Can anyone send details of the following standard "IS:3786-1983, Methods for computation of frequency and severity rates for industrial injuries and classification of industrial accidents." for calculating lost time injury frequency/severity rate, etc.
From India, Madras
From India, Madras
The frequency rate shall be calculated both for
lost time injury and reportable lost time injury as follows:
FA= Number of lost time injury x 1 000 000/Man-hours worked
FB =Number of reportable lost time injury x 1 000 000/ Man-hours worked
NOTE 1 - If the injury does not cause loss of time in the period in which it occurs
but in a subsequent period, the injury should be included in the frequency rate of the
period in which the loss of time begins.
NOTE 2 - If an injury causes intermittent loss of time, it should only be included
in the frequency rate once, that is, when the first loss of time occurs.
NOTE 3 - Since frequency rate & is based on the lost time injuriestreportable to
the statutory authorities, it may be used for official purposes only. In all other cases,
frequency rate FA should be used for comparison purposes.
From India, Lucknow
lost time injury and reportable lost time injury as follows:
FA= Number of lost time injury x 1 000 000/Man-hours worked
FB =Number of reportable lost time injury x 1 000 000/ Man-hours worked
NOTE 1 - If the injury does not cause loss of time in the period in which it occurs
but in a subsequent period, the injury should be included in the frequency rate of the
period in which the loss of time begins.
NOTE 2 - If an injury causes intermittent loss of time, it should only be included
in the frequency rate once, that is, when the first loss of time occurs.
NOTE 3 - Since frequency rate & is based on the lost time injuriestreportable to
the statutory authorities, it may be used for official purposes only. In all other cases,
frequency rate FA should be used for comparison purposes.
From India, Lucknow
The severity rate shall be calculated from mandays
lost both of lost time injury and reportable lost time injury as
SA = Man-days lost due to lost time injury x 1 000 000/Man-hours worked
SB = Man-days lost due to reportable lost time injury x 1 000 000/ Man-hours worked
NOTE - Since severity rate &j is based on the lost time injuries reportable to the
statutory authorities, it should be used for official purposes only. In all other cases
severity rate SA should be used for comparison purposes.
From India, Lucknow
lost both of lost time injury and reportable lost time injury as
SA = Man-days lost due to lost time injury x 1 000 000/Man-hours worked
SB = Man-days lost due to reportable lost time injury x 1 000 000/ Man-hours worked
NOTE - Since severity rate &j is based on the lost time injuries reportable to the
statutory authorities, it should be used for official purposes only. In all other cases
severity rate SA should be used for comparison purposes.
From India, Lucknow
Dear All, If any one wants the concern IS code, please provide email id. I will send the same IS code. I can’t post the IS code on this forum, due to copyright rules. Thanks & Regards.
From India, Mumbai
From India, Mumbai
Dear all,
please clarify fatality is treated as LTI or not. i have some problem with my HSE manager in frequency rate calculation.
he said fatality is not consider as a LTI.
please rectify my problem
From India, Hyderabad
please clarify fatality is treated as LTI or not. i have some problem with my HSE manager in frequency rate calculation.
he said fatality is not consider as a LTI.
please rectify my problem
From India, Hyderabad
Dear sir, for example 01 LTI and 01 Fatal and manhours worked 5.16 million then what is FR & SR please give examples for my confusion clarification Regards Ahammad
From India, Hyderabad
From India, Hyderabad
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