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hi to all, can u plz tell me in detail about what are the OD Interventions? dips
From India, Delhi
hie deepali dude...
O.D INTERVENTIONS was one of the most difficult chapters inmy h.r text book....i struggled to understand part was i was asked to give presentation on one of the interventions....sadly my peers asked so many doubts during the presentation...that i got 3/10 in the presentations....till nw i am not able to figureout what that is...may bcz i was following a foriegn author....i thank u for starting this thread...nw i will try to understand that and come back to u...
scare_crow alias( VISHAL)

From India, Mumbai
hi vishal, do u like a crow? y nt scare_peacock!!!! dun mind juss kiddin. well les c if we cud know abt. m really confused abt ds topic dips
From India, Delhi
hie deepali..
i have renamed myself bcz my boss is usin the same site as a guest, i dnt want him to see me online 24/7....wth regards to scare_peacock...
peacocks are beautiful birds...nbdy wld be scared of thm...on top of dat thy are national bird...i didn't want to start a national controversy....u nvr knw meneka gandhi...she might get me arrested for showing peacock in bad i thought scare_crow sounds little better...& scary & my boss would never open the blog of smthin like scare_crow afterall hez a mature man :lol: :lol: :lol: what say????
on a serious note i m tryin to understand what exactly is O.D

From India, Mumbai
hi try reachin out to ajmal dude...hez the god of knowledge :lol: :lol: here... ajmal help her out... regards scare_crow
From India, Mumbai
Hi Deepali,
An 'intervention' is 'interference so as to modify a process or situation'.
So what that would in effect mean is the application of a method to impact a given situation or problem.
When we use this in terms of Organization Development we are using different methodologies to get a desired result which would not happen under normal or given circumstances. e.g teamwork....we would need an intervention which would help build teamwork where it is lacking. This intervention could be a teambuilding game, a self realization exercise, a mangement lecture or even a mix of all of them.
Hope this helps.....

hi deepali,
Od intervention is the group of training programs are any other programs you conduct to get some desired change in the organisation.. what ever may be the change target you are looking after....

From India, Vadodara

Organisations don't perform; people do.

Yet traditional strategy development processes tend to concentrate most on the "hard", or measurable, issues such as profitability and market share. The people dimension is often overlooked or given little attention.

It can facilitate the implementation of an effective business or marketing strategy ensuring the commitment, participation and ‘buy in’ of everyone in the organisation. Such change can be a challenge for employees at all levels.

It is useful on projects such as

* organisational change - working with management teams to set a new direction, bring about culture change and introduce new working practices

* leadership development - helping leaders to understand the impact of their behaviours and preparing them to promote constructive change

* teambuilding - providing insight into team dynamics, individuals' personal needs and preferred behaviours to achieve more effective teamworking

* developing strategic HR plans - working with teams to develop plans and gain commitment to their implementation

The benefits of a measured and carefully planned Human Resources strategy include:

* a better motivated and more committed workforce

* alignment of human resource policies with organisational goals

* greater customer awareness and focus

* increased internal trust and more effective communications

* development and retention of key employees

Tools used for human resource interventions include:

* Organizational Culture Inventory™

* Organizational Effectiveness Inventory™

* Leadership Impact®

* Life Styles Inventory™

* Group Styles Inventory™


* Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

* Strategic Alignment.

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Here is a brief catalog of interventions that OD practitioners choose from in partnering with organizational leaders to create "planned change."

Applying criteria to goals

Here the leadership establishes objective criteria for the outputs of the organization's goal-setting processes. Then they hold people accountable not only for stating goals against those criteria but also for producing the desired results.

Establishing inter-unit task forces

These groups can cross both functional parts of the organization (the "silos") as well as employee levels. They are ideally accountable to one person and are appropriately rewarded for completing their assigned task effectively. Then they disband.

Experimentation with alternative arrangements

Today organizations are subject to "management by best-seller." The OD practitioner attempts to get leaders to look for changes that may take 3-5 years to work through. The meta-goal in these interventions is to create what is being called a "learning organization," one that performs experiments on organizational structure and processes, analyzes the results, and builds on them.

Identifying "key communicators"

The OD professional here carefully determines who seems to be "in the know" within the organization. These people often do not know that they are, in fact, key communicators. This collection of individuals are then fed honest information during critical times, one-on-one and confidentially.

Identifying "fireable offenses"

This intervention deepens the understanding of and commitment to the stated values of the organization. The OD professional facilitates the work of the organization's leaders to answer the critical question, "If we're serious about these values, then what might an employee do that would be so affrontive to them that he/she would be fired?"


This is actually a set of interventions that leaders plan with OD's help in order to "acculturate" everyone in the organization into an agreed-upon vision, mission, purpose, and values. The interventions might include training, goal setting, organizational survey-feedback, communications planning, etc.

Team Building

This intervention can take many forms. The most common is interviews and other prework, followed by a one- to three-day offsite session. During the meeting the group diagnoses its function as a unit and plans improvements in its operating procedures See J. E. Jones & W. L. Bearley, TEAMBOOK, published by HRDQ, for a catalog of team-building interventions.

Intergroup Problem Solving

This intervention usually involves working with the two groups separately before bringing them together. They establish common goals and negotiate changes in how the groups interface. [See J. E. Jones & W. L. Bearley, Intergroup Diagnostic Survey, published by HRDQ, for a catalog of intergroup interventions.

Management/leadership training

Many OD professionals come from a training background. They understand that organizations cannot succeed long term without well-trained leaders. The OD contribution there can be to ensure that the development curriculum emphasizes practical, current situations that need attention within the organization and to monitor the degree to which training delivery is sufficiently participative as to promise adequate transfer of learnings to the job.

Setting up measurement systems

The total-quality movement emphasizes that all work is a part of a process and that measurement is essential for process improvement. The OD professional is equipped with tools and techniques to assist leaders and others to create measurement methods and systems to monitor key success indicators.

Studies of structural causes

"Root-cause analysis" is a time-honored quality-improvement tool, and OD practitioners often use it to assist organizational clients to learn how to get down to the basis causes of problems.


This technology is probably the most powerful way that OD professionals involve very large numbers of people in diagnosing situations that need attention within the organization and to plan and implement improvements. The general method requires developing reliable, valid questionnaires, collecting data from all personnel, analyzing it for trends, and feeding the results back to everyone for action planning.

"Walk-the-talk" assessment

Most organizations have at least some leaders who "say one thing and do another." This intervention, which can be highly threatening, concentrates on measuring the extent to which the people within the organization are behaving with integrity.

This catalog is, of course, not exhaustive. It only covers the most common OD interventions. Every practitioner augments this list with both specially designed interventions that meet the precise needs of clients and with other, more complex interventions such as large-group sessions, and other popular programs. It is important, however, that all OD professionals be completely grounded in these basic interventions.

source: <link updated to site home> & <link updated to site home>

From India, Ahmadabad
hi ajmal, thanx 4 d info, rite now busy so will lgo thru it 2moro. N yes u r simply NETGENIUS> dips
From India, Delhi
Organisational development can cover a whole range of issues. There is a very close link between OD and HR interventions.
Check out google.
This site <link no longer exists - removed> identifies the following as OD issues:
skills and competencies
improving employee communication
flexible ways of working
value management

From Australia, Ballarat
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