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Dear Forum members, Would you please send me the materials/presentations and case studies on total quality management? Appreciate your help Thanks kamran

Hello Sir, Attached please find the two presentation on TQM. Hope these will be helpful for you.
From India, Faridabad
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: ppt TQM.ppt (58.5 KB, 2621 views)

One more in pdf. file.............................
From India, Faridabad
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: pdf TQM[1].pdf (102.4 KB, 1827 views)

The TQM ppt's are very good.
The TQM subject also includes Malcolm Balridge Award, Deming's Award and its equivalent awards like Rajiv Gandhi award. A few more ppt's will enchance the value.

From India, Delhi
Hai Plz find an informative document on implementing TQM Regards, Firoz Bangalore
From India, Bangalore
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: pdf TQM.pdf (424.1 KB, 1120 views)

Dear All, I am doing MBA in TQM and would request you all to kindly post some material / project reports relevant to TQM so that I can use it as a reference for my project. Regards, Firoz
From India, Bangalore
Dear Kamran,
I also want to share that in IGNOU MBA courses there is a subject on Total Quality Management. The study material of this course is excellent. Try to locate this it will be very useful for you. I had attempt this course in my MBA but sorry to say I had already given my study material to some other person.

From India, Faridabad
Dear Bhartigambhir,
Only to request you, if you could find that material, than it is great help, because i am not in India, so its difficult for me to get anyone from that institute, but it is rather easier for you.
looking forward for a support from your side

All the presentations provided are good. However, can any one relate these to how the university administrator can enhance quality in higher education?
I need such literature to complete a paper I am writing on 'quality assurance in higher education: the role of the university administrator'

From Ghana
Dear Simon
What do you do and where? Why are you writing a paper? Which aspect of quality in HE are you interested? QHE is a vast field and you need to narrow it down. Have you searched the web for this information?
Also see Implementing Quality in higher education
Have a nice day.
A retired academic in UK.

From United Kingdom
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