what is Induction In HR Deparment?
From India, New Delhi

Hope below is helpful....



Induction programme may consist following topics

- Introduction to the organisation

- Organisation culture & climate

- Certain norms, rules & regulation of organisation behaviour

- Introduction of the particular job for which the person has appointed

- Getting person aware of his authorities & responicibilities

- Getting person aware of his rights & obligation towards organisation

- Any special events & announcement made by organisation.

These are the some topics as normally induction programme are arranged for the employees newly entered in the organisation.

The main purpose is to make employee newly entered familiar with organisation.

Therefore, it is also a kind of development of person as he becomes aware of many things about organisation.



Post subject: Re: Induction

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:12 pm



i hope u find it usefull

8.4.1 Induction Program with HR Head

HR department is responsible for induction and orientation of the new employee on his / her joining the organization.

HOD (HR) ensures that he/she informs all the new team members about

• Organization Structure

• HR Policy

• Terms and conditions of the employment

• Organization rules and regulations

8.4.2 Induction Program with CEO

Director covers information on

• Organization Background and People.

• Organization vision, mission, values and beliefs.

• Organization's areas of activities, objectives, targets

8.4.3 Induction Program with Dept Head

HOD (Prod) covers information on:

• Engineering culture of the Organization

• Required Technical Expertise

• Management expectation from the employee.

• Roles and Responsibilities of the employee in the immediate projects.

• Technical Training needs regarding the programming platforms have to be identified. The Director and/or Project Leaders together take this decision depending on the Projects the person is to be assigned.

8.4.4 Induction to the Quality System with MR

MR gives a detailed session on VIENNA Solutions’s quality management system.

• Reading the process Documents available on intranet.

• Sitting with MR to understand the documentation standards/ templates followed in Vienna Solutions.


Dear Manoj
You cant have ready made induction programmes to any given organization.You have to design it aligning with the industry which the organization is in.
if is in manufacturing the structure will be different from the structure of a service organization.Like wise it has to be customize according to the catogary.
in a induction programme what we are doing is to show the overview of the organization little bit with technical stuff.why we are giveing some technical stuff is to just to equipped with necessary tools in order to settle down in the Oraganization.When it comes to a manufacturing place more technical stuff should be included in the induction programme.
It is like this if we want to train a person how to swim.first we have to show the pool.then the depth of the pool. then we have to provide a swimming board.(technical stuff).If you have'y provide this he will never learn to swim.

From Sri Lanka, Kotte
Dear Friend,
When a new employee joins an organization, he is introduced to all the employees. He was briefed about the company vision, mission, history and business activity.
All his roles and responsibilities are defined to him/her.
That is called INDUCTION.
B. S. Negi

From United States, Santa Clara
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