Hi, I am handling the HR for a startup. We would like to start organising some activites for improving the employee motivation. Can you please guide on what can be done. Regards RK
From India, Mumbai
From India, Mumbai
Hey revathi u need to specify at what industry you are in and what are the factors u think are impeding in to company's growth.
Give a detailed overview, of the situation at hand.
then members can help
From India, Mumbai
Give a detailed overview, of the situation at hand.
then members can help
From India, Mumbai
Dear RK,
For every organisation to grow it is important that every internal customer( employee) should contribute there cent percent which is only possible when the employees are satisfied with there job functions.
Hence it is mendatory to map right person to right job,which will reinforce them to drive themselves dedicately towards the achievement of the objectives.
We recommend you to go through a Neterson Technologies Pvt.
Ltd. Conceptual hard core HR Software involved with value added Business Software solutions has recently launched a web enabled business-critical HR suite called HR Align.
Unlike other HR products in the market HR Align permits you to
seamlessly integrate Workforce management with the best in class HR practicesto
unleash the hidden potential and latent talent of your human capital. A lot of
effort has gone in to make this software process friendly by linking People,
Strategy and Performance in an organized and efficient manner. It improves
performance and accountability, by providing a matrix of criticaltools;workflow
and information that helps companies drive business results from your
We would implore you to go through E Catalogue (attachment), which gives
a clear picture of the various modules and the features each contains.
For a Software demo,they are available as per your convinence .
They can be reached at :
Vaibhav Dongare - 09967200517
Taran Bhatia - 09892022091
E-mail ID -

Warm regards,
HR Experts
For every organisation to grow it is important that every internal customer( employee) should contribute there cent percent which is only possible when the employees are satisfied with there job functions.
Hence it is mendatory to map right person to right job,which will reinforce them to drive themselves dedicately towards the achievement of the objectives.
We recommend you to go through a Neterson Technologies Pvt.
Ltd. Conceptual hard core HR Software involved with value added Business Software solutions has recently launched a web enabled business-critical HR suite called HR Align.
Unlike other HR products in the market HR Align permits you to
seamlessly integrate Workforce management with the best in class HR practicesto
unleash the hidden potential and latent talent of your human capital. A lot of
effort has gone in to make this software process friendly by linking People,
Strategy and Performance in an organized and efficient manner. It improves
performance and accountability, by providing a matrix of criticaltools;workflow
and information that helps companies drive business results from your
We would implore you to go through E Catalogue (attachment), which gives
a clear picture of the various modules and the features each contains.
For a Software demo,they are available as per your convinence .
They can be reached at :
Vaibhav Dongare - 09967200517
Taran Bhatia - 09892022091
E-mail ID -
Warm regards,
HR Experts
Well we are in the service industry. Our staff strength is around 40. About 30 are managerial employees while the rest are executive level.
As of now we are not faced with any impediments to our growth. However we wanted to ensure that the employees stay motivated.
Please guide me in this.
From India, Mumbai
As of now we are not faced with any impediments to our growth. However we wanted to ensure that the employees stay motivated.
Please guide me in this.
From India, Mumbai
Hello Revati , See Ms.Revati please send us your contact no.,so that we can provide you end to end HR Solution as per your querries. We assure you for the best of our services . Regards, HR Experts
Hi Revati,
As you mentioned your organisation is a start up then you should first try with small things like celebrating bdays together, celebrating accomplishments success, newsletters could also be inroduced which could consistently update the employees abt the success & keep them motivated to perform well. Let me tell u that it is always easier to keep people together in small organizations since it is easy to observe all successess directly. There is even better bonding. But it has to be maintained by creating a good environment.
Start with these small activities & then move higher up to ensure success.
From India, Pune
As you mentioned your organisation is a start up then you should first try with small things like celebrating bdays together, celebrating accomplishments success, newsletters could also be inroduced which could consistently update the employees abt the success & keep them motivated to perform well. Let me tell u that it is always easier to keep people together in small organizations since it is easy to observe all successess directly. There is even better bonding. But it has to be maintained by creating a good environment.
Start with these small activities & then move higher up to ensure success.
From India, Pune
Hi Revati Waht kind of help you require ? If you can be clear then probably we can help you out. Rgrds VInay 9866254387
From India, Hyderabad
From India, Hyderabad
Hi Revati,
Today's employees and today's work environment are much different than they were just a year ago. Creating strategies to make work fun can be element in creating a retention culture.
Every now and then we need to break up the normal monotony and do something different. Whether it is a once a year trip to the mountains or beach resorts, birthday celebrations etc .. these events build teamwork and can make a big difference. Small, informal celebrations are many times more effective than a once-a-year formal event.
However would suggest the following :-
1. Please review the existing systems/process of the Oganization and identify where the percieved factors leading to lack of motivation.
