I am an employer. We have updated employees name based on Aadhaar through Employer Digital Signature. Some of the employees are having initials in their names in EPFO database. But the PAN is not getting verified due to the error as NAME NOT MATCHING IN IT DEPARMENT.
For Eg:- EPFO data showing as Ratheesh Kumar M.A , Aadhaar is also showing the same name but when it comes to PAN, the name is shown as expanding the initials which is not getting verified.
Even after authorizing their details through DSC, is it possible to make changes in their names.?
As all processes of EPFO are in online mode, is it possible to fill the joint declaration form?
Please advice
From India, undefined
For Eg:- EPFO data showing as Ratheesh Kumar M.A , Aadhaar is also showing the same name but when it comes to PAN, the name is shown as expanding the initials which is not getting verified.
Even after authorizing their details through DSC, is it possible to make changes in their names.?
As all processes of EPFO are in online mode, is it possible to fill the joint declaration form?
Please advice
From India, undefined
Dear Roy,
As a matter of fact, one's name has to be same and consistent in all the documents; else the person will face issues in future with government ids and documents. You can ask the employees to get the name changed on PAN, and make it consistent with the one on aadhar! Else they will not be able to complete their KYC with epfo.
From India, Delhi
As a matter of fact, one's name has to be same and consistent in all the documents; else the person will face issues in future with government ids and documents. You can ask the employees to get the name changed on PAN, and make it consistent with the one on aadhar! Else they will not be able to complete their KYC with epfo.
From India, Delhi
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