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Thought cannot do.

Thought cannot know.

Thought cannot create.

Thought cannot understand.

Thought cannot be anything but thought.


All great performers report the absence of thought during their best performances whether those performances are in theater, music, sports, or any one of the arts.


Thought cannot be what it points to. Thought can point to experience. Thought can point to sensation. Thought can point to memory. Thought can point to thought. Thought can point to feeling. Thought can point to reality.


Confusion occurs when you try to understand two disparate thoughts with another thought. Why? Because thought cannot understand.


Understanding is difficult when you try to understand with thought. Why? Because thought cannot understand.


Thought is not talent.

Thought is not reality.

Thought is not action.

Thought is not wisdom.

Thought is not experience.

Thought is not what it is about.


Illusion is thought as reality.


Thought can only be about reality.


Creativity happens without thought.

Talent happens without thought.

Skill happens without thought.

Joy happens without thought.


Stuckness always involves thought.


Because thought pointing to thought as reality prevents the natural flow or passing of thought.


The intelligent use of thought is to drop and forget thought once you see or go where thought is pointing--as its job is then done.


Thought is an alert.

Thought is a pointer.

Thought is a beacon.

Thought is a signpost.

Thought is a flashlight.

Thought is a ladder to something else.

Thought is a steppingstone to something else.


Thought is a magnificent tool to focus attention.

Thought is no more or less than that: a flashlight.


Even mathematical systems cannot prove themselves.

Proof comes from outside a system as thought cannot create or understand anything. (Kurt Gödel)


Thinking is regularly distorted in order to meet the goals of ego.

From India, Bahadurgarh
It is said an average Man thinks only for about 45 mts in a given day !
a report has said
70% of the time we worry ( same thought comming again and again - there is no movement )
20% of the time we dream ( day dreaming ) another type of thought
10% of the time onlt we think really generate alternatives and options
If one increrase Thinking (third type) you become bgenious !
V S Sudhaker

From India, Bangalore
Thought is an energy - it draws its energy from immune system
it works in the 4 frames work of four endowments ( stephen R Covey )
Self Awareness
Creative Imagination
Independent will
all thoughts in this frame work furhter and manifest in the form of Human hungers ( broadly four - it can be further divided) )
Four hungers are
Belly Hungers ( Roti kapda makan )
Head Hunger ( Hunger for infromation knolwedge etc )
Heart Humger ( hunger for love- hate- jelousy -name fame -reputation etc)
Sex Hunger ( hunger for opposite sex My community cast religion etc )
All thougts fall under this above super frame
V S Sudhaker

From India, Bangalore

A Thought Is A Thought: Your Mind and Depression - By Lee Baucom, Ph.D.

Science has bought the whole "depression is a result of a chemical imbalance." We have whole theories about how a low level of serotonin in the brain leads to depression. So, we have a whole medicine industry that is caught up in the pursuit of healing depression through a chemical intervention.

Yet medication has failed to bring about healing. Why? We missed the boat. Depression is rooted in our thoughts. Our minds become our own worst enemy. And we even have a theory about how to heal this: cognitive therapy. But a cognitive approach is not enough. It makes one central mistake. It keeps us rooted to our thoughts.

You see, cognitive therapy is built on the idea that our thoughts are skewed. So, a cognitive therapy approach tries to help people look at how a thought is skewed, and then uses logic to help "fix" the thought. For example, a person notices a strange spot on his chest. He begins to think "something is wrong." He continues on with "this is cancer." And quickly arrives at the idea that "I'm going to die from this." All of this without a visit to a doctor!

A cognitive therapist would point out that the person is "catastrophizing." In other words, his thought is being skewed from noticing a strange spot on his chest to seeing himself dead. So, the therapist would help the person begin to use some rational thought: at this point, there is a spot on his chest. Nothing more. And until there is more information, and other thought is dangerous.

You may wonder what is wrong with this approach. And there is nothing wrong. It simply falls short of the real issue. Because a cognitive approach simply seeks to exchange a skewed thought with a more correct thought.

But a thought is still the issue. The truth is this: A Thought Is Just A Thought! Some thoughts may be more useful, more helpful. But that makes it no more real.

Our minds are designed to create thoughts. And our minds are incredibly capable of doing this. Sometimes, our minds come up with useful and helpful thoughts. And sometimes, our mind churns out painful and hurtful thoughts. But in the end, both are merely thoughts.

When we buy into the thoughts, our mental health becomes more and more threatened. And that is the problem with the cognitive approach. It still leaves us believing our thoughts are real -- that they have some inherent truth or reality.

