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Management has given notice for change under section 9 a 4th schedule for change the service.
Regular shift working nurses will follow general shift instead of shift working ( may be shift working outsourced.)
Please guide to protest

From India, Vadodara
Can the poster explain the hardships likely to be faced by the nurses in view of the proposed change?
From India, Salem
No sir, only notice of change form shift to general shift
From India, Vadodara
Dear friend,
Sec.9-A provides for alteration of conditions of service in respect of matters enumerated in the Schedule IV when they are not the subject-matter of any pending industrial dispute. The purpose of the 21 days notice is only to allow the workmen likely to be affected by such a change in the service condition proposed the right of representation. Coming to the proposed change of work of the nurses from other shifts to the general shift, you have to explain the possible hardships to be undergone by the nurses because of such change. The possible outsourcing given in the parenthesis can not be a valid defense for it is not going to affect the employment rights or benefits of the regular nurses in any manner. Besides, any such objections raised by the workmen cannot curtail the right of implementation of the proposed change after the expiry of the notice period.

From India, Salem
Thank you sir, Can you tell me industrial dispute is the way or stay order form labour court ?
From India, Vadodara
Dear friend,
Whether there was any such conditions that all nurses are in employment do only shift duty? The change of shift is manadatory.
If any hardship is being faced or consequence problems can be protested in writing before the labour authority, as suggested by Mr Umakanthan.

From India, Mumbai
Thnx Sir , I have to file ID before RLC
From India, Vadodara
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