2. Job enrichment.
3. Review the following factors-
a. Compensation structure vis-a-vis competition
b. Opportunities for advancement
c. Good supervisor
d. Opportunity of training and learning.
e. Working conditions
Lastly, according to William Ouchi, employees are motivated if
a. He is given the life time employment in the organization.
b. His career is planned.
c. Gets to participate in decision making
d. All employees work as team with a minimum of superior- subordinate relationship.
e. People trust each other.
f. There is a holistics concern for worker's welfare.
Have a great day!
Rajat Joshi
From India, Pune
Today's employees and today's work environment are much different than they were just a year ago. Creating strategies to make work fun can be element in creating a retention culture.
Every now and then we need to break up the normal monotony and do something different. Whether it is a once a year trip to the mountains or beach resorts, birthday celebrations etc .. these events build teamwork and can make a big difference. Small, informal celebrations are many times more effective than a once-a-year formal event.
However would suggest the following :-
1. Please review the existing systems/process of the Oganization and identify where the percieved factors leading to lack of motivation.
2. Job enrichment.
3. Review the following factors-
a. Compensation structure vis-a-vis competition
b. Opportunities for advancement
c. Good supervisor
d. Opportunity of training and learning.
e. Working conditions
Lastly, according to William Ouchi, employees are motivated if
a. He is given the life time employment in the organization.
b. His career is planned.
c. Gets to participate in decision making
d. All employees work as team with a minimum of superior- subordinate relationship.
e. People trust each other.
f. There is a holistics concern for worker's welfare.
Have a great day!
Rajat Joshi
From India, Pune
What is Your Motivation?
by Leonard Roos
Why do you do the things you do?
Why did you go to University?
Why are you working for that particular company?
Why did you skip University?
Why did you get married?
Why did you marry your spouse?
Why are you single?
Why are you doing that particular job?
Why do you drive that particular car?
Is it because somebody expects it from you?
Is it because you believe it is the right thing to do?
Is it because you feel you have no choice?
Is it because you want to be praised and admired?
Or do you do it, simply because everyone else is doing it?
The questions may seem trivial at first but later you will
see how important it is. It's importance lies in the fact
that being honest with yourself will help you identify the
who you are,
where you are,
what you want,
where you want to be.
If you are where you want to be,
and if not, what you need to do to get there.
But before I continue let's first look at what I mean when I
talk of motivation. Motivation is normally used in two different
We may talk of motivation as a reason for doing something,
referring to the reason behind why you do what you do. For
example why you attended school or College. The answer may be,
because you want to be educated, so that you can get a job or
it may be because your parents expects it from you.
We may also talk of motivation or the lack of it, in relation to
having a particular drive to succeed in a particular area. For
example, if you are attending college or University, not because
you want it but because of your parents, you may not be motivated
enough. Hence you may not do what is required to pass and as a
consequence may fail or drop out altogether.
You see. Our inner motivation determines how much we put into
something and is directly related to the results we get, be it
success or failure.
Say for example you have a job, which you don't enjoy. It is
obvious that you will not put in as much into that job compared
to, if you enjoyed it.
For a company which is profit driven, this represents a problem
because if you are not motivated enough you may not meet their
performance objectives. This may result in you not being
promoted, being demoted or simply being retrenched.
Big Corporations spent millions annually on motivational
speakers, in an effort to motivate their workers, and improve
their bottom line. Why are workers not as motivated as they
should be? It is because billions of people in the world are
in jobs they don't enjoy.
This fact was vividly illustrated by a recent survey, which
found that more that more than 80% of all working adults in
North America don't enjoy what they do for a living. This
figure should increase to about 90% for the rest of the world,
considering that North America leads the world in terms of
entrepreneurial activity.
Let us take another example. Say for example you are in an
relationship, in which you don't want to be. Lets say you're
having problems and your partner decides you both need
These problems are unlikely to be resolved by therapies which
aim to restore the relationship, if that is not what you both
want. As a result you may not be motivated enough to do what
is necessary to save it.
I'm not immune from asking myself these questions. I often find
myself having to admit that I'm doing things for the wrong
I remember doing things for people, and being quite happy doing
it. However I discovered that I became unhappy when people didn't
show any appreciation for what I did. This actually caused me
to sit and think, why I am doing the things I did? Was it to
receive a Thank you, or did I do it because I have a desire to
do good and help others?
If you do it because you want to do good, it shouldn't bother you
whether someone says, thank you or not. This reminds me of what
is written in the Bible. If you only do good to those who are
good you are not doing anything special, because everyone wants
to return a favor or good deed.
But do good, even to those who are not good or have no way of
paying you back. If you do that you will have a reward in heaven.
The following is a sign that you are doing things for the wrong
If you do something for someone and the person doesn't say thank
you or does something you don't like. Do you regret doing it?
So what does one do? Ask yourself these questions and be honest
with the answers. Depending on what the answers are, take action.
One of the keys to success and for that matter happiness, is
being honest with yourself, To do what you Want and Are Good at
and to Do it well.
Leonard Roos has touched and helped change the lives of many through
his coaching.
From India, Pune
by Leonard Roos
Why do you do the things you do?
Why did you go to University?
Why are you working for that particular company?
Why did you skip University?
Why did you get married?
Why did you marry your spouse?
Why are you single?
Why are you doing that particular job?
Why do you drive that particular car?
Is it because somebody expects it from you?
Is it because you believe it is the right thing to do?
Is it because you feel you have no choice?
Is it because you want to be praised and admired?
Or do you do it, simply because everyone else is doing it?
The questions may seem trivial at first but later you will
see how important it is. It's importance lies in the fact
that being honest with yourself will help you identify the
who you are,
where you are,
what you want,
where you want to be.
If you are where you want to be,
and if not, what you need to do to get there.
But before I continue let's first look at what I mean when I
talk of motivation. Motivation is normally used in two different
We may talk of motivation as a reason for doing something,
referring to the reason behind why you do what you do. For
example why you attended school or College. The answer may be,
because you want to be educated, so that you can get a job or
it may be because your parents expects it from you.
We may also talk of motivation or the lack of it, in relation to
having a particular drive to succeed in a particular area. For
example, if you are attending college or University, not because
you want it but because of your parents, you may not be motivated
enough. Hence you may not do what is required to pass and as a
consequence may fail or drop out altogether.
You see. Our inner motivation determines how much we put into
something and is directly related to the results we get, be it
success or failure.
Say for example you have a job, which you don't enjoy. It is
obvious that you will not put in as much into that job compared
to, if you enjoyed it.
For a company which is profit driven, this represents a problem
because if you are not motivated enough you may not meet their
performance objectives. This may result in you not being
promoted, being demoted or simply being retrenched.
Big Corporations spent millions annually on motivational
speakers, in an effort to motivate their workers, and improve
their bottom line. Why are workers not as motivated as they
should be? It is because billions of people in the world are
in jobs they don't enjoy.
This fact was vividly illustrated by a recent survey, which
found that more that more than 80% of all working adults in
North America don't enjoy what they do for a living. This
figure should increase to about 90% for the rest of the world,
considering that North America leads the world in terms of
entrepreneurial activity.
Let us take another example. Say for example you are in an
relationship, in which you don't want to be. Lets say you're
having problems and your partner decides you both need
These problems are unlikely to be resolved by therapies which
aim to restore the relationship, if that is not what you both
want. As a result you may not be motivated enough to do what
is necessary to save it.
I'm not immune from asking myself these questions. I often find
myself having to admit that I'm doing things for the wrong
I remember doing things for people, and being quite happy doing
it. However I discovered that I became unhappy when people didn't
show any appreciation for what I did. This actually caused me
to sit and think, why I am doing the things I did? Was it to
receive a Thank you, or did I do it because I have a desire to
do good and help others?
If you do it because you want to do good, it shouldn't bother you
whether someone says, thank you or not. This reminds me of what
is written in the Bible. If you only do good to those who are
good you are not doing anything special, because everyone wants
to return a favor or good deed.
But do good, even to those who are not good or have no way of
paying you back. If you do that you will have a reward in heaven.
The following is a sign that you are doing things for the wrong
If you do something for someone and the person doesn't say thank
you or does something you don't like. Do you regret doing it?
So what does one do? Ask yourself these questions and be honest
with the answers. Depending on what the answers are, take action.
One of the keys to success and for that matter happiness, is
being honest with yourself, To do what you Want and Are Good at
and to Do it well.
Leonard Roos has touched and helped change the lives of many through
his coaching.
From India, Pune
Ipresume you have a good structured compensation-with usual benefits and variable pay component
The following may help
1.an anonymous "GRIPE WEBPAGE where employees post their grievances/ideas/suggestions. You go thro them/sit with top mgt and reply in the open page once a week
2.Uninhibited-without the presence of middle mangers-you and CMD and all employees without senior mangers a get togother. over tea..MD sets out his vision for next coyuple of years.Then free for all-you and CMD listen-may be occassionately CMD clarifies
3.Fast career growt.
Training-both hrad and soft skills-both to enhance functional value and life balance.
From India, Bangalore
The following may help
1.an anonymous "GRIPE WEBPAGE where employees post their grievances/ideas/suggestions. You go thro them/sit with top mgt and reply in the open page once a week
2.Uninhibited-without the presence of middle mangers-you and CMD and all employees without senior mangers a get togother. over tea..MD sets out his vision for next coyuple of years.Then free for all-you and CMD listen-may be occassionately CMD clarifies
3.Fast career growt.
Training-both hrad and soft skills-both to enhance functional value and life balance.
From India, Bangalore
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