Hi, I came across this information about measuring the quality of the service in one website and i like to share that information with you.the link of the website is The Strategic Planning Group, Business Management Consultants, Toronto, Ontario, Canada <link updated to site home>
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Measuring the quality of the service
The traditional orientation of measuring the quality is quantifiable terms of its collection and use no longer offers attainable goals; or does it adequately address the campus community's demands for information. New ways to conceive of and measure quality in service industry is needed--and alternate approaches emerge in the business sector where organizations are increasingly evaluated in terms of their service quality.
The primary focus of a service industry is service, and service quality is the most studied topic in marketing research during the past decade. A repeated theme in the marketing literature is that service quality, as perceived by consumers, is a function of what customers expect and how well the firm performs in providing the service.
Among the most popular assessments tools of service quality is SERVQUAL, an instrument designed by the marketing research team of Berry, Parasuraman, and Zeithaml (PB&Z). Through numerous qualitative studies, they evolved a set of five dimensions which have been consistently ranked by customers to be most important for service quality, regardless of service industry. These dimensions are defined as follows:
Tangibles appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication materials;
Reliability ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately;
Responsiveness willingness to help customers and provide prompt service;
Assurance knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence;
Empathy the caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers.
ServQual Methodology
Measuring customer satisfaction is a critical requirement for many organizations, but it does not need to be a painful one. T.S.P.G. offers a very useful process for measuring the overall customer satisfaction of an organization through the ServQual Methodology. Originally developed by leading customer satisfaction researchers Valarie Zeithaml, A. Parasuraman and Leonard Berry (Delivering Quality Service, Free Press: 1990), the ServQual Methodology is an invaluable tool for organizations to better understand what customers value and how well their current organizations are meeting the needs and expectations of customers. ServQual provides a benchmark based on customer opinions of an excellent company, on your company, on the importance ranking of key attributes, and on a comparison to what your employees believe customers feel.
It provides detailed information about:
• customer perceptions of service (a benchmark established by your own customers);
• your performance levels as perceived by customers;
• customer comments and suggestions;
• impressions from employees with respect to customers expectations and satisfaction.
ServQual has proven to be a simple yet effective tool for many organizations.
click here for the 22 statements which are widely being used by the companies
the problems faced by most of the service industries during the implementation of the SERVQUAL are stated below along with their solutions
Service quality GAP
The GAP prevailing between the service and the quality is stated as follows
The general questionnaire format which is being popularly used by various service industries is
Quality Dimension Samples of questions to ask
Appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, printed and visual materials • Are facilities attractive?
• Are staff dressed appropriately?
• Are written materials easy to understand?
• Does technology look modern?
Ability to perform promised service dependably and accurately • If a response is promised in a certain time, does it happen?
• Are exact specifications of client followed?
• Are statements or reports free of error?
• Is service performed right the first time?
• Is level of service same at all times of day and for all members of staff?
Willingness to help customers to provide prompt service • When there is a problem, does organization respond to it quickly?
• Are staff willing to answer client questions?
• Are specific times for service accomplishments given to client?
• Are public situations treated with care and seriousness?
Possession of required skill and knowledge to perform servide • Can staff provide service without fumbling around?
• Are materials provided appropriate and up to date?
• Can staff use the technology quickly and skillfully?
• Does staff appear to know what they are doing?
Politeness, respect, consideration and friendliness of contact personnel • Does staff member have a pleasant demeanor?
• Does staff refrain from acting busy or being rude when clients ask questions?
• Are those who answer the telephone considerate and polite?
• Do staff observe consideration of the property and values of clients?
Trustworthiness, believability, honesty of the service provider • Does service organization have a good reputation?
• Do staff members refrain from pressuring the client?
• Are responses given accurate and consistent with other reliable sources?
• Does the organization guarantee its services?
Freedom from danger, risk, or doubt • Is it safe to enter the premises and to use the equipment?
• Are documents and other information provided for the client held securely?
• Are use records of clients safe from unauthorized use?
• Can client be confident that service provided was done correctly?
Approachability and ease of contact. • How easy is it to talk to knowledgeable staff member when client has a problem?
• Is it easy to reach the appropriate staff person
o in person?
o by telephone?
o by email?
• Are service access points conveniently located?
Listening to customers and acknowledging their comments; Keeping customers informed in a language they can understand. • When client contacts service point, will staff person listen to their problem and demonstrate understanding and concern?
• Can staff explain clearly the various options available to a particular query?
• Do staff avoid using technical jargon when speaking with clients?
• Does staff member call if a scheduled appointment will be missed?
Understanding the Customer:
Making the effort to know customers and their needs. • Does someone on staff recognize each regular client and address them by name?
• Do staff try to determine what client's specific objectives are?
• Is level of service and cost of service consistent with what client requires and can afford?
• Are service providers flexible enough to accommodate to client's schedule?
From India, Madras
Please comment on this topic so that it will be reached to all
Measuring the quality of the service
The traditional orientation of measuring the quality is quantifiable terms of its collection and use no longer offers attainable goals; or does it adequately address the campus community's demands for information. New ways to conceive of and measure quality in service industry is needed--and alternate approaches emerge in the business sector where organizations are increasingly evaluated in terms of their service quality.
The primary focus of a service industry is service, and service quality is the most studied topic in marketing research during the past decade. A repeated theme in the marketing literature is that service quality, as perceived by consumers, is a function of what customers expect and how well the firm performs in providing the service.
Among the most popular assessments tools of service quality is SERVQUAL, an instrument designed by the marketing research team of Berry, Parasuraman, and Zeithaml (PB&Z). Through numerous qualitative studies, they evolved a set of five dimensions which have been consistently ranked by customers to be most important for service quality, regardless of service industry. These dimensions are defined as follows:
Tangibles appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication materials;
Reliability ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately;
Responsiveness willingness to help customers and provide prompt service;
Assurance knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence;
Empathy the caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers.
ServQual Methodology
Measuring customer satisfaction is a critical requirement for many organizations, but it does not need to be a painful one. T.S.P.G. offers a very useful process for measuring the overall customer satisfaction of an organization through the ServQual Methodology. Originally developed by leading customer satisfaction researchers Valarie Zeithaml, A. Parasuraman and Leonard Berry (Delivering Quality Service, Free Press: 1990), the ServQual Methodology is an invaluable tool for organizations to better understand what customers value and how well their current organizations are meeting the needs and expectations of customers. ServQual provides a benchmark based on customer opinions of an excellent company, on your company, on the importance ranking of key attributes, and on a comparison to what your employees believe customers feel.
It provides detailed information about:
• customer perceptions of service (a benchmark established by your own customers);
• your performance levels as perceived by customers;
• customer comments and suggestions;
• impressions from employees with respect to customers expectations and satisfaction.
ServQual has proven to be a simple yet effective tool for many organizations.
click here for the 22 statements which are widely being used by the companies
the problems faced by most of the service industries during the implementation of the SERVQUAL are stated below along with their solutions
Service quality GAP
The GAP prevailing between the service and the quality is stated as follows
The general questionnaire format which is being popularly used by various service industries is
Quality Dimension Samples of questions to ask
Appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, printed and visual materials • Are facilities attractive?
• Are staff dressed appropriately?
• Are written materials easy to understand?
• Does technology look modern?
Ability to perform promised service dependably and accurately • If a response is promised in a certain time, does it happen?
• Are exact specifications of client followed?
• Are statements or reports free of error?
• Is service performed right the first time?
• Is level of service same at all times of day and for all members of staff?
Willingness to help customers to provide prompt service • When there is a problem, does organization respond to it quickly?
• Are staff willing to answer client questions?
• Are specific times for service accomplishments given to client?
• Are public situations treated with care and seriousness?
Possession of required skill and knowledge to perform servide • Can staff provide service without fumbling around?
• Are materials provided appropriate and up to date?
• Can staff use the technology quickly and skillfully?
• Does staff appear to know what they are doing?
Politeness, respect, consideration and friendliness of contact personnel • Does staff member have a pleasant demeanor?
• Does staff refrain from acting busy or being rude when clients ask questions?
• Are those who answer the telephone considerate and polite?
• Do staff observe consideration of the property and values of clients?
Trustworthiness, believability, honesty of the service provider • Does service organization have a good reputation?
• Do staff members refrain from pressuring the client?
• Are responses given accurate and consistent with other reliable sources?
• Does the organization guarantee its services?
Freedom from danger, risk, or doubt • Is it safe to enter the premises and to use the equipment?
• Are documents and other information provided for the client held securely?
• Are use records of clients safe from unauthorized use?
• Can client be confident that service provided was done correctly?
Approachability and ease of contact. • How easy is it to talk to knowledgeable staff member when client has a problem?
• Is it easy to reach the appropriate staff person
o in person?
o by telephone?
o by email?
• Are service access points conveniently located?
Listening to customers and acknowledging their comments; Keeping customers informed in a language they can understand. • When client contacts service point, will staff person listen to their problem and demonstrate understanding and concern?
• Can staff explain clearly the various options available to a particular query?
• Do staff avoid using technical jargon when speaking with clients?
• Does staff member call if a scheduled appointment will be missed?
Understanding the Customer:
Making the effort to know customers and their needs. • Does someone on staff recognize each regular client and address them by name?
• Do staff try to determine what client's specific objectives are?
• Is level of service and cost of service consistent with what client requires and can afford?
• Are service providers flexible enough to accommodate to client's schedule?
From India, Madras
hi ekta
Tanx for the compliment. I like the forum to give more comments on this article
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with regards
From India, Madras
Tanx for the compliment. I like the forum to give more comments on this article
I like to have some help from you, since you are a professor. I am doing my project in Balanced scorecard and i like to have your views on Balanced scorecard and the challenges in implementing the Balanced scorecard.
If you have any Hr contacts, please give me so that i can interact with them.
with regards
From India, Madras
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