each from scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is more towards agreement and 1 more toward disagreement)
e) Academic qualification are more important then them
20) Do you think vocational training given by the government is important and should be encouraged?
a) Very important
21) Do you think woman are more suited for human resource job( rate in scale of 1 to 10,if you agree with statement and 1 if you disagree with this statement)
22) Do you think in house training can be Outsourced ?
(Rate in a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 stand for strong agreement and 1 stand for strong disagreement )
a) Yes as company can then concentrate more on production and
management activities
23) Do you think its better to invest in current workforce then recruiting skilled force externally(Rate the following item in scale of 1 to 10,where 10 is towards agreement and 1 is towards disagreement)
a) yes as current workforce can then update there skills
24) your views regarding expatriates recruitments (Rate in scale of 1 to 10,where 10
is for agreement and 1 for disagreement)
d) Government policies do not encourage there recruitment
25) How adaptable is your organization when it comes to upgrading new skill levels ?
(Rate in scale of 1 to10,where 10 is towards agreement and 1 toward
a) we calculate return on investment for every emplyee
26) Reason for shortage of skill manpower in workplace are-(Rate in scale of 1 to 10,where 10 stands for agreement and 1 towards disagreement)
a) Lack of quality education at primary and secondary level
27) Your views of cross cultural joint training session( Rate in scale of 1 to 10,where 10 is towards agreement and 1 towards disagreement)
a) It adds value, as different people share different ideas and ways of doing things
28) What are general feedback polices of your company after the training sessions(mark yes and no against each item)
a) No feedback taken
29) If training department is to be outsourced, what will be your expectation from the outsourced consultant-(rate in scale of 1to 10,where 10 is for agreement and 1 for disagreement)
a) We will expect them to focus more on technical side, then on non technical side
30) How many foreign staff on average in a year attend joint seminar on training and development in your company
a) None
31) What problem foreigners face up in training policies when they visit your country?
(Rate from a scale of 1 to 10.where 10 is strongly agree and 1 strongly disagree)
a) Training style and methods
32) General soft skills (people skills) of employees in your country are---
a) Good
33) your view of informal form to training –( mark in scale of 1 to 10,where 10 is for agreement and 1 for disagreement)
a) Are more productive, as trainees learn more then they are relaxed
34) Which type of training in your organization manager for new recruitments?
a) Technical training
b) Management training
34) There is more scope for foreign direct investment in training and development
(Rate in scale of 1 to10 where 10 stand for strong agreement and 1 strong disagreement)
a) Yes lack of professional training providers in my country
b) Negligence of training and development in my country
35) Problems you or your friends face up when u go abroad for training?
(Rate it in scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is strong agreement and 1 is strong disagreement)
a) Technology and training methods very advanced
b) Problems due to methods and new style used by trainers.
37) Reasons for selection error in recruitments are due to--
(Rate in scale of 1 to10,where 10 is more toward agreement and 1 towards disagreement)
a) Corruption
b) Political pressure
38) What are the general complains about the training session
(Marks yes/no against following items)
c) takes away precious time of employees
39) Your views and experiences with regard to training and development in
your company
Extremely important, 2000 per year for every employee
How it is different from other countries?
I do not know
What are your views to improve training skills in your organization
Increase automation
Advantages of training and development?
Think outside the box
What should be done to make training ,more interesting?
It already is interesting
Problems in training and development in your organization?
Please give number of foreign staff in your company, your experience and opinion about them.
6 they are great!
Share any information you want to share related to this topic
Hopes you will contribute to make this project successful
If you have interesting facts and data about this topic, please do send it to me at
Kind Regards
Prateek capoor
I did send it in your hotmail id,thanks for responding, i also resending it here,
Hopes to get your response and feedback about my topic soon
Thanks again
Kind regards
I am studing international business from gotland university,sweden.
I am doing thesis on"competency level of soft and hard skills of human resouce in private firms in india".
Many numbers of foreign firms are outsourcing there functions in india,but mainly because of cheap labour,not for quality of manpower.for eg, in soft ware industry, though we good in hard skills,we are not so good in soft skills, so developing both the skills are important in any industry, so developing these skills level will improve the pay package of poorly paid manpower of india,but how can we improve it?,well give me your view about this topic so that you can be part of my thesis.
I want to find out problems,scope,need of training and
development in india, I also want to compare
differences in training methods and styles in india and
As training and development is vast subject i am tring
to focus on in house training,also few aspect of
outhouse training.
Please see my questionnaire in the attached file and
please try to respond me back as soon as possible at![](/emage.php?text=4a54434b2b474d3550666649544061334251512e356463)
If you have some fact and information about this
subject please do send it to me.
Also please forward this questionnaire to your working friends
Hopes you will be part of my research
waitimg for your feedback,response and views.
Please do send all your informationand views at![](/emage.php?text=4a54434b2b474d3550666649544061334251512e356463)
Thanks a lot
Kind Regards
prateek capoor[/quote]
From India, Hyderabad
I did send it in your hotmail id,thanks for responding, i also resending it here,
Hopes to get your response and feedback about my topic soon
Thanks again
Kind regards
I am studing international business from gotland university,sweden.
I am doing thesis on"competency level of soft and hard skills of human resouce in private firms in india".
Many numbers of foreign firms are outsourcing there functions in india,but mainly because of cheap labour,not for quality of manpower.for eg, in soft ware industry, though we good in hard skills,we are not so good in soft skills, so developing both the skills are important in any industry, so developing these skills level will improve the pay package of poorly paid manpower of india,but how can we improve it?,well give me your view about this topic so that you can be part of my thesis.
I want to find out problems,scope,need of training and
development in india, I also want to compare
differences in training methods and styles in india and
As training and development is vast subject i am tring
to focus on in house training,also few aspect of
outhouse training.
Please see my questionnaire in the attached file and
please try to respond me back as soon as possible at
If you have some fact and information about this
subject please do send it to me.
Also please forward this questionnaire to your working friends
Hopes you will be part of my research
waitimg for your feedback,response and views.
Please do send all your informationand views at
Thanks a lot
Kind Regards
prateek capoor[/quote]
From India, Hyderabad
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