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If any staff (not employee ) is working remotely of an organizational work such as work from home , does shop act rules are applicable to that particular staff ! This staff is working for the company but not under the roof for which shop act licence is issued .. Kindly help and guide me as I have got stuck up in one such case .Would appreciate your support ...
From India, Chennai
How you show wages/salary paid to that remotely Working employee?
If it is your or contractor to whom paying bills for providing manpower then you need to get covered under Shop & Establishment Act of your respective area.
If neither you nor through manpower Contractor/Supplier engage any employee then question of business will not come in picture.

From India, Pune
Thanks Prashant Sir, for your quick revert
We have a fixed pay of certain amount to this staff .We have appointed as a consultant and this resource is working remotely to support our activities atleast 2 hours in a day
But rules of shop act does not applicable to this staff
Thank you so much

From India, Chennai
Remote/ Close these are secondary issue. Is your organization is big enough to get covered under ESI, PF, Gratuity, Bonus Act? Please ensure this first and procure necessary coverage.
From India, Pune
No. If he is working as a consultant, he does not need to follow your shop and establishment rules. Whether he needs to follow his own, that depends on his own size and setup and not your concern
From India, Mumbai
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