while remittance this month remittance,banker has said challan has revised. could you tell me the site name for new challan format?
From India, Tirunelveli
From India, Tirunelveli
dear all
New ESi Challan should be generated from Website only you need user ID & Password for that please ask your ESI Office
Enclosed the process how to generate the ESI Challan
Hope this will Help you
This is my fist post so if any error please forgive me
From India, Raipur
New ESi Challan should be generated from Website only you need user ID & Password for that please ask your ESI Office
Enclosed the process how to generate the ESI Challan
Hope this will Help you
This is my fist post so if any error please forgive me
From India, Raipur
Dear All
The new esi challan has to be generated through on line only and the detailed proceedure is also available on the site esic.in First you have to obtaine the 17 digit code number which will be your user id and pass word from the department .
sanagapalli vr
From India, Hyderabad
The new esi challan has to be generated through on line only and the detailed proceedure is also available on the site esic.in First you have to obtaine the 17 digit code number which will be your user id and pass word from the department .
sanagapalli vr
From India, Hyderabad
First you have to go your ESIC office and get your company revised code number and passward. They will give training for your that how to work in online. Now all forms should filled in online only. So you have to update your statutary systems.
From India, Coimbatore
First you have to go your ESIC office and get your company revised code number and passward. They will give training for your that how to work in online. Now all forms should filled in online only. So you have to update your statutary systems.
From India, Coimbatore
Dear Veeprasath,
Now a days ESIC has adopted a new policy pertaining to challan as well form 5, which is through online. u have to obtained user I.D. Along with password through ur ESIC sub r.o. or it can be obtained through ur last R.C.
1. Just open ur last R.C. i.e. September 10 ending where u can found PASSWORD immediately.
obtaining I.D. & PASSWORD; u have to open web site namely www.esic.in.u will find blank box at the right side of it where u have to put ur I.D. & PASSWORD.
u will be at informative page; where u will find first column pertaining to information about employer, then at ii nd column u will find employee details and at iii rd one u will find information regarding challans.
4. initially u have to look position of ur employee by using employee details at ii nd col. by which u come to know how many employees have been enrolled and remain employees have to be enrolled for todays position or for OCTOBER 10.
5. those having 10 digit employee no's can directly be inserted through insert employee option by inserting their Insurance number, date of appointment and date of birth.
yet to be register, say new entrants, u have to register their names along with necessary information in REGISTER EMPLOYEE option. So, the process of enrollment of employees will be completed and u will find all the current names in EMPLOYEE DETAILS.
7 Then u have to move to iii rd col. for making challan. u just click to FILE MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION option, u will find next step to generate challan for concern month. u have to open that month as per the instructions, have to insert information regarding WORKED DAYS AND SALARY/WAGES before each employee, at last on the extreme page u can preview ur data whether it is correct or not. suppose u found incorrect contribution u can change it before submitting the same. U can also insert the information through upload if information already taken oN MC TEMPLATE provided in same window.
receiving the massage data submitted successfuly u move to printing option in same window.By which u can get print of that challan.
9 So, at the same time ESIC will get challan as well R.C. for that month.
10. u can also read the instruction manual at iii rd colmn.
Hope u will be at most satisfaction.
From India, Kolhapur
Now a days ESIC has adopted a new policy pertaining to challan as well form 5, which is through online. u have to obtained user I.D. Along with password through ur ESIC sub r.o. or it can be obtained through ur last R.C.
1. Just open ur last R.C. i.e. September 10 ending where u can found PASSWORD immediately.
obtaining I.D. & PASSWORD; u have to open web site namely www.esic.in.u will find blank box at the right side of it where u have to put ur I.D. & PASSWORD.
u will be at informative page; where u will find first column pertaining to information about employer, then at ii nd column u will find employee details and at iii rd one u will find information regarding challans.
4. initially u have to look position of ur employee by using employee details at ii nd col. by which u come to know how many employees have been enrolled and remain employees have to be enrolled for todays position or for OCTOBER 10.
5. those having 10 digit employee no's can directly be inserted through insert employee option by inserting their Insurance number, date of appointment and date of birth.
yet to be register, say new entrants, u have to register their names along with necessary information in REGISTER EMPLOYEE option. So, the process of enrollment of employees will be completed and u will find all the current names in EMPLOYEE DETAILS.
7 Then u have to move to iii rd col. for making challan. u just click to FILE MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION option, u will find next step to generate challan for concern month. u have to open that month as per the instructions, have to insert information regarding WORKED DAYS AND SALARY/WAGES before each employee, at last on the extreme page u can preview ur data whether it is correct or not. suppose u found incorrect contribution u can change it before submitting the same. U can also insert the information through upload if information already taken oN MC TEMPLATE provided in same window.
receiving the massage data submitted successfuly u move to printing option in same window.By which u can get print of that challan.
9 So, at the same time ESIC will get challan as well R.C. for that month.
10. u can also read the instruction manual at iii rd colmn.
Hope u will be at most satisfaction.
From India, Kolhapur
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