The way out of this trap is both simple and difficult. Imagine a continuum, a line between two extremes. At one end is the idea that "A Thought Is Reality." At this extreme, people believe that whatever pops into their head is real. In other words, "if I think it, it is real." The extreme is what we know as psychosis. An example of this psychosis: if I believe the "World Army" is coming in black helicopters, then it must be true. No matter what others tell me, I simply choose to believe my thoughts.

At the other end of the continuum is the idea that "A Thought Is A Thought." A person at this end is always aware that a thought in his or her head is simply that: a thought. And if a thought begins to torment him or her, then that person is able to take a step back, remember that a thought is just a thought, and let it go.

"Let it go" is impossible, you think? Yet we do it every day. I am sitting in an important meeting, when suddenly my mind creates a thought about the fact that I have something very important to do. I follow that thought, but then remind myself: I am at an important meeting, and I need to focus on that. I refocus on the meeting, and indeed, I let the thought go.

So, there it is, proof that a thought can be released. Thoughts really only have as much power as we give them. No more, no less.

Become aware of your thoughts, and you master your universe. Fail to recognize that a thought is just a thought, and you are at the whims of your mind, a very difficult taskmaster!

From India, Bahadurgarh

If you're looking for the best of religion, science, and philosophy in one great package, New Thought may be just the ticket.

New Thought is a powerful, human-oriented spiritual path for the free seeker. Not for the faint of heart, this path begins where all others leave off. It challenges you to think about your relationship to the universe--to God--in novel and exciting ways. It asks you to take full responsibility for your choices and actions. It asks you to release your sense of victim hood and practice a kind of forgiving you never thought you'd be able to practice. New Thought challenges you to release your need for dependence and your need for independence; it prepares you for interdependence, the way of active love. Are you up for it, or are you content to rest in the old dogmas? "A belief is just a thought you keep thinking. Change your thinking, change your life." The way is open. And you're invited……

Rather than being dogmatically rigid, New Thought is open at the top. In recent years there has been a strong emphasis on manifesting material abundance. That way of thinking grew out resistance to the old "it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." But New Thought originally began as a way of healing all parts of our lives. The movement, now more than 150 years old, is growing wiser and more patient with age. People within the movement are recognizing the need for deep inner observation rather than trying to accumulate more things. In fact, when I hear self-help and pop psychology speakers talking about manifesting material abundance as if that were the main point, it sounds almost quaint. Most of my New Thought compatriots would agree. The emphasis is returning to its roots: healing of mind, body, spirit, as well as our material lives. Inner healing is the key to the healing of the world. We can't give what we don't possess.

Over the years, New Thought has been criticized by more traditional religionists for providing no solid moral code or law. Untrue. Though New Thought's 'code' is short, it is powerful. In a nutshell:

1. There is but One Power, One Presence, One Life. That life is my life now.

2. Change your mind, change your life.

3. Do the least harm and the most good.

4. Enjoy who you are, where you are, and what you

5. Observe with interest the world within you and the world around you. Pay attention.

6. Learn continually.

7. Help where you can. Be open to service. It always returns, many fold.

8. Choose love. Love is the healer, the doer, the Way

The rest is up to us, individually. How we apply this 'code' determines our level of fulfillment. As Jesus said, "Seek first the kingdom...and all the rest will be added..." The kingdom is within; look there and be amazed!

From India, Bahadurgarh
Overcoming the limitation of thoughts
Human thought has many perspectives - if we compare our mind as Tank of water or a sea - imagine what happens when you throw a pebble - you get ripples not one but series of ripples one over- lapping other - and the ripples continue for some time
In a similar manner just put a thought in your mind and mind about the ripples - a series of thoughts connected directly or indirectly with the original thought emerge One such series is called a frame or frames - every such set of thoughts there will be frames. It is observed by mind researchers as long as you are in one set of frames you cannot normally access other frames - this leads to perception lopsided view etc
Edward De Bano beautifully demonstrated through his Six Thinking Hats how creatively and forcibly get connected to other framers and there by have clarity- move from clutter to clarity- generate new ideas and thoughts
V S Sudhaker

From India, Bangalore
Dear Friends ,
Thanks for nice discussion. Very important for good life. 'Thought/s' is /are very powerful. We are what we thought ourselves to be.Our actions are outcome of our thoughts. Effect of actions is GOD/Nature/Natural. Good things happen around us because of our good thoughts ; equally bad things happen around us because of our bad thoughts. Therefore it is important , before we correct others, we fill ourselves with good thoughts, that will transform into desire for good things ; good things will manifest.
Therefore let us all think good for others, be happy , keep others happy - there will be no sadness around us. Let us love ourselves and love others and be loved - world will surely be happy. The beginning is self discipline.
Loves , R N Iyer

From India, Madras
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