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I am new to this forum, but o can see if great.
I need some advice, since i has been hired to start a Human resource department in a small privately own company who has been working with out one for quit long time.
Its about 160 employees.
Turn over is over 50%, guide lines for hiring are not follow, and everybody was doing something of the responsibilitys of an HR manager.
I have some ideas in how to start, but i think i can get some help from all the experience HR experts here.
If you want me to be more specific just ask.

From United States,
Hi Salrod

It is great hearing that you have to startup an HR department in your organisation.... This I would term as one of the most challenging jobs an HR person would be doing in his entire career..

Turnover: you can take care of it after you get all [or most of] the below mentioned things.

As for everybody handling some responsibility of HR... this is bound to happen as you said that there was no HR department as such... I would be quite challenging task to take that responsibilites back from that persons.

What I will suggest you for this situation is that build up a friendly relations with all the employees / functional heads and start to take responsibilites back from them by saying something as

"Hey, I have hardly any work to do, why don't you give me that work.. "[here suggest the responsibility that you want back from the functional head]

In case this does not work, you can always go through circular of new Job Description mailed to all the Functional Heads from the MDs office

__________________________________________________ _______

Some of the things you need to take care of are

# Recruitment & Selection

# Employment Policies and Procedures

# Personnel Files

# Employee Relations Issues

# Employment Law Compliance

# Record-Keeping Issues

# Employee Communication

# Employee Departure

From India, Ahmadabad
Thanks for your advice i think is a good way to start. I think changing everything around from the beginning will be unwisely. thanks one more time sal
From United States,
I am interested to know what type of organization you are attempting to formulate an HR strategy. Manufacturing (products, multi-plant operation, etc.); Financial (Bank, Broker, Mortgage, etc.); Service (Transportation, delivery, cleaning, etc.); Government (State, Federal, local).

How much experience do you have in the type of organization you are currently in ?

Are any of your employees represented? Name of Union representing them. If represented, when does labor agreement expire?

Before you begin to embark on any organizational change, I recommend that you develop an overview of your vision of the role of HR in the organization. Then arrange for a meeting with the President (Owner?) and whoever hired you (if it wasn't the President) to present your plan and ask for critique and input. You need to get their 'buy-in" before you continue. You need to know, from the start, how committed Senior Management is to making the drastic changes you are contemplating. The initial meeting and subsequent follow-up meetings will provide you with the level of approval/ commitment/ support for your plan. (As they, or he, as the case may be, begins to inject some ideas/ changes, the plan becomes his/her plan and thus has a built-in mechanism for approval.)

The next step is to arrange an "introductory meeting" with the President's direct reports and the next lower lever, i.e. Vice-presidents and Directors. The purpose of this meeting is to introduce the plan and enforce the idea that the old ways of doing business needs to change for the organization to continue as a viable operation. No longer will different Departments interpret Company Policy, that's HR's job. HR will begin to act as a resource, a consultant, an expert in everything from Affirmative Action to Safety/Worker Compensation.

I think the major problem you have is turnover - 50% (per year?) - is extraordinarily high. Theoretically, you have a new workforce every two (2) years. That is not acceptable, especially when it costs between $20,000 and $30,000 to replace an employee. Even then, the return on that investment is years away, unless the new employee has skills and experience which are far above those of your former employee. You must find out what the root problems are. Why are people leaving the organization - compensation, benefits, recognition, problem-solving, communications, respect, participation (ideas solicited and acted on), favoritism, lack of challenges, other issues?

To get an understanding of the reasons people are leaving the organization, you have to survey (ask) them (salaried as well as hourly).

Survey questions should be open ended, allowing the ex-employee latitude to express his/her feelings. One question might be :"What changes would have to be made before you considered re-applying at ABC Co.?"; Another would be "Would you encourage a family member/ relative/ friend to apply for work at ABC Co.? WHY: "

Other questions should address major issues, mentioned above, as well as safety, shift selection, and working conditions.

Mail the surveys to ex-employees who have departed voluntarily within the past two (2) years, deleting those who have not accrued more than 60 days seniority. Enclose a stamped envelope self-addressed to: Consultant, PO Box xxx, Yourtown, State, Zip. Respondents will believe that a neutral 3rd party will be receiving and analyzing responses and formulate recommendations/ action plans for Senior Management.

This perception will allow the respondents to be more open and forthright.

Remember, that if you don't uncover the root cause of the high turnover experienced by your organization, the other relevant items that Ajmal laid out will be of no consequence.

Don't get discouraged if the response is low. I've read that the average response rate for all surveys is between 5-7%.

Addressing Recruiting/ Selection I would recommend a simple straight forward approach: "ABC Co. is looking for a few god employees. Available positions are: _____________________. Experience preferred, but will train right person. Interested parties should mail their resumes to: HR, ABC Co, 123 Main Street, Yourtown, State, Zip, or come in and fill out an application. To learn about our alternative interviewing project, call XXX-xxx-xxxx. WE DO DRUG TESTING. eoe."

The "alternative interviewing project" is merely an "after-hours" process whereby candidates who are presently working can submit applications without taking time off. Such "project" is usually effective if held Friday nights, from 7 - 9:30 PM, and all day Saturday (10:00 AM - 7:00 PM).

In addition to the above, "flyers" can be distributed in neighborhoods - supermarkets, barber/beauty shops, houses of worship, etc. - with the same information as in the formal advertisement.

The 1st Step in the interview process is usually "screening", separating the wheat from the chaff. That's HR's job. Next the initial interview, that too is HR's job; the second interview, with a representative from the Department. Depending on the position, it could be a supervisor or the Department Head. HR should "sit-in" on the interview to assure that no EEOC violations occur.

At each step, summary of the interview should be reduced to writing, in the event a candidate claims a violations of his/her employment rights.

# Recruitment & Selection

# Employment Policies and Procedures (Statutory Compliance)

# Personnel Files & Record-Keeping Issues

# Employee Relations Issues

One he didn't mention, and I'm sure it was an oversight, was Safety. Employees must be aware that Management is concerned about their safety. Management must also be aware that unsafe workplace could be a major cause of turnover. In addition, the hidden cost of workplace accidents in terms of lowered morale and loss of production makes Safety a "bottom line" issue.

Otherwise, the slogan "Employees are our most important asset" is without meaning

From United States,
this is a great opportunity! If you are looking for examples of specific HR policies, let me know and I’ll try to send you examples from the organisations I am connected with.
From Australia, Ballarat
Hi, Bill

Your advice is excellent. This is a production company, they manufacture tools. Is not unionized, privately owned, and very small upper management team.

I was thinking in meeting with the owner and CFO to present to them my plan of action. I was going to start with my plan to hire the needed people to be at full capacity. This process will be different that the way was doing before, since will follow my plan for recruiting wich follow more or less the one you outlined in your respond.

Give your opinion.

After i chose the ones will meet the criteria for the positions,

i will interview them, if i think they are good for the job

i will ask for background check report, this way is the BG is bad did not go any further, if the BG is acceptable, then i will bring them to a preliminary orientation, where i will explain company policys, compensations, safety issues and all that, also meet with supervisors and managers this will give them an insight overview of the company, so they also have the chance to decide is our company is the place they want to work with. All those who decide to go forward and i decide to hire i will ask them for the drug test, i will ask them to pay for the DT. I think that if a person know he will not pass the DT, did not going to pay for. Another way to screen out those that may be are not good enough.

After we offer them the job and bring them for a half day formal orientation, where they will met the president, and have the other things we will have for then, before going to the work stations.

Seem very long, but i think one of the problems before was that the hiring process was to short.

thanks for the advice


From United States,
HI Numero Uno
I will love to have those...please send what you think may me help on this.
Tomorow is my first day...i will keep everybody posted.
I think this is going to be like everybodys project for this summer....jajaja
are you hispanic?...just for the nick...
i am from Puerto Rico, just in case.
Gracias, amigo

From United States,
I’ll have a look through the files at work and see what I can send. I am from Australia (Adelaide)
From Australia, Ballarat

I think you're on the right track. However, I do have a few suggestions.

First, inform candidates up front that a drug test (urine is quickest while hair samples are more comprehensive) is part of the hiring process. You could put that information in the ad and also put a similar notice next to the applications in the HR office. I have found that using this method guarantees that undesirable candidates will pre-screen themselves, as well as forewarns others that a drug test is part of the process.

I would not ask candidates to pay for the drug test. As far as I know, the cheapest test is $50.00 The top tier candidates will likely refuse, unless they know that they'll be reimbursed if they are found to be "clean". The other perception candidates may have is that the company is cheap - "has its hands in my pocket before I've even started to work." I think that starts people off on the wrong foot. (Which may be a contributing factor in the high turnover rate.)

I like your plan for orientation, especially "meet the President". (S)he can explain how the company got started, what the products are, and what is expected of employees. The president's message should be one of welcome, promoting the company as viable and growing due to the efforts of all employees, and closing with the message that employee problems are important and will be addressed through an "open door" approach to supervisors and Human Resources.

I would ask that you consider a "mentor" for each Department. A knowledgable, seasoned employee, not a manager or supervisor, to be available to answer questions and concerns, as well as provide guidance to the new employee.

Glad to be of assistance. If you have any future issues or concerns. feel free to contact me via e-mail .

From United States,
Hello Sal,
Hope you are enjoying your job!.
Try to figure it out why this happening in your organisation. Do some research work, analyse the datas
Data Analysis
What I think the reasons could be :
1) Lack of coordination between various departments or staff members
2) Lack of sound HR policies and Procedures
3) Improper Structure
Try to at least meet and discuss this with top management, try to analyse them, what are top level management philosophy and what is their vision.
Then try to follow other things XYZ

From India, New Delhi